Labels Fight For #1: Hits' Q1 Market Share Report
「搖滾帝國」侵權案 法院不受理
03/27/2010 新聞來源: torrentfreak
Spotify Targets 3rd Quarter For U.S. Launch
Online music service Spotify is targeting the 3rd quarter of 2010 for a U.S. launch. “We’re buying server space in random parts of the states and there are licensing discussions too,” Spotify Senior VP Paul Brown told Bloomberg. “But they are going fine because we’re in a long-term partnership with the labels and publishers.”
The company is also in talks with several U.S. mobile providers and ISP's according to Brown. Blackberry and Palm apps are also being discussed.
線上音樂服務Spotify計畫於2010年的第三季度在美國推出。目前他們已經正在著手在這個國家購買伺服器空間。據Spotify首席副總裁Paul Brown說與美國相關的版權討論依然進行中,但呈現一個良好的狀態,因為Spotify與唱片公司和發行商會是一個長遠的合作關係。
YouTube Down, Wikipedia Hit Yesterday2010/3/25
Guy Hands Wins Bid To Keep EMI Citi Trial In NYC
A federal judge yesterday denied Citigroup's request to move its battle over Terra Firma's purchase of EMI from NY to the UK. The ruling means that a jury full will hear the case if it goes to trial.
The suit filed by Guy Hand's Terra Firma alleges that Citi failed to
inform the investment group that other bidders had dropped out prior to
their purchase of EMI. It's all part of a bigger battle that could see
the struggling taken over by Citi if it fails to meet its loan
obligations. Warner Music is also preparing a bid for EMI's assets.
"Citi is based in New York, not England, and will have to answer to a group of New York jurors," said Chris Duffy, a lawyer at Boies, Schiller & Flexner who represents Terra Firma told reporters. "We are disappointed with the court's procedural ruling. We look forward to defending ourselves in this case, which we believe is entirely without merit," replied Citi in a statement.
Bertelsmann’s BMG Unit Is Interested in EMI Assets (Update1)
March 23 (Bloomberg) -- BMG Rights Management GmbH, the music-rights venture owned by Bertelsmann AG and KKR & Co., is “interested” in parts or the whole music-publishing business of EMI Group Ltd. if the company is for sale.
“If EMI is on the market, we will look at it,” Chief Financial Officer Thomas Rabe told reporters in Berlin today. “But I’m not aware that EMI is currently on the market.”
EMI Music, the U.K. recording company controlled by Guy Hands’s Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd., this month appointed a new Executive Chairman after it posted a 1.5 billion pound ($2.3 billion) annual loss. Hands may ask Terra Firma investors to inject new capital to keep EMI afloat. Without the funding, the label may end up in the hands of creditor Citigroup Inc.
The strategy of BMG Rights Management, a venture between Europe’s largest media company and KKR, the private equity firm run by Henry Kravis and George Roberts, is to sign local artists and songwriters and to buy local and international catalogs, Rabe said. The focus is not on big acquisitions, he added.
Bertelsmann isn’t currently in “active” talks with Citigroup or in “official” talks about EMI with Warner Music Group, which is also interested in the company, Rabe said.
Bertelsmann, which competes with Vivendi SA and Time Warner Inc., today posted a 2009 net loss excluding minorities of 82 million euros after net income of 142 million euros a year earlier. Sales dropped 5 percent to 15.4 billion euros.
Cost Reductions
Bertelsmann cut expenses buy about 1 billion euros last year as advertising clients and customers cut spending amid the economic slowdown. The owner of book publisher Random House and Europe’s biggest broadcaster, RTL Group, predicts stable revenue and operating profit for this year, Rabe said.
Net income including minorities will range between 400 million euros and 500 million euros in 2010, compared with 35 million euros last year, Rabe said.
Bertelsmann’s debt declined to 6 billion euros at the end of 2009 from 6.63 billion euros a year earlier. Bertelsmann’s debt ballooned with the buyback of a stake for 4.5 billion euros in 2006, returning full control of the company to the Mohn family.
--Editors: Simon Thiel, Robert Valpuesta.
