Natalie Merchant - Selections From The Album Leave Your Sleep

Label Nonesuch
Release Date: 2010/4/13

01. Nursery Rhyme Of Innocence And Experience
02. The Man In The Wilderness
03. Equestrienne
04. The Dancing Bear
05. Calico Pie
06. The Janitor’s Boy
07. The Peppery Man
08. Topsyturvey-World
09. Bleezer’s Ice-Cream
10. It Makes A Change
11. Adventures Of Isabel
12. The King Of China’s Daughter
13. The Sleepy Giant
14. If No One Ever Marries Me

15. Maggie And Milly And Molly And May
16. Spring And Fall: To A Young Child

* 前10,000 Maniacs的氣質女主音,推出睽違7年的全新專輯
* 找來跨界鬼才Andres Levin(Tina Turner、Gipsy Kings、The B-52’s)協助操盤,拿下告示牌民謠榜冠軍+搖滾榜Top5+數位榜NO.8+流行榜第17名
* 攫取19至20世紀的英語詩歌,召集超過130名音樂人站台,由起初的搖籃曲,延伸至總括童年的概念大碟

嗓音極具個人特色、創作功力一把罩、領導民謠學院派氣質樂團10,000 Maniacs走向事業高峰期、成功擺脫商業包袱的創作才女Natalie Merchant,兼容並蓄地快活游移在藍調、爵士、搖滾、鄉村、靈魂、雷鬼等領域,甚至突顯些許龐克的不羈精神,不跟從現今流行趨勢,堅持一貫拒受束縛的清新派風格,贏得傳媒一面倒的好評推崇!

  幼年深受Beatles的影響,三歲就會唱「I Want To Hold Your Hand」,又因母親不准孩子們看電視,便養成Natalie寫信的習慣,這也奠定了她日後充滿詩意的填詞才華。17歲加入成立於紐約的10,000 Maniacs,隊名靈感來自恐怖電影「2,000 Maniacs」。就在發行過5張專輯、1張EP及1張“MTV Unplugged”現場後,Natalie正式單飛。1995年的首張個人大碟“Tigerlily”,光在美國本土就賣破5百萬門檻,寫下「Wonder」、「Carnival」等排行Top10暢銷單曲,締造更勝10,000 Maniacs的亮眼商業記錄。1998年推出“Ophelia”第二張專輯,不但邀來30餘位傑出樂手共襄盛舉,曲風更自我挑戰地有著多種嚐試,白萬銷售輕鬆入袋。音樂之外,Natalie亦熱衷於社會活動,為動物、家暴受害者及無家可歸的人請命奔走。
就在2001年的“Motherland”和2003年的“The House Carpenter’s Daughter”之後,Natalie銷聲匿跡了長達7年之久,如今終於帶著“Leave Your Sleep”重回舞台,找來跨界鬼才Andres Levin(Tina Turner、Gipsy Kings、The B-52’s)協助操盤,拿下告示牌民謠榜冠軍+搖滾榜Top5+數位榜NO.8+流行榜第17名。這是一張Natalie構思許久的特典,所有詞彙均來自19至20世紀的英語詩歌,召集超過130名音樂人友情站台,從Wynton Marsalis五重奏到紐約中國音樂樂團,精緻呈現的16首曲目,由起初的搖籃曲,延伸至總括童年的概念大碟。以東方和西洋樂種的奇遇拉開「Nursery Rhyme Of Innocence And Experience」序幕、Jazz和Folk相伴隨的曼妙搖擺「The Man In The Wilderness」、上演著一齣美麗奇情電影般劇情的「Equestrienne」、古典牽引童真步伐的「The Dancing Bear」、鍾情藍調迷離聲影的「The Peppery Man」、吹拂清爽鄉村氣息的「Bleezer's Ice-Cream」、回歸典雅中國的「The King Of China's Daughter」...交替多樣的百變佳音,令人耳目一新且愛不釋手!

‘This album captures so many magical moments, the best times I’ve ever had as a musician,’ declares singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant of ‘Leave Your Sleep,’ her ambitious, two-disc Nonesuch debut. Merchant, celebrated solo artist and one-time voice of 10,000 Maniacs, took on what could have been a daunting task: she’s adapted 19th and 20th century British and American poetry – well-known and obscure works, anonymous rhymes, children’s lullabies, all of it timeless material full of direct emotion – and fashioned new songs from these words.

After exploring American folk traditions with The House Carpenter's Daughter, Natalie Merchant ends a seven-year hiatus by issuing a different sort of concept album. Leave Your Sleep finds her ruminating on childhood over the course of two discs,nwith lyrics and music adapted from 19th century poetry.

Audio Mixer: Steve Rosenthal.

Recording information: Avatar Studios, New York, NY; Legacy Recording Studios, New York, NY; The Clubhouse, Rhinebeck, NY; The Sound Kitchen, Nashville, TN.

Illustrator: Joseph Martin Kronheim.

Introduction by: Natalie Merchant.

Photographers: Marion Ettlinger; Mark Seliger; Matthew Brady; Edward Weston ; Sebastian Peake; Charles Ritzmann; Ben Pinchot.Paste (magazine) (p.63) - "Fans of the more sinewy TIGERLILY will be floored to discover that something so theoretically precious may well be her best work since 10,000 Maniacs."

回顧Retrospective 1995-2005

Natalie Anne Merchant (born October 26, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and musician. She joined the alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs in 1981 and left it to begin her solo career in 1993.

Natalie Merchant的抒懷創作風格,被比擬為流行樂壇的Emily Dickinson (19世紀美國文學界最具影響力的女詩人之一,擔任10000 Maniacs的主唱十年,紐約才女歌手Natalie Merchant為質樸動人的民謠添加學院派氣質,以"Trouble Me"、"These Are Days"、"Because The Night"等作品跨越全美流行、現代搖滾與成人抒情電臺。

Merchant于93年揮別樂團,95年獨挑創作行囊發表專輯《Tigerlily》,清新的民謠創作情懷裏灌注較為濃郁的情感音質,有點藍的情緒也變得豁然開朗,一份甜蜜淡雅的成熟性格逐漸成型,專輯本身跟"Carnival"、"Wonder"等單曲,打進Top 20成為90年代民謠創作女聲風潮中的重要聲音之一,98年專輯《Ophelia》在商業領域更躍進Top 10,心情唱作呼一下地落入心靈的深淵,創作之餘更挺身參加動物權益、家庭暴力、無家可歸等社會議題活動。


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