美國最暢銷浪漫小說作家 Nicholas Sparks 繼【瓶中信】、【手札情緣】、【羅丹薩夜晚】後又一感人佳作被搬上銀幕,由【心塵往事】奧斯卡提名導演執鏡,集合好萊塢新生代最被看好的偶像新星,共同打造浪漫又催淚的現代淒美純愛新經典。與父親不和的叛逆青年約翰憤而投身軍旅,一次休假的機緣邂逅了嬌嬌女莎瓦娜, 正當兩人的愛情即將開花結果,美國爆發了911事件,感覺身負重任的約翰決定放下私情,參與波灣戰爭,等不到約翰任何消息的莎瓦納留下了最後一封情書,等到約翰終戰歸國時才發覺人事全非…北美地區將由 Sony 旗下哥倫比亞影業盛大發行。

2010/2/8 中廣新聞/夏明珠




Label Relativity/Sony Music Entertainment
Release Date Feb 02, 2010

The soundtrack to director Lasse Hallstrom's film adaptation of author Nicholas Sparks' (The Notebook) best-selling romance features ten tracks, all of which conform (in one way or another) to the rules set by chick flick soundtracks passed The overall tone of the collection is one of affection and heartbreak, pillars that naturally lend themselves to midtempo balladry. Some of that treacle is done well, as in the case of Deborah Lurie's pastoral "Dear John Theme," Swell Season's lovely "The Moon," and star Amanda Seyfried's own "Little House" (the latter, who lent her voice to 2008's ABBA-inspired musical Mamma Mia!, has penned a debut that should win her some favor with the Taylor Swift crowd), but the others fail to connect on any level other than immaculately crafted background noise. ~ James Christopher Monger

Recording information: The Eastwood Scoring Stage Warner Bros. Studios.

Arrangers: Chris Westlake; Peter Seibert; Zack Ryan.

1. Paperweight - Shuyler Fisk/Joshua Radin
2. Moon, The - The Swell Season
3. Amber - 311
4. Excelsior Lady - The Donkeys
5. Things & Time - Wailing Souls
6. Little House - Amanda Seyfried
7. This Is the Thing - Fink
8. Think of Me - Rosi Golan
9. You Take My Troubles Away - Dan Wilson/Rachael Yamagata
10. Dear John Theme - Deborah Lurie

山形瑞秋父親是日本移民,母親是德國、義大利混血,身兼三種血液的Rachael Yamagata從一出生起,就要比旁人多了一種博大精深的文化優勢,山形瑞秋的日本名字或許還只是一種風雅,但骨子裏那種東方式神經質的線條,卻註定了她與同類女歌手競爭時的先天優勢,有Yoko Ono做為榜樣,一切早已說明。

儘管19歲就加入芝加哥的Funk樂團Bumpus,但Rachael Yamagata多元化的性格裡卻顯然無法容忍被限制於一種音樂風格的拘束裡,對她曲風有影響的倒是她和樂團吉它手男友的分手,使她以更感性化的情愛刺激為基礎引導出自己的音樂走向。

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