※ 「葛萊美」天后諾拉瓊絲Norah Jones睽違兩年全新專輯
《紐約的秋天 The Fall》11/17金牌大風唱片全球同步發行!
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◎「葛萊美天后」諾拉瓊絲睽違兩年全新專輯《紐約的秋天 The Fall》11/17發行!!新歌搶聽會獻給蘋果電腦CEO史蒂芬賈伯斯!
◎「秋天」牽線!知名紐約女攝影師Autumn de Wilde執掌新專輯攝影!!諾拉:「把我拍的好美!」
8座葛萊美獎肯定、全球累積銷量超過3000萬張的「葛萊美天后」諾拉瓊絲Norah Jones,即將在11/17發行她睽違兩年的個人全新第四張全新專輯《紐約的秋天 The Fall》,而她的新歌搶聽則是獻給了獻給蘋果電腦首席執行長史蒂芬賈伯斯Steve Jobs!
蘋果電腦日前在舊金山舉行的【It’s Only Rock n’ Roll】記者會上,由蘋果電腦首席執行長史蒂芬賈伯斯介紹iTunes 9的新功能,包括使用者可在iTunes 9觀看歌手的現場表演、歌詞、寫真、訪問、專輯評論…等多重功能,不僅讓iTunes 9玩家可以更了解歌手,歌手亦可透過iTunes 9提供的更多功能讓自己的創作過程,有管道和平台和歌迷交流!而讓諾拉瓊絲一夜成名的第一張專輯《遠走高飛Come Away With Me》,同時也是iTunes第一張以iTunes LP形式祭出的專輯,因此,在史蒂芬賈伯斯的解說甫結束、諾拉瓊絲則亮麗現身、以神秘嘉賓的身分出現在記者會上!全場獻以熱烈掌聲之餘、諾拉更獻上全球首度曝光的新專輯《紐約的秋天 The Fall》裡頭的新歌〈Young Blood〉以及招牌曲〈Come Away With Me〉,諾拉慵懶獨特的嗓音神奇地讓全場立即沉浸在秋天浪漫的氛圍之中,成為了本場記者會上最大的焦點!首支單曲〈Chasing Pirates〉HIT FM則將在10/5全台大首播,台灣的諾拉迷請密切鎖定!
同時,目前正為了11/17發行的個人第四張全新專輯《紐約的秋天 The Fall》的諾拉瓊絲,第一波宣傳照曝光!諾拉此番找來同是紐約客的Autumn de Wilde女攝影師執鏡!專長於為歌手執掌封面攝影及後台攝影的知名攝影師Autumn de Wilde可是大有來頭,從未接受專業攝影學校訓練的她,父親則是在六零年代音樂圈頗負盛名的攝影師Jerry de Wilde,Jerry最著名地就是擔綱經典音樂家吉米罕醉克斯Jimi Hendrix長期合作的後台暨專輯攝影師,而Autumn就是在父親的耳濡目染之下、自學而成敏銳的攝影功力!有趣的是,諾拉與Autumn的一拍即合出於一個美麗的共通點-【秋天】-:諾拉的新專輯名稱是The Fall,而Autumn de Wilde的名字也是Autumn!!拍出來的結果令諾拉大感滿意直呼:「把我拍的好美!」。
For a young and commercially successful artist, Norah Jones has admirably avoided playing it too safe. After scoring an unlikely sales sensation and multiple Grammy award winner with 2002's torchy COME AWAY WITH ME, Jones shifted gears slightly ... Full Descriptionto accent that album's country and folk elements on the 1970s-styled follow-up, FEELS LIKE HOME. Following that, Jones deliberately played with expectations, first becoming a low-key sideman in a quirky alt-country band called the Little