EMI Tries To Pawn Catalog To Stop Citi Takeover
百代債務纏身 KKR與華納擬組團競購
Warner Music Group & KKR Preparing EMI Bid
作者 李靜穎 來源 第一財經日報
Guy Hands在2007年向花旗借鉅款買入的百年老唱片公司百代可能因債務纏身而被拍賣。
越來越多的全球私人股本公司在考慮如何償還其在海外欠下的一屁股債,而Guy Hands旗下的私人股本公司泰豐資本(Terra Firma)就是其中一家。而Guy Hands在2007年向花旗借鉅款買入的百年老唱片公司百代可能就會成為其中的一個棋子,因債務纏身而被拍賣。
據外電稱,私募巨頭(老牌收購天王)KKR(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP)正在與華納唱片進行談判,擬共同對百代唱片展開分拆式競購。消息稱,KKR希望收購百代的音樂發行部門,而華納則希望收購百代的唱片部門。
Guy Hands是個卡拉OK迷,其原先的算盤是買入百代後將其未來收入現金流證券化,在把玩音樂的同時,又能通過證券交易,做成一筆雙贏的生意。
然而,Guy Hands選擇了一個錯誤的時機,完成了泰豐資本史上最大也可能是最失敗的一筆大買賣。風險投資商們在金融風暴之前最慣用的杠杆方式在之後積下了越滾越大的債務雪球。
(UPDATED) Warner Music Group is in talks with private equity group KKR to launch a bid for to buy portions of EMI. The two have met to structure a deal if the music group is put up for sale in the coming months, according to reports. EMI is under an end of March deadline to offer a restructuring plan or lender Citigroup may take over.
KKR is said to be most interested in EMI's profitable publishing arm, and WMG has coveted the recorded music division for nearly a decade. Observers put the value of EMI Music Publishing at £1.2B ($1.8B US), but a sale price for the rest of EMI's assets is much tougher to calculate. Recorded music accounted for 55% of EMI’s £293M ($4.4M US) earnings last year before restructuring costs, but declining sales and a discontent roster of artists leave observers wondering how much the company will be worth in the future.
Lady Gaga’s Viral Videos Pass One Billion Views
by Erick Schonfeld on Mar 24, 2010
Soulja Boy’s Crank Dat might be the most-watched viral video of all time, with a collective 722 million views, but Lady Gaga just became the first artist to surpass one billion online video views across her three most popular videos: Poker Face (375 million views), Bad Romance (360 million views), and Just Dance (273 million views). Not far behind are the two trailers for the Twilight Saga movies, which have combined views of 984 million.
These numbers come from Visible Measures, which just updated its Hundred Million Views Club of viral videos. It estimates views across all the major video-sharing sites as well as embeds. There are now 65 videos with more than 100 million views, and more than half of them are music videos. Historically, that’s been the case as well.
In addition to Beyonce’s Single Ladies and and Susan Boyle’s famous tear-jerker song on Britain’s version of American Idol, a few actual user-generated videos snuck on the list. They are mostly from the “Kids Do The Darndest Things” category such as Charlie Bit My Finger Again (289 million views) and David After Dentist (113 million views).
Universal Not Eyeing EMI Bid環球不看中買入 EMI
March 24, 2010
Universal Music Group (UMG) reportedly is not holding talks with private equity group Terra Firma about a deal for struggling EMI. Many rumors have floated around in recent weeks that Terra Firma could look to sell certain EMI assets or break up the group as it faces not being able to cover its debt with Citigroup. However, "We are not in talks with Terra Firma," a UMG spokesman told Reuters.
Bertelsmann Finance Officer Thomas Rabe said on Tuesday that the BMG Rights groups would look at EMI if it was for sale, but there are no formal talks at the moment, according to Reuters. Various reports also have said that Warner Music Group (WMG) is talking with private equity firm KKR about making a joint bid for EMI, as KKR would be interested in acquiring the music publishing arm of EMI, while WMG wants the recorded music division.
Most recently, EMI held talks with rival record labels (including WMG, UMG and Sony Music) about licensing its music in North America for a five-year period. Terra Firma believes it can raise £400 million from such a deal and this would be enough to stave off a looming takeover by its lender, Citigroup.
