Label Atlantic
Release Date Dec 15, 2009
1. James Horner - "You don't dream in cryo. ...." 6:09
2. James Horner - Jake enters his avatar world 5:24
3. James Horner - Pure spirits of the forest 8:49
4. James Horner - The bioluminescence of the night 3:37
5. James Horner - Becoming one of "The People" 7:43
Becoming one with Neytiri
6. James Horner - Climbing up "Iknimaya - The Path to 3:18
7. James Horner - Jake's first flight 4:50
8. James Horner - Scorched earth 3:32
9. James Horner - Quaritch 5:01
10.James Horner - The destruction of Hometree 6:47
11.James Horner - Shutting down Grace's lab 2:47
12.James Horner - Gathering all the Na'vi clans for 5:14
13.James Horner - War 11:21
14.Leona Lewis - I See You (Theme from Avatar) 4:20
Atlantic Records has announced the upcoming release of AVATAR Music From The Motion Picture Music Composed And Conducted By James Horner the official score album companion to 20th Century Fox's hugely anticipated 3-D sci-fi action-adventure. The album, which features music composed and conducted by Academy Award-winner James Horner (Titanic, A Beautiful Mind, An American Tail), will be released physically on December 15th. Avatar arrives in theatres everywhere on December 18th.
Written and directed by Academy Award-winner James Cameron (Titanic, Aliens, The Terminator,Terminator 2: Judgment Day, True Lies, The Abyss), Avatar takes us to a spectacular new world beyond our imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption and discovery as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. Cameron first conceived the film 14 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not yet exist. Now, after four years of actual production work, Avatar delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.
Avatar stars Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation), Zo┘ Saldana (Star Trek), Michelle Rodriguez (Lost, Fast & Furious), and Sigourney Weaver (Aliens, Galaxy Quest). The film is produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau.
* 史上最賣座電影【鐵達尼號】金獎導演詹姆斯柯麥隆睽違影壇12年世紀大作!
* 再次敬邀【鐵達尼號】戰友、資深名配樂家詹姆斯霍納,刻劃出龐大氣度的磅礡懾人樂章!
一名美國海軍陸戰隊退役的軍人Jake(【魔鬼終結者4】Sam Worthington飾),曾因為出任務而導致下半身癱瘓,他被選中加入這個開墾外星礦物、能讓他雙腳恢復正常機能的阿凡達企劃,因此整組企劃團隊被帶至目的地 – 潘朵拉星球,這是個完全不受人為汙染、被叢林包圍的綠色星球,美不勝收以及外貌奇特的生物於此共存,其中被認為是遠古生物的納美人,擁有與人類非常相似的面貌、不過卻是平均身長三公尺、並且有著藍色閃亮皮膚的龐然生物,他們和平地長久居住在潘朵拉星球,這是在地球絕對看不到、超越人所想像的全新世界,但由於人類無法呼吸潘朵拉星球的空氣,因而培育了Jake的“阿凡達” - 一種人類與納美人基因相容的生物,如此Jake便能勘察、深入了解潘朵拉星球,在這裡他遇見且愛上了納美人族的公主Neytiri(【星際爭霸戰】Zoe Saldaña飾),Neytiri帶領他深入認識她的民族且視Jake為同伴,但納美人卻也因人類的入侵而組織起來與之對抗,使得Jake最終必須在人類與納美人之間做出正確的抉擇…。
電影音樂由金獎音樂家詹姆斯霍納執掌,學院派的霍納忠於使用實體器樂、大編制的錄音方式,蘇格蘭風笛更是他配樂的特色之一,霍納的電影/電視音樂作品已超過上百部,其中最轟動的大作就是與詹姆斯柯麥隆合作的【鐵達尼號】,此作囊括兩座奧斯卡與兩座金球獎,更以全球超過2800萬張的銷售,寫下史上最暢銷電影音樂專輯紀錄,除此片外,霍納總計十一度入圍奧斯卡(9次最佳原創配樂、2次最佳原創歌曲)、五度提名金球獎,並抱走三座葛萊美獎,其中包括分別在1988、1999年以「Somewhere Out There」、「My Heart Will Go On」兩度勇奪年度歌曲大獎,歷年代表作有:【星艦迷航記2星際大怒吼】、【美國鼠譚】、【夢幻成真】、【真情電波】、【鬼影迷蹤】、【美麗境界】、【鬼靈精】、【彗星撞地球】、【梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色】、【阿波羅13】、【真愛一世情】、【愛國者遊戲】以及2004年金獎入圍作【塵霧家園】…等。這一次隨著詹姆斯柯麥隆繼【鐵達尼號】後睽違12年,攬導演、編寫原創劇本、以及擔任製片等角色於一身的轟動復出,霍納也再次與他合作,電影界導演、配樂兩大龍頭的再次搭擋,這個備受矚目的結盟也讓各大媒體、眾多影迷望眼欲穿!除了磅礡懾人的樂章外,CD中還收錄唯一一首人聲演唱的電影主題曲「I See You」,特別邀來在英國X-Factor選秀節目勇奪冠軍的流行新天后Leona Lewis錄製演唱,媲美Celine Dion為【鐵達尼號】所演唱的「My Heart Will Go On」!
1. “You don’t dream in cryo…”
2. Jake enters his avatar world
3. Pure spirits of the forest
4. The bioluminescence of the night
5. Becoming one of “The People” Becoming one with Neytiri
6. Climbing up “Iknimaya – The Path to Heaven”
7. Jake’s first flight
8. Scorched earth
9. Quaritch
10. The destruction of “Hometree”
11. Shutting down Grace’s lab
12. Gathering all the Na’vi clans for battle
13. War
14. I See You (Theme from Avatar) Performed by Leona Lewis