Mission.Impossible.Area is the third studio album by British musician M.I.A., to be released in summer 2010.

The super-cool M.I.A. will be back this summer with a more stripped back sound according to reports – and she’s Tweeted a first taste of what she’s been up to since ‘Paper Planes‘ went global.

Check out the strangely-titled ‘There’s Space For Ol’ Dat I See’ here.

Why not follow WAPS and MIA on Twitter?

M.I.A. - Kala
Label XL/Interscope
Release Date Aug 21, 2007

  百變風格才女、超強饒舌實力,M.I.A.的名字早已是世界共通的音樂語言!M.I.A.的背景特殊,出生於英國,父親是革命組織創辦人,卻也因此她流亡於斯里蘭卡成為難民。也許是這般的際遇,讓M.I.A.的作品有了深度的世界觀,在2004年初試啼聲的Mixtape作品《Piracy Funds Terrorism》便引起樂壇一陣騷動,隔年加入XL廠牌的正式專輯《Arular》,迅速奪下全美電子榜季軍/熱門潛力榜Top15/獨立榜Top16!更吸引嘻哈教母蜜希艾莉特、曠課樂小公主席亞拉、當紅製作大佬Timbaland等,熱情邀約M.I.A.在其暢銷作品中軋上一角!

  此回M.I.A.再度與製作人Swith與Diplo合作全新大碟《Kala》,三個人在世界各角落找尋新概念與靈感;她唱出了第三世界人民心中急切的自由渴望,奮力一搏爭取嚮往事物的生活態度。首波主打〈Boyz〉融入印度手鼓、Soca、嘻哈與舞曲節拍音源,榮登目前最夯的舞池大熱曲!〈20 Dollar〉旋律部份取樣英倫大團New Order暢銷曲〈Blue Monday〉,歌詞部份則混入美國另類樂團The Pixies經典〈Where Is My Mind?〉;巧妙混搭龐克團The Clash和饒舌團體Wreckx-N-Effect的〈Paper Planes〉呈現第三世界生活態度;末曲〈Come Around〉則是和「嘻哈排行冠軍製造機」Timbaland合力演出!Ragga狂野節奏(Dancehall + Hip Hop)+印度寶萊塢異國情調+前衛新潮街頭風格…「這是一張令人覺醒的專輯」M.I.A.如是說。M.I.A.街頭酷妹的獨特形象、令人驚喜連連的音樂態度…你還在等什麼?快點踏上M.I.A.的另類街頭,一起加入她的Kala卡拉幫吧!

Even before M.I.A. (Maya Arulpragasam) debuted in 2005 with ARULAR, the blogosphere was already abuzz about her, engaging in the kind of discourse normally reserved for academic dissertations. Whether hailed as a canny postmodern pastiche or dismissed as inauthentic cultural pirating, the music, a lively pan-global mash-up of regional dance music styles, seemed to be emanating simultaneously from every ghetto, favela, and council-flat within earshot. As if to call out her detractors, M.I.A. returns for another shot of explosive, politically charged and globally conscious dance music on her second album, KALA.

Lacking the patchwork quality of the debut, KALA is a more cohesive and polished affair, though it matches its predecessor for shear visceral thrills. Recorded across several different continents, and featuring the production talents of Timbaland, Switch, and Blaqstarr, as well as longstanding collaborator Diplo, the globetrotting beat makers mine sources as varied as funk carioca, Baltimore bounce, and the occasional ludicrously placed sound-effect (a squawking chicken). The gloriously bombastic lead single, "Boyz," kicks off the party with a blaring horn loop, carnival percussion, and a stuttering Bollywood vocal sample, while M.I.A. merrily chants the chorus in her sing-song faux patois. The twittering, beat-heavy "Bird Flu" sounds a bit like what you might expect--jagged beats create syncopated poly-rhythms, while birds chirp feverishly against Arulpragasam's bratty invective. But the irreverent cultural re-appropriation doesn't stop at her borrowing from the third world; clever nods to the Clash, New Order, and even Jonathan Richman appear in unexpected and cheeky combinations, offering further proof that M.I.A.'s potent cross-cultural grab bag is as sonically audacious as ever.

The album was first an idea that Producer and saxophonist had to produce a Holiday CD for his mom, Christine Davis. Then there were a couple of songs that was going to feature his remarkable niece and "Label Artist", Chynna. Then there were more ideas of duets with family members. 5 out of 6 of Christine and Bobby's children are featured on the CD. There are 5 out of 6 grandchildren also featured on the recording. The songs chosen and performed are a beautiful match and perfect ingredient to a wonderful Holiday delight! The producer, David Davis (Christine's 4th production) has traveled internationally and have recorded for over 10 years professionally. He has 8 solo Cd's under his belt already. Christine Davis is a Co Pastor, Songwriter and author that has been ministering in churches and in music for over 40 years. "My mom was my first musical influence and idol. I used to watch her play the piano and organ at the house in awe. The sound that was coming from the instrument and her voice made me feel soooo good. I never wanted it to stop". I found out later after being a musician that she named me after an organist and prayed over her belly when pregnant with me to ask God to make me a musician. It freaked me out at first when she told me, but after while it helped me realize why I loved and understood music and sounds so much. All of the Davis' are talented and gifted. There is a special power and presence that a person feels when they are in the same room together, much less on a recorded piece of history making music.

Audio Mixers: Switch; Mark "Spike" Stent.

Photographers: M.I.A. ; Liz Johnson Artur; Michael Kamber; Janette Beckman.

Personnel: DJ Ability (scratches); The Wilcannia Mob.

Additional personnel: Afrikan Boy, Timbaland.

Rolling Stone (p.65) - 4.5 stars out of 5 -- "It's heavier, noisier, more jagged....KALA strikes deep....A riot of human, musical and mechanical sounds bubbles underneath these tracks."
Rolling Stone (p.107) - Included in Rolling Stone's "50 Top Albums of the Year 2007" -- "M.I.A.'s second album was an international block party with a sonic imagination nobody could match all year."
Spin (p.127) - 4.5 stars out of 5 -- "M.I.A.'s border-crossing dance pop is a revolutionary manifesto set the victory party vibe of the future."
Entertainment Weekly (p.133) - "KALA is propelled by genuinely stellar moments: the manic thrall of 'Jimmy,' the ferocious gunshot-chorused 'Paper Planes.'" -- Grade: B
Uncut (p.87) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "[A] head-spinning equatorial dash....She twangs the boundaries of taste both lyrically and musically. But a knockout's a knockout..."
The Wire (p.57) - "She has kept her globetrotting spirit intact in later years -- for Kala she's harvested inspiration and sounds from streets on every continent."
The Wire (p.37) - Ranked #8 in The Wire's "Top Ten Records of the Year 2007" -- "[The] album saw her in transcontinental globetrotting mode in search of the tribal beats, engine sounds and local pop samples mishmashed into KALA."
Q (Magazine) (p.76) - Ranked #34 in Q's "The 50 Best Albums Of 2007" -- "[H]ip hop by way of Africa, the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent..."

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