Label Epic
Release Date Oct 13, 2009
女狼出沒,全球注意!「拉丁女神」夏奇拉〈Shakira〉睽違歌壇四年推出新歌「She Wolf」引發女狼風暴,不僅全球知名觀光景點陸續發現女狼爪印,造成網友熱烈討論,夏奇拉「籠中女狼」與「女狼裸背」的全新造型更是性感破表!這位身材惹火的一代女神透露保持S曲線身材秘方除了運動之外就是一天做15分鐘的仰臥起坐,而她與阿根廷前總統兒子安東尼歐〈Antonio de la Rua〉愛情長跑九年還沒結婚,卻期待快和未婚夫生小孩,「等我完成這張新專輯,我要來生小孩!」夏奇拉尚未命名的第三張英文專輯將於十月發行,首支單曲「She Wolf」16日起全台獨家在ICRT與全球同步首播!
曾在去年被富比士雜誌選為全球最會賺錢的女歌手第四名的夏奇拉不但是哥倫比亞音樂史最暢銷國寶,出道來在歌壇迭創佳績,除了轟動全球的招牌歌曲「愛相隨〈Whenever, Wherever〉」外,06年與流亡者合唱團(The Fugees)首腦懷克里夫金〈Wyclef Jean〉合唱的「電動馬達〈Hips Don't Lie〉」更創下全球排行超過55個國家第一名的光榮紀錄,狠狠成為本世紀以來最熱賣單曲!擁有超過5000萬張唱片銷售的夏奇拉距離2005年英文專輯《愛的原罪Oral Fixation Vol. 2》四年後,預計今年十月發行第三張英文專輯,可說是今年下半年超級強片,讓樂迷引頸期盼的首支單曲「She Wolf」來勢洶洶,為了搭配新歌「女狼」的意境,夏奇拉首波宣傳照就出現「籠中女狼」與「女狼裸背」的全新造型,性感破表叫歌迷驚呼不已!只見夏奇拉化身女狼,不但以火辣造型在金色籠子裡展露S曲線完美身材,還用指甲狠抓裸背,完整傳達新歌意境。究竟這位13歲出道,已經走唱歌壇近20年的天后是怎麼保持她曼妙又健美的身材呢?夏奇拉透露,她平常也很隨性,但是一旦要發片宣傳,她就會天天運動,尤其每天一定要做15分鐘的仰臥起坐,只要兩星期的時間,就會恢復讓人人稱羨的魔鬼身材!
夏奇拉每每發片總是被問到感情事情,她和身為律師的阿根廷前總統兒子安東尼歐從2000年開始拍拖九年,兩人感情穩定,安東尼歐甚至幫未婚妻張羅與著名的娛樂經紀公司Live Nation的合約,讓夏奇拉成為繼瑪丹娜、U2、傑斯之後又一位入主Live Nation的超級巨星,據悉十年合約價格高達7000萬至一億美金。只是兩人從訂婚之後仍然沒有結婚,最近夏奇拉對於這段感情透露她迫不及待想要當媽!稱這張專輯宣傳告一段落後,希望能快點生小孩,能夠有兩個小孩是她的夢想,而安東尼歐野心更大,想要「加碼」生三個小孩!
這次走迪斯可舞曲風格的新歌「She Wolf」已經在各地造成轟動,拉丁版本「Loba」馬上搶下西班牙iTunes榜冠軍。而自從夏奇拉以「女狼」之姿重返歌壇後,網路上開始出現許多「女狼出沒」特異現象的照片與影片,還有數個「女狼出沒」專屬網站天天更新女狼爪印足跡,包括印度泰姬瑪哈陵、巴賽隆納、羅馬競技場、希臘聖托里尼和雅典等地知名建築全部淪陷,還有一堆自拍影片證明全球各地有許多受害者糟女狼襲擊,話題十足,原來這是全球歌迷為了力挺夏奇拉所設計的創意,紛紛從世界各地設計「女狼出沒」照片,造成網友列熱烈討論,也等於幫夏奇拉做了免費宣傳。
I've been following Latin diva Shakira's career ever since she released her debut Spanish album. It's crazy to think that she's a worldwide star and has had crazy success for many years now. Now on her third English studio album Shakira starts things off with "She Wolf" which peaked to #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on Hot Latin Songs. It was just of taste of what the album would bring us, which is this new electro/pop/dance sound of hers. On some of the tracks the lyrics are silly and witty but fun at best. Put that together with good producers like The Neptunes, John Hill, Wyclef Jean and you have a pair of tracks that are quite infectious. I really enjoyed my first listen and will most definitely be listening to it again and again. Check it out now and BUY YOUR COPY OCTOBER 13TH!!
1. She Wolf
2. Did It Again
3. Long Time
4. Why Wait
5. Good Stuff
6. Men In This Town
7. Gypsy
8. Spy (featuring Wyclef Jean)
9. Mon Amour
I think you are living in denial
Oh can't you see she's pretty wild?
And every night I pray that you don't knock her up
'Cause I still want to be the mother of your child
They say "l'amour est né à Paris"
So she's planned a little trip to France
while she's in anxious anticipation
I really hope you have a horrible vacation
And so you think of me when you arrive.
Hope the french fleas eat you both alive.
And your room smells
And the toilet doesn't flush
And locals treat you mean
And the service takes too long
'Cause I'm fragile and you broke my heart in two
But you just smile
Like it's all the same to you, to you
But when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
And when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
Where did you get the ability?
To make fakes promises to me
You are exactly like
a politician
Need everyone's approval just to see if you are doing right.
And I hope you both freeze under the Eiffel Tower
So you end up throwing in the towel
Hope you'll miss me
And someday you're gonna see
That I put my trust in you
But you turned you back to me.
'Cause I'm fragile and you broke my heart in two
But you just smile
Like it's all the same to you, to you
But when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
And when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
But when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
And when you learn your lesson
Come like a prodigal son
Read the big sign at the airport
Bienvenue from Hell, mon amour
Mon amour, mon amour...
Passengers with destination
Passengers with destination
Passengers with destination to Hell
Please proceed to your gate, we are ready to board now.
10. Lo Hecho Está Hecho
11. Años Luz
12. Loba
Shakira's brand new English album She Wolf is an uptempo pop album. It is all about synthesizers and electronical concepts, all mixed with the world sounds that we are used to from Shakira.. sounds from countries like India, the Middle East ... Full Descriptionand her home country of Colombia. She Wolf features a predominantly English track list with a follow up album of new and unique repertoire in Spanish to come in 2010. The title track "She-Wolf " boasts the infectious and energizing sound that made Shakira a household name, with a slightly more dancey/ electronic beat (about 125 beats per minute). Though most tracks on the upcoming album will be in English, Shakira chose to service the Spanish version of the first single, "Loba", two weeks before the English single is launched.
Did It Again
- Oct 10 Sat 2009 16:10
Sony Music 索尼音樂 夏奇拉 Shakira - 女狼現身 She Wolf