Title: Secret Sunday (9 Wat)

Director: Saranyoo Jiralak

Starring: Siraphan Wattanajinda, James Mackie, Penpak Sirikul, Paradorn Sirakowit

Website: www.9watthemovie.com

Release Date in Thailand: 13 April 2010

According to his mother request, Nat, a young architect, unwillingly takes this journey to visit 9 different temples in order to clean up his bad karma. He is accompanied by Poon his beauty columnist girlfriend, and Sujitto, a young novice monk.

All three characters have different purposes for taking this trip. But later they discover that they were put together on this trip for an unforeseeable reason. The karma of one person can effect the karma of others also. Horrifying acts done in their previous lives reveal themselves as the journey goes by. The more they try to clean up Nat’s bad karmas by making a merit, the closer they get to “THEM” The journey is going to change their faith forever. How is Nat going to clean up his own mess? Would Nat be forgiven? How can an act of making the merit overcome the relentless vengeance?

由泰國Oriental Eyes電影公司拍攝的恐怖大戲《九寺贖魂》將於4月13日起全面公映。Oriental Eyes是一家成立不足兩年的公司,泰國公主的加盟,使得公司得以迅速壯大,投拍了多部以公主為主角的電影。《九寺贖魂》是唯一一部沒有公主參與演出的電影,也是該公司進軍恐怖片市場的信心之作。影片探討了報應與行善之前的聯繫。泰國的佛教思想一直秉承著罪孽可經行善贖罪來化解,但影片打破這一條既成教義,宣揚十次行善之旅抵不過一次犯罪造孽,更為強調了罪孽的無可化解性。

影片導演Sarunyu Jiralak是一名新手,但有多年影片製作經驗,其指導能力值得期待。女主角Siraphan Wattanajinda由GTH著名青春片《親密朋友》出道,而後參與多部電影電視劇演出,有豐富的表演經驗。男主角James Maggie是混血男模,曾在《愛久彌新》中客串演出一角,同時還參與了港泰合拍片《我的最佳保鏢》的演出,是頗有潛力的新人。《九寺贖魂》的男女配角也來頭不小。飾演男主角母親的Penpak Sirikul是絕對的實力派,在《初三大四我愛你》中,她飾演的母親一角令人印象深刻。在《九寺贖魂》中飾演神秘僧侶的Paradorn Sirakovit是一名主持人,也是我本人的舊友,他在片中的表演同樣可圈可點。




新銳設計師納(James Maggie)計畫與其女友布恩(Siraphan Wattanajinda)自駕車到清邁遊玩,一日正好來到納的家鄉,兩人決定前去拜訪已兩年未見的納的母親。納的母親尼達雅(Penpak Sirikul)是一名虔誠的佛教徒,她懇求納與布恩在旅遊途中前往9座不同的寺廟參拜行善,但納根本沒放在心上。出發後納偶遇童年玩伴(Paradorn Sirakovit),此時的他已是一名行走僧侶,納於是邀他一同上路。旅途中的三人發現,似乎有人跟隨而來。當他們意識到跟隨而來的並非活人之時,一切都為時已晚。那被埋葬已久的恐怖過往,正在蘇醒,要他們血債血償…

上映日期: 2010年4月13日
分級: NC-17
James Maggie
Paradorn Sirakovit
Penpak Sirikul
Siraphan Wattanajinda
Sarunyu Jiralak


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