愛心不落人後!彩繪托特包助海地 與眾星共募得百萬捐款!
現在到8月中、持續馬不停蹄歐美巡迴的「葛萊美天后」諾拉瓊絲Norah Jones,用新歌MV〈Young Blood年輕熱血〉歡度31歲生日,向來低調的諾拉瓊絲,首度高調地獨家曝光自己小時候的俏模樣影像,而且還把小時候舊家通通讓歌迷看個清楚,看來諾拉媽媽找這些兒時畫面肯定翻遍老家櫥櫃!這首歌的完整上字版4/8(四)MTV音樂頻道和MSN音樂雙首播!
Young Blood Lyrics
I got an ass so big like the sun
Hope you got a mile for a dick I wanna run
Slap it in my face shove it down my throat
Nigga where your blunt I can make this pussy smoke
I know how to fuck I know how to ride
I can spin around and keep the dick still inside
Now your mouth wide you looking real scared
I'm a maneater headhunter I'm prepared
[Trina talking]
Yea you running now
you running
I'ma put this pussy on you
Just like this
Put this pussy in yo jaws now smack
Like its Thanksgiving and it aint coming back
Collard greens neckbones nigga chew this ass
Both hold inspections dont stop til it pass
Licky licky licky licky licky for an hour
I'ma make it rain for you here's a golden shower
Smell it like a flower my pussy is a rose
Come a little closer I wanna fuck your nose
[Chorus]-Killer Mike
If you want it you can get it
If you with it I'ma hit it
Flip it rub it up and smack it
Look back at it I'm a addict
Look back at me (4X)
Look back at me (4X)
Look back at me girl (3X)
If you want it you can get it
If you with it I'ma hit it
Flip it rub it up and smack it
Look back at it I'm a addict
[Killer Mike]
Third bred red broad in my bed
Up all night took pipe gave head
Ass like Trina face like Mya
Shot it on her chest she said daddy aim higher
Put jimmy on her titties and I bust off wicked
Gave her mayonaise on the face pearl necklace
We turned the camera on we did a sex scene
She call me R. Kelly and I call her
Thats my bitch right there nigga
Hand full of ass and a fist full of weave
Ass in the air face down on your knees
I'm a beast when I fuck I'ma put it on your gut
I'ma have you saying no please let me get up
I'ma make you say that's the spot don't take it out
I'm feeling like Akinyele put it in your mouth
Kanye tell them gold digging hoes that we pimping in the South
And it ain't payday unless nuts in your mouth
Back it up drop down to your knees
Bring it up real slow make one cheek freeze (2X)
If you want it you can get it
If you with it I'ma hit it
Flip it rub it up and smack it
Look back at it I'm a addict
Look look look look back at you for what
I'm trying to concentrate on busting me a nut
I'm thinking about Trav I'm thinking about Bo
Little dick nigga shit hurry up I gotta go
Since they in prison pussy nigga make me know
That you aint a virgin and you done this before
Fuck me til you can't breath til you swim and scream help
Its your lucky day all the lifeguards left
[Trina talking]
Little dick ass nigga
You better get your face down here and eat this pussy
Dribble these titties on your lips
While you're doing that put your hand around my hips
Bounce me like a ball slam me like K-ma
On and off the dick better known for breaking hearts
Nigga call a cab I'm finna pack my shit and leave
Shouldn't have let you fuck now thats some shit I can't believe
Wasting my time fucking all off beat
Pussy nigga next time when you see me don't speak
剪了短髮愈來愈俏麗的諾拉,在和英國新銳導演、同時也是人偶藝術家的托比席蒙Toben Seymour,討論新歌MV該怎拍時,諾拉突發奇想說道:「這首歌既然唱的是“就算我們燒了紐約也沒人發現”、“你堅強望著渴求呼吸的我”…這種熾熱的年輕熱情感覺,節奏又很搖滾澎湃,那不如就把小時候的那種純粹、直接找回來吧!!」導演就說詢問諾拉有沒有小時候的照片或影像,沒想到她就大方地提供了!呈現出來的效果既有藝術感覺、又不脫商業市場,因為歌迷一聽說〈年輕熱血Young Blood〉裡頭可看到諾拉小時候的可愛模樣,紛紛到諾拉官網和YOUTUBE瘋狂點閲!今年悄悄度過三十一歲生日的諾拉,很滿意這支音樂錄影帶的視覺,她幽默地說:「這些畫面可是翻箱倒櫃找了一番,才有的呢。現在的我,應該有比小時候漂亮吧!(笑)」。這支MV中諾拉瓊絲亦小露香肩美背,十分性感!
愛心不落人後的諾拉,日前更低調地參與了一個名為「CRAFTS FOR A CAUSE」線上義賣救海地的計畫!計畫創始人是一個洛杉磯獨立樂團Little Joy主唱Binki Shapiro,她成功號集了包括蜜拉喬娃維琪、納塔莉波曼、茱兒芭莉摩、魔力紅、克莉斯汀、傻瓜龐克、「She &Him她與他樂團」的Him M.Ward、傑出電影人Spike Jonze、當紅音樂製作Mark Ronson…等人(相關資訊:http://craftsforacause.tumblr.com/),諾拉瓊絲也熱心地捐出自己彩繪的托特包義賣!蜜拉喬娃維琪在坦克背心上寫了首詩、Spike Jonze的手稿、魔力紅捐出的小鋼琴、茱兒芭莉摩捐出的照相機、克莉絲汀的簽名麥克風和諾拉瓊絲的托特包,在3/15-3/27的12天網上拍賣下來便募得近四萬美元(約合台幣130萬)!