Vanguard Records/EMI
2010/1/28“Talking To You, Talking To Me” is undoubtedly the Watson Twins’ most ambitious to date. This release finds The Watson Twins taking a soulful turn à la Carole King, but with a distinct pop edge reminiscent of Feist. The result is a heartfelt nod to their roots, retaining the ethereal harmonies that have become their signature while incorporating myriad influences and inspirations. The twins, Chandra and Leigh Watson, along with a band of friends including members of Everest and My Morning Jacket, recorded the album at Los Angeles’ famed Fairfax Recordings, capturing the essence of The Watson Twins’ extraordinary talents on a record that is at once driving, poignant and beautiful.
01. Modern Man
02. Harpeth River
03. Forever Me
04. Midnight
05. Savin’ You
06. Brave One
07. Devil In You
08. Snow Canyons
09. Tell Me Why
10. Calling Out
11. Give Me A Chance
12. U-N-Me
The Watson Twins are an American musical group based in Los Angeles with alternative country and indie folk influences. They are identical twin sisters named Chandra and Leigh Watson. The band includes contributions from Aram Arslanian, Russ Pollard, Jason Soda, and Jenny Lewis.
Chandra and Leigh were born on March 28, 1975 in Louisville, Kentucky and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. They attended the University of Evansville then moved to Silverlake, California in 1997, where they were founding members of and backup singers for local band Slydell. They also began writing their own music and performing with other musicians, including Orphan Train, Joe Firstman, Fairechild, and Rilo Kiley and their singer Jenny Lewis.
In 2006 the Watson Twins released their debut EP, Southern Manners, almost simultaneously with Rabbit Fur Coat, their collaboration under the name Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins. The Watson Twins had previously been known as Black Swan before changing their name to accompany their album with Jenny Lewis. The group have also covered Neil Young's song "Powderfinger" for the American Laundromat Records compilation charity album titled Cinnamon Girl - Women Artists Cover Neil Young for Charity, released in February 2008. Their album Fire Songs was released on June 24, 2008 on Vanguard Records.
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◎ 來自美國路易斯維爾,由Chandra及Leigh組成才色雙全的耀眼雙姝
◎ 以靜瑟的吉他音色,飽滿且充滿啟示的和聲,演譯著每一首生命之歌
◎ 最新野心之作揉合Carole King的動人靈魂以及Feist的創意元素
◎ 知名人氣影集【True Blood】、【Private Practice】欽點,參與主題曲演出
「華生雙姝The Watson Twins」是由來自美國路易斯維爾的Chandra Watson及Leigh Watson兩位孿生姐妹所組成的樂團。兼具出色的外表以及過人才藝的他們,於1975.03.28在美國肯塔基州出生,自小便對音樂充滿濃厚興趣的他們,堅持夢想、在大學時期開始音樂創作,並自組樂團Slydell。逐漸展露頭角的兩人,開始獲得和Orphan Train、Joe Firstman、Fairechild、Rilo Kiley、Jenny Lewis.…等出色音樂人共同表演的機會,也將這兩顆璞玉逐漸磨出耀眼光輝。The Watson Twins擅長以其親密無間的默契,在靜瑟的吉他音色及飽滿、充滿啟示的和聲當中,演譯著每一首生命之歌,讓人能很快的忘記世俗的一切煩憂。2008對The Watson Twins來說是十分重要的一年,他們在年初協同眾多出色藝人,共同發行了以翻唱Neil Young歌曲為概念的慈善專輯《Cinnamon Girl - Women Artists Cover Neil Young for Charity》,她們更在同一年發行了屬於她們自己的首張作品《Fire Songs》。逐漸在樂壇受到關注的她們,更被知名人氣影集【True Blood】、【Private Practice】欽點,一同參與影集主題曲的演出。
相隔兩年,日益成熟的The Watson Twins推出第二張原創專輯《關於你我Talking To You, Talking To Me》。專輯找來樂團Everest及My Morning Jacket的成員加入錄製陣容,於美國洛城錄製完成,這張作品無疑是她們跨入音樂領域以來,最野心勃勃的傑作。新作揉合Carole King的動人靈魂以及Feist的創意元素,獻上12首生命之歌。在類似The Cure樂團的經典歌曲〈Love Song〉的節奏引導之下,開場曲〈Modern Man〉點出專輯《Talking To You, Talking To Me》的主題精神;Trip-Hop色彩驟然灑落,〈Harpeth River〉、〈Forever Me〉歌曲裡的緩慢狀態,有著神秘慵懶的情懷,在懸疑氣氛之中繼續前進;琴鍵拉出節奏主軸,〈Midnight〉裡的心境是那麼地不安分,期待黎明的到來,就像是希望事情會有嶄新的變化一般;明亮的氣息驟現,中版小品〈Savin' You〉是專輯當中的情緒轉折;〈Devil In You〉裡的咒語是吟唱,在一字一句之間,心中的惡魔輪廓慢慢浮現;速度隨著溫度一同慢了下來,〈Snow Canyons〉穿越心中的白色峽谷,寧靜且雪白;〈Tell Me Why〉裡的復古情懷,讓人會有這首歌是從點唱機投下硬幣之後播放出來的,那樣的錯覺。
The Watson Twins表示,專輯《Talking To You, Talking To Me》讓他們倆正式地將兩條聲線合而唯一,以一種和諧互相輝映的來呈現,就像和自己對話一樣,那樣地自然、那樣地沒有壓力、那樣地輕鬆自在。