03/20/2010 新聞來源: billboard
環球音樂集團希望通過將美國CD專輯的價格砍至6到10美元區間來重振CD專輯的銷售。這是環球的一次官方的嘗試,並且作為Velocity program的一部分,隨後也會在其它專輯形式裡展開。儘管如此環球為了彌補降價造成的部分空缺,將會發行更多豪華版定價更高的專輯,以便於那些忠實歌迷和收藏者購買。環球發行公司的老闆Jim Urie 就說此舉將可能會為物理介質專輯帶來新生命。
Google中國網站正式關閉 新家轉址香港再出發
Google 22日晚間在官方部落格上宣佈,該公司停止過濾大陸網站「」的搜尋結果,拜訪該站的使用者將被重新導向至香港網站「」,透過設在香港的伺服器提供中國網友未經審查的Google Search、Google News、Google Maps和Google Images等簡體中文搜尋服務。
eMusic Adds Subscriber Rewards Program
03/21/2010 新聞來源: eMusic
eMusic在上周宣佈了一項新舉措( eMusic A+R Access + Rewards©),從上週末開始,美國的eMusic會員可以從他們的訂閱中獲得更多獨特的增值服務,包括提供選定的音樂俱樂部和音樂節的特殊通路(Pitchfork音樂節門票等)、聯繫音樂家的機會、特價音訊設備和附件(創新iPod音箱5折,Kensington.com和MusicSkins.com站內商品8折)、音樂博物館(搖滾音樂名人堂)的門票折扣、對音樂社區擴展和所有下載促銷活動提建議,新的增值優惠也將不斷增加。
# SXSW - At a lunchtime event today at SXSW, eMusic today debuted a new A+R Access + Rewards program that gives U.S. members exclusive offers and discounts.
In addition to their eMusic subscription members now get special access to selected clubs and festivals, opportunities to connect with artists, deals on music hardware accessories and discounted entry to music museums like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. New offers will be added on an ongoing basis.
A partial list of U.S. launch partners and benefits:
Pitchfork Festival – sweepstakes for roundtrip travel and two VIP tickets for the July festival
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame & Museum - discounted admission
Le Poisson Rouge, NYC – discounted tickets to selected shows
Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn – limited eMusic member guest list to selected eventsCentral Park Summerstage, NYC – limited VIP section tickets to selected free shows
Creative - $50 off Sound Blaster Wireless System for iTunes + Receiver – 20% off all products – 20% off any order
Charitable Partnerships
Rock the Earth
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame & Museum
新華網香港3月19日電 據香港特區政府新聞處消息,香港海關19日與國家版權局首次就打擊網路盜版行為簽訂合作互助安排,以加強網路環境中的版權保護。
諾基亞Comes With Music準備進入印度市場
03/20/2010 新聞來源: Billboard
諾基亞的Comes With Music準備在2010年上半年在印度運行,此舉主要是針對印度在今年將升級到3G網路。印度的無線運營商Bharti Airtel最近也已經宣佈將在今年銷售蘋果的iPhone 3GS版。根據諾基亞在印度的代表稱,該項音樂服務將捆綁在高端諾基亞手機上,提供的內容主要來自國際四大唱片和主流的本地唱片公司。
Comes With Music這項服務推出已經有18個月,各地反應結果有較大差別。在英國的資料有點令人失望,原因因為運營商都有自己的音樂服務,服務缺乏運營商的支援,同時在行銷活動中沒有明確把資訊傳達給消費者。此後諾基亞也進行了一些調整,包括在他們的英國網站上放置了如何簽約這項服務的宣傳短片,也跟運營商Orange簽訂了Comes With Music的運營合作。在其他地區則要成功的多,尤其是在新加坡。有人以此判斷Come With Music可能更適合於無線占數位音樂主導地位的國家和地區。
賣甚麼給死忠粉絲 Selling To Fans? 想想可樂果Think L.I.V.E.2010/3/18
#SXSW - During yesterday's SXSW 2010 panel "Your Fans Are Your Livelihood" hosted by Glenn Peoples of Billboard, Brian Peterson of Bandbox recommended that the key to more sales from fans is to think L.I.V.E.