
1.Rainbow 4:19
2.Dreamland 4:15

3.Nothing To Do With You 2:54
4.Chinatown 3:13
5.Ballad Of The Big Machine 5:46
6.The Cycle 4:12
7.Closer 3:55
8.The Devil At My Door 5:02
9.Rocket To The Moon 3:25
10.Fools Like Us 3:22
11.The Way I See You 3:29
12.This Is Your World 3:19

FR:Filles Sourires

Dreamland, the first single from the new album by Emilie Simon, was a warning: Kate Bush had always been a big reference, but now she tried to out-Kate her heroine. I've heard the full album The Big Machine, and it's the biggest disappointment this year. Gone is the iceblue atmosphere of her debut, she tries to really sing instead of just whispering softly in my ear and the music is the idea-free, Depeche Mode-light. Don't get me started on the lyrics. To sing in English wasn't a good idea on Vegetal, though I liked her versions of Come as you are, and I wanna be your dog. But this is truly horrible. One song has a few French lines, but that's not helping either. Bye Emilie, nice knowing you.

Emilie Simon - Fools like us (from Dreamland)
Emilie Simon - Dame de Lotus (from Vegetal, for old times sake. See the beautiful video)

今年「法國五月」為樂迷帶來有法國Bjork之稱的Emilie Simon ,被譽為深得Serge Gainsbourg風格的電子音樂才女。

早於二十三歲那年Emilie Simon親自主理其首張唱片,並取得「最佳電子音樂大碟」之殊榮。

Emilie Simon曾以電影《小企鵝大長征》的配樂,取得法國音樂大獎「最佳原聲大碟」的殊榮。

在法國南部蒙彼利埃(Montpellier)成長的Emilie Simon,童年時曾幻想家中有一條秘密通道,可通往不知名的神奇國度。在她八歲那年,幻想實現了,身為混音師的父親在家裏的地下室建立了錄音室,從此 Emilie Simon便與音樂結下不解緣,長大後她更成為一位音樂創作人及混音師。在學期間,她曾經於音樂學校學習歌唱技巧達七年之久,並先後攻讀古典音樂及電子音樂,且曾涉獵爵士樂和搖滾樂。Emilie Simon於二十三歲那年,為自己製作首張個人專輯,從此平地一聲雷,為法國樂壇注入饒富趣味的新意。有樂評形容其稚氣的歌聲像與你竊竊私語,而那滲透電子與迷幻氣息的音樂,亦充滿電影感與想像力。因緣際會法國導演Luc Jacquet邀請Emilie Simon為電影《小企鵝大長征》擔任配樂工作,而她亦帶來不負眾望的成績單,憑此片於法國音樂大獎中取得「最佳原聲大碟」的殊榮。電影中最令人廣為談論的可說是Emilie Simon以冰塊摩擦的聲音,創造寒氣刺骨的音響效果。   

若果你喜歡法國電影,相信你亦都會喜歡Serge Gainsbourg那充滿法式風情的音樂。已離人世的Serge Gainsbourg可說是近代法國流行樂壇最具影響力及爭議性的國寶級音樂人,對法國流行樂壇影響深遠。   

近年樂評人總喜歡將Emilie Simon比作Serge Gainsbourg的私生女,足見大家對她的鍾愛。當然,要細數法國樂壇的族譜,參與電影《戀愛夢遊中》的Charlotte Gainsbourg才真的是Serge Gainsbourg的女兒。但無可否認,Emilie Simon的音樂,或明或暗地上世紀六、七十年代法國香頌的氣韻。而大部分樂迷,仍舊緬懷由Serge Gainsbourg昔日炮製,充滿法式意趣的音樂。

  Emilie Simon的音樂,是美麗而脆弱的法式流行音樂。他認為Serge Gainsbourg在法國流行音樂體系的影響力無遠弗屆,Emilie Simon被拿來跟他相提並論絕不出奇,尤其那份性感的意味。筆者亦認同,Emilie Simon那天馬行空的意念、略帶頑童氣息的調侃,實教人會心微笑。正如Emilie Simon的首張同名專輯,唱片的封面不見她的模樣,只見她赤裸的背上綴滿小甲蟲,玩味十足。

若論印象最深刻的作品,他就喜歡這電子音樂才女改編樂隊The Stooges的《I Wanna Be Your Dog》的有趣翻唱版本。

Barclay Records is a French record label, which was founded round 1954 by Eddie Barclay (who founded the Riviera label round 1950/51) alias Edouard Ruault. Among the artist in their catalog were Dalida, Mireille Mathieu, Danielle Licari, Charles Aznavour, Noir Désir, Les Chaussettes Noires, Eddy Mitchell, Hugues Aufray, Henri Salvador, Jacques Brel, The Wild Magnolias, Leo Ferre, Fela Kuti, and Jimi Hendrix. Also featured Raymond Lefevre and Michel Colombier (just in the 60s) as arrangers.

Eddie Barclay worked with Sid Vicious and McLaren on the Great Swindle documentary film and album including Sid's song My Way.

The story is that Eddie Barclay went to America to purchase the rights of the 45 RPM record back in 1949.

It is currently owned by the Universal Music Group, and the label is used under the Universal brand. The label Trema has been absorbed under the Barclay sub-label.

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