Win Tickets To Sugababes’ Official Album Launch Party!
February 24th, 2010 by Silvan

Sugababes (photo credit: Ellis Parrinder)

Heidi, Jade and Amelle are having a big party to celebrate the launch of their new album Sweet 7 (out on 15th March) and YOU could be there!

We’ve got three pairs of tickets for this amazing event up for grabs, which includes a performance from Sugababes followed by DJs and dancing.

It’s happening on 3rd March at the swanky Supper Club in Notting Hill, London from 9.30pm, with the girls taking to the stage at 10pm. Please note, this event is strictly over-18s only.

Update: competition closed.

Competition closes February 25th 2010 at 9pm GMT. Out of the correct entries, 3 winners will be picked at random. Winners will be notified by email. Winners will need to be over 18.

To pre-order Sweet 7, go here.

Wear My Kiss - the new single by Sugababes, out 22 February.

Here it is, the Wear My Kiss video in its entirety (that’s a minute longer than the ‘preview’). Now that the dust has settled, we’re actually quite excited about the forthcoming Sugababes album ‘Sweet 7‘. Both ‘Thank You For The Heartbreak‘ and ‘Wait For You‘ could be good future singles and who knows what else Amelle, Heidi and Jade have recorded since. Yes, give the girls a break.

Sweet 7 is out March 8th.

1. Get Sexy
2. Wear My Kiss
3. About A Girl
4. Wait For You
5. Thank You For The Heartbreak
6. Miss Everything (Feat. Sean Kingston)
7. She's A Mess
8. Give It To Me Now
9. No More You
10. Sweet & Amazing
11. Little Miss Perfect
12. Crash and Burn

Can't say I'm too surprised to see this album leak early with the label sending out copies for review a bit too early. This is the seventh studio album from Sugababes and the first since the departure of the longest serving member Keisha Buchanan. After numerous push backs the album with new member Jade Ewen is set for a early March release. With so many fans being upset about the changes I was surprised to see 2nd single "About a Girl" reach #8 on the UK Singles Chart. As for the album it's a collection of many upbeat Pop and dance/electronic influenced tracks. It's not a bad listen but I can't say I haven't heard anything like it before. It may need to grow on me. Check it out for yourselves and BUY YOUR COPY MARCH 8TH (UK)!

★出道邁入第十年,由戲劇/歌唱兩得意之Jade Ewen頂替Keisha Buchanan位置★
★性感破表的“Get Sexy”直奔英國亞軍席次、熱辣辣的“Wear My Kiss”寫下NO.7好成績、Lady Gaga幕後魔手RedOne製作“About A Girl”空降TOP8★

1998年的年輕女孩Keisha Buchanan、Mutya Buena與Siobhan Donaghy,以清唱美國節奏藍調「風尚樂團En Vogue」抒情佳作“Don`t Let Go (Love)”順利與London Records簽下一紙合約。2001年的處女秀『One Touch』,唱作俱佳的Sugababes,更是快速抬升她們聲勢的主因。較偏向搖滾樂派的Siobhan決定離團單飛,隨即換上前AK團員Heidi Range。2002年推出第二張專輯『Angels With Dirty Faces』,獲得英國音樂獎「最佳英國專輯」提名,寫下3白金的傲人成績。2003年的『Three』,其中協助「愛是您‧愛是我Love Actually」演唱“Too Lost In You”,令人印象深刻。接續2005年『Taller In More Ways』,第一次空降英倫冠軍。菲律賓與愛爾蘭混血的Mutya於2005年底單飛,以選秀比賽出身的Amelle Berrabah頂替問世『Change』,依舊是張白金冠軍大碟。
繼Top8專輯『Catfights And Spotlights』宣傳告一段落,緊鑼密鼓籌備【Sweet 7】新作之時,最後的原始組員Keisha決定脫隊,換上戲劇/歌唱兩得意之Jade Ewen頂替,拼出Top14的記錄。第三度新陣容出輯的Sugababes,以性感破表的“Get Sexy”完美上陣,取樣光頭兄弟檔Right Said Fred大紅歌“I`m Too Sexy”,融合Electropop、Techno和R&B元素,直奔UK亞軍席次;熱辣辣勾引起舞慾望的“Wear My Kiss”,請來墨西哥籍流行大師Fernando Garibay(布蘭妮、小野貓)掌舵,寫下NO.7好成績;幫Lady Gaga推上事業高峰的幕後魔手RedOne製作“About A Girl”,空降英榜Top8;快紅新生團OneRepublic創作核心Ryan Tedder量身打造“Thank You For The Heartbreak”,加上蕾哈娜、碧昂絲冠軍曲幕後主將Stargate操刀,勢必引起各排行榜騷動;全球媒體驚為天才的資優生Sean Kingston,將拿手Dancehall/Reggaeton強烈律動引入“Miss Everything”裡頭;贏得葛萊美肯定的Syience(瑪麗布萊姬、尼歐)撰寫/製作“Give It To Me Now”,都是Party必備的最High主打歌!

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