Usher’s new single ‘Lil Freak’, featuring Nikki Minaj, is taken from the much-delayed ‘Raymond vs Raymond’ album. It’s now said to be hitting shelves in early May.
亞瑟小子 Usher - Raymond v. Raymond
Label Jive Aces
Release Date Mar 30, 2010
1. Monstar
2. Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)
3. There Goes My Baby
4. Lil Freak (Featuring Nicki Minaj)
5. She Don't Know (Featuring Ludacris)
6. OMG (Featuring Will.I.Am)
7. Mars vs Venus
8. Pro Lover
9. Foolin' Around
10. Papers
11. So Many Girls
12. Guilty (Featuring T.I.)
13. Okay
14. Making Love (Into The Night)
15. More
◎ 八首全美冠軍金曲,五座葛萊美獎,Billboard「十年最夯單曲藝人」
◎ 征服全球4500萬張專輯銷售,「流行樂之王」2010年全新專輯
至尊對決 一觸即發
◎ 碧昂絲、瑪麗亞凱莉、珍娜、蕾哈娜幕後黃金製作打造
◎ 饒舌型男T.I.+嘻哈天王Ludacris義氣相挺
◎ 收錄黑眼豆豆will.i.am量身訂做最嗨主打"OMG"、全美R&B榜冠軍暖身曲"Papers"與橫掃排行主打"Hey Daddy"、"Lil' Freak"
高超精湛的舞藝震撼所有人目光、唱作俱佳的才情征服全球人雙耳,領導新世代樂種酷炫潮流、挑戰黑人樂派的嶄新概念,亞瑟小子不僅走在流行樂的前端,更將觸角延伸到戲劇和百老匯界,自設音樂品牌US Records,簽下近期爆紅的秘密武器Justin Bieber,同為NBA「克里夫蘭騎士隊」幕後金主之一,晉升全方位藝人,一再超越自我的呈現最顛峰狀態!
全名Usher Raymond IV的亞瑟小子,登記美國告示牌2000年代「熱門百大藝人」總冠軍位置。從1994年青澀出道的首張同名專輯《Usher亞瑟小子》、1997年化身街頭男孩《My Way走自己的路》、2001年搖身一變性感王子《8701》、2004年夯翻夜店舞池《Confessions愛的告白》、2008年成熟自信再出擊《Here I Stand王者天下》,總和5張錄音室專輯,創造"Yeah"、"Burn"、"Love In This Club"等8首全美冠軍金曲,衝破全球4500萬張專輯銷售,拿下5座葛萊美+4座全美音樂+13座Billboard等獎項加冕。
第6張錄音室新作《Raymond V Raymond》,展現充滿活力、冒險犯難、尖銳犀利的內涵與氣韻,與10餘位A咖製作團隊共通激爆出的燦爛火花,絕對是嚴控品質的絕對保證!將異國情調的弦樂輔佐+女聲性感法文口白混搭而成的開場"Monstar",交付珍娜傑克森經典作的幕後功臣Jimmy Jam And Terry Lewis負責,重回曾紅極一時的New Jack Swing風格;由The Runners(克里斯小子、小韋恩)雙人組掌控的主打"Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)",在R&B的基調裡飛揚電子顆粒,直奔R&B榜第四名;千禧年間快速竄紅的Jim Jonsin(碧昂絲、新好男孩)操刀"There Goes My Baby",是支調情滿點的誘人佳餚;影歌通殺的嘻哈龍頭Ludacris參與的"She Don't Know"讓Bangladesh(蜜西艾莉特、席亞拉)快意挑起Funky Soul的派對場景;紅翻全球的黑眼豆豆領袖will.i.am主導/說唱幫腔之"OMG",大玩特玩Auto-Tune效果器,置入琅琅上口的辭句,勢必引爆全球排行騷動;當紅炸子雞Bryan-Michael Cox(瑪麗亞凱莉)+Jermaine Dupri攜手拱出"Foolin' Around",對於喜愛都會情歌的朋友們,絕對會愛不釋手;將亞瑟小子推上事業高峰的Sean Garrett(布蘭妮)量身撰寫"Papers",影射短暫的失敗婚姻,充滿著無奈的情緒;Ester Dean(蕾哈娜)包辦的"Guilty",邀請饒舌型男天王T.I.站台,散盡順暢到底的Party百分百氣氛;最後一首"Making Love"巧妙取樣80年代金曲"Into The Night",讓專輯多了驚喜結局。這是一場精采的天王級至尊對決,但是,唯有亞瑟小子才能超越亞瑟小子!
R&B veteran Usher has had a couple of set backs when it came to the release of his sixth studio album "Raymond v. Raymond." After many push backs it will finally see a release at the end of this month, but I'm quite surprised to see it leak so early. Things are looking up for him though as his current single "Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)" continues to rise on the Billboard Hot 100 (currently #34). As for the album Usher makes a smart move and worked with as many producers as possible. Almost every track is produced by someone different. This effort is a bit more edgier then his past releases and it's clear he experimented. It's a good listen and much stronger then his last album "Here I Stand." I would say he's heading back in the right direction. Be sure to check it out and BUY YOUR COPY MARCH 27TH!!
Audio Mixers: Matt Marrin; Jaycen Joshua; Manny Marroquin; Dylan "3-D" Dresdow; Ian Cross; Jermaine Dupri; Mark "Spike" Stent; Phil Tan; Bob Horn; Tim Sonnefeld; Brian Stanley .
Recording information: Chungking Studios, New York, NY; Flyte Tyme Studios, Santa Monica, CA; Hit Factory Criteria, Miami, FL; Midnight Blue Studios, Miami, FL; No Excuses Studio, Santa Monica, CA; Silent Sound Studios, Atlanta, GA; Soapbox Studios, Atlanta, GA; Star Studio, Alpharetta, GA; Star Studios, Atlanta, GA; Studio At The Palms, Las Vegas, NV; Tree Sound Studios, Atlanta, GA; Tree Sound Studios, Norcross, GA.
Photographer: Anthony Mandler.
- Mar 26 Fri 2010 03:06
Sony Music 索尼音樂 亞瑟小子 Usher - 頂尖對決 Raymond v. Raymond