Label Virgin
Release Date Sep 08, 2009

1. I Keep My Secrets Safe
2. Deep Down
3. Why Can't You See
4. Changing
5. On My Own
6. Alarming Sound of a Still Small Voice, The
7. Say Goodbye
8. Worst of Me, The
9. It's All Over Now
10. What Were We Made For?
11. Is This Real
12. Nothing Is What It Seems (Without You)
13. Fireflies (Light Messengers)

Fans waited three long years for California rock quintet Saosin to follow up their smash self-titled debut. There was the bizarre gap-filler COME CLOSE in 2008, a collection of live tracks from their debut and acoustic demos of some of the same songs. At 13 tracks clocking in at nearly an hour in length, IN SEARCH OF SOLID GROUND is the true successor to SAOSIN. The band has learned how to be comfortable in a recording studio, even though there are no less than four producers here. Musically, Saosin are still a post-hardcore band, though they've expanded their rock palette considerably. The songs structures have shifted, changed shape, and are crafted more carefully. IN SEARCH OF SOLID GROUND, as the title suggests, is exactly what this album strives for. But it's also chock-full of immediacy, energy, honesty, and naked emotion, with enough sheer rock & roll power to carry over the old fans, and win loads of new ones.

2009 release from the California based rockers, produced by Butch Walker (Fall Out Boy), and John Feldman (The Used). 13 tracks

Recording information: D.I.Y.B. Recording, Hollywood, CA; East West Studios, Hollywood, CA; Foxy Studios, Los Angeles, CA; Hurley Studios, Costa Mesa, CA; SAOSOUND, Huntington Beach, CA; The Document Room, Malibu, CA.

Photographer: Sean Stiegmeier.

Personnel: Cove Reber (vocals); Beau Burchell, Justin Shekoski (guitar); Chris Sorenson (piano, percussion, programming); Alex Rodriguez (drums); John Feldmann, Butch Walker (percussion, programming).

Audio Mixer: Beau Burchell.

Alternative Press (p.114) - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "Because of the band's talent, they're able to deliver all of these artistic excursions admirably..."

In Search Of Solid Ground【CD+PAL DVD】
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◎ 以首張同名專輯《Saosin》在美國告示牌專輯榜上締造出TOP22的耀眼成績
◎ 結合Punk、Post-hardcore的搖滾生力軍,火力不滅打開第二樂章
◎ 第二代的主唱Cove Reber話題加入,創造Saosin全新局面
◎ 【CD+PAL DVD】特別收錄專輯製作花絮

崛起於美國加州的「小心樂團Saosin」,當初由主唱Anthony Green、鼓手Pat McGrath、貝斯手Zach Kennedy、以及兩位吉他手Justin Shekoski和Beau Burchell所共同組成。這組結合Punk、Post-hardcore的搖滾生力軍,在發行《Translating The Name》EP後不久,Zach Kennedy便離開Saosin,貝斯手的位置則由Chris Sorenson替補,隨後新任鼓手Alex Rodriguez也取代Pat McGrath的位置。在歷經無數場的巡迴表演之後,Saosin終於在2005年順利發行了同名單曲,並於2006年發行第一張同名專輯《Saosin》,推出之後立即在美國告示牌專輯榜上,締造出Top 22的耀眼成績,更挺入告示牌搖滾榜Top 7的位置,造成極大的迴響,累積出超過30萬張的專輯銷售。到了2004年二月,主唱Anthony Green因為個人因素離開Saosin,另組樂團,現任的主唱Cove Reber隨後加入,替Saosin創造全新局面。說到樂團的命名,實在很有意思,為樂團取這個名字的是前任主唱Anthony Green,他在訪談中曾經表示「Saosin」其實是來自中文的 「Small Heart」,也就是「小心」的意思,但嚴格說來他想表達的的其實是「小心的愛」(Love Cautiously)之意。

Saosin的第二張專輯《尋找新樂園In Search Of Solid Ground》,找來Beau Burchell、Chris Sorenson、John Feldman、Butch Walker…等四大製作人聯手出擊。專輯當中除了收錄之前於2008發行的The Grey EP當中衍生出來的三首歌曲〈I Keep My Secrets Safe〉、〈Why Can't You See?〉、〈The Worst of Me〉之外,Saosin火力不滅打開搖滾第二樂章,獻上13首歌曲。步伐穩健侵略意圖十足,首支單曲〈Changing〉開門見山宣示改變的決心,堆疊著醞釀許久的高漲情緒;黑暗氣息瀰漫,吉他音牆飛舞之間,主唱不斷嘶吼著,〈On My Own〉衝刺著感官的極限可能之時,忽然陷入毛骨悚然的氛圍當中;〈The Alarming Sound Of A Still Small Voice〉真誠剖析自我,在一次又一次的辯證對話裡,找尋最後答案;〈Say Goodbye〉展現離別決心、〈The Worst Of Me〉裡的赤裸裸心境、速度邁向極限的〈Is This Real〉,全都不容忽視;情緒完整宣洩之後,專輯終幕曲〈Fireflies (Light Messengers)〉有著史詩般的氣度,帶來長達八分多鐘的沉澱及沈思。

【CD+PAL DVD】特別收錄專輯製作花絮。
1. The Making of In Search of Solid Ground

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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