Newcomver Ke$ha's debut album has been circulating the web for a couple days now. While many are patiently waiting for a Retail rip it still has yet to leak. Ke$ha currently holds the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 with her first single "Tik Tok." As for the album she is out to prove she is much more then just a one hit wonder. Her first effort provides us with many fun uptempo pop tracks with insanely catchy hooks. I think she knows she can be quite ridiculous at times and makes it much easier to listen to her lyrics and just have fun listening to the album. Having writing credits on every song is also good to see. It's a young, fun, and upbeat album filled with radio ready tracks. It will be interseting to see where she goes from here. Be sure to check it out and BUY YOUR COPY JANUARY 5TH!!

1. Your Love Is My Drug
2. TiK ToK
3. Take It Off
4. Kiss N Tell
5. Stephen
6. Blah Blah Blah (Featuring 30H!3)
7. Hungover
8. Party At A Rich Dude's House
9. Backstabber
10. Blind
11. Dinosaur
12. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
13. Boots & Boys
14. Animal

~惡女無敵 跑趴萬歲 2010莎最大~
爆夯入侵 瑪丹娜與野獸男孩的絕妙混搭
◎玩翻電子舞曲,酷搞街頭時尚,Lady Gaga頭號勁敵首張趴踢專輯閃亮登場!
獸性大發 全球400萬人集體開趴
◎八國冠軍趴踢嗨歌"TiK ToK"狂殺全美四週冠軍,趴出數位下載新紀錄!
◎與酷帥雙人組3OH!3熱唱"Blah Blah Blah"大鬧iTunes冠軍,直撲全美單曲第七名!

任意把玩最夯電子舞曲,特立獨行大搞街頭創意,寫歌/說唱一把罩,玩世不恭、話題不斷,她的出現讓Lady Gaga終於遇上對手!名字巧妙搭上美元符號「$」的Ke$ha誓言用流行無罪、搖滾萬歲、派對至上、電音時尚之理念,嗨翻全球音樂版圖!22歲的Ke$ha被喻為是瑪丹娜與野獸男孩的絕妙混搭,專輯還沒推出,時人雜誌、娛樂週刊、滾石雜誌等重量級媒體早早預言她「錢」途無量;果然21世紀第一個十年過後,主張「garbage-chic」的Ke$ha成為2010年Billboard首位單曲榜冠軍歌手,處女大碟《Animal》隨即空降專輯榜冠軍,惡女風暴狂掃全球。

全名Kesha Rose Sebert的Ke$ha,出生洛杉磯,卻在鄉村音樂重鎮納許維爾成長。在創作歌手母親Pebe Sebert鼓勵下立志成為歌手,她自製粗糙DEMO帶四處爭取機會,讓最夯製作/寫歌搭檔Dr. Luke和Max Martin(艾薇兒、布蘭妮)大為驚豔,Ke$ha馬上放棄高中學業,和RCA唱片簽下合約。Ke$ha出道前接連曝光:擔任布蘭妮、芭莉絲合聲、暖身獻唱饒舌高手Flo Rida的英美冠軍曲〈Right Round〉、拍攝好友Katy Perry〈I Kissed a Girl〉MV,而迪士尼小天后麥莉也演唱她的創作,打響這位電音舞曲創作女聲的知名度。

參與所有歌曲創作的專輯《Animal》由恩師Dr. Luke、Max Martin和天才小子Benny Blanco聯手掌舵。帶著高壓Electro-Pop的趴踢國歌〈TiK ToK〉完全不輸Lady Gaga的〈Just Dance〉,衝上美國、澳洲等八國冠軍,以單週61萬次改寫女歌手數位下載紀錄,全球更大破400萬次驚人銷售!開場的〈Your Love Is My Drug〉和〈Take It Off〉,分別混搭Synth-Pop與House的強烈律動,勾引隨樂起舞的慾望;第二波Electro-Hop攻勢〈Blah Blah Blah〉,有酷帥雙人團隊3OH!3幫腔搖擺,繼〈TiK ToK〉後再奪數位冠軍;轉換搖滾勁道的〈Party At A Rich Dude's House〉,一路正點爽快到底;而大玩Auto Tune效果器的〈Blind〉、抒情小品〈Stephen〉和〈Hungover〉等多種個性樂風,讓《Animal》初登場就以堅強實力擄獲樂迷和樂評,掀起全球跑趴熱潮,大聲宣告「Ke$ha時代」已經來臨!

01.Your Love Is My Drug 愛情靈藥
02.TiK ToK 跑趴滴答
03.Take It Off 脫掉
04.Kiss N Tell 抓包
05.Stephen 史蒂芬
06.Blah Blah Blah feat. 3OH!3 嘰哩呱啦 (與酷帥雙人組3OH!3合唱)
07.Hungover 宿醉

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