
Release date: 29-03-2010
Catalogue Number: 2734923
Label: polydor

BUY Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much: HERE

British singer/songwriter Mika may not have much success in the US but he always finds success overseas (Italy, France, Germany, etc.). He has now teamed up with producer RedOne for the new soundtrack single "Kick-Ass." It is set to be his new single in the UK and the US as well. The song is the theme to the upcoming superhero film Kick-Ass due out in theaters on April 16th!! The song is an up-tempo dance number with much of Mika's touch. It's a bit of a different sound for him but I can say I really enjoyed it. You can check out the song and the official video below, Enjoy!

Back in 2006 Mika was the darling of the UK music industry with his Marmite-y but massively successful debut, ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’. Fast forward three years and the last two singles from his second album ‘The Boy Who Knew Too Much’ have failed to make a dent on the UK top 40.
Despite this apparent dip in fortunes Mika is still enjoying great success across Europe, where his latest offering ‘Kick Ass‘ will probably find a more appreciative audience. The song was produced by RedOne, the man behind many of Lady GaGa biggest hits.
As with most Mika songs, ‘Kick Ass’ is rousing, danceable and Queen-esque, but its repetitive nature and high-pitched vocals won’t suit everyone’s tastes.
‘Kick Ass’ features on the soundtrack to Brad Pitt’s new comic-book adaptation of the same name.

不久不久以前 皇后合唱團繼承人 突然喪失說話能力
他如何再度發出五個八度音 襲捲樂壇… 混血王子

米卡 的 卡通人生
 四大鬼才血脈:Queen音域 + George Michael磁性 + Elton John琴聲 + Prince節奏
 勇奪票房冠軍:首支單曲“Grace Kelly”英國6週冠軍+法/義/比/奧/瑞/挪/瑞士稱霸
 英美佳評如潮:美國-“如果你還沒有聽Mika,請搬到火星”‧英國-“21世紀明日之星”

螢火蟲之墓 – 悲慘童年

海王子來了! – 他要去尋找…彩虹的那一邊
北海小英雄 – 要把理想來實現!
大學主修古典音樂,一年級的時候把助學貸款拿去租借錄音室錄製試唱帶,不少唱片公司注意到他,卻也要求米卡:「克雷格大衛、羅比威廉斯、還是英國版賈斯汀、看你要模仿哪一個再來談。」他寫的歌一而再、再而三被退件,指稱不夠芭樂,一氣之下米卡創作出“Grace Kelly”(2007年蟬連英國單曲榜六週冠軍),這首暗諷唱片公司的曠世傑作,讓他被業界大老Tommy Mottola(瑪麗亞凱莉前夫)看上,贏得一只超級合約,合約上記載:米卡擁有自由創作的權利。

卡通人生 – 打破樂史票房紀錄、現正熱映中
今年年初、英國BBC票選他為最值得矚目的新人,美國傳媒指稱:「如果你還沒有聽Mika,你應該搬到火星居住。」皇后合唱團團員Brian May寫信給他:「有歌迷叫我聽你的專輯,說你的歌聲很像Freddie (已故主唱),你的確很棒。」除此之外,還有服裝大師Paul Smith邀他擔綱服裝模特兒。2007年起的人生,從專輯【Life In Cartoon Motion卡通人生】開始發跡:「每三分鐘就讓大家神遊於一部卡通影片」、「讓人以為是一個樂團創作的個人專輯」,米卡以天賦異秉的五個八度音,輕鬆遊走於福音、新浪潮、復古迪斯可、流行泡泡糖、到古典管弦樂章等,加上無窮無盡的詞曲想像力,【卡通人生】一推出即空降英國專輯榜冠軍、法/義/比/奧/瑞/挪/瑞等國,全部陷入“卡通世界”。米卡Mika的故事進行到23歲,從戰亂、失聲、到奮鬥、崛起,然後“轟”的一聲引爆,人跟歌一樣精采絕倫的卡通人生。

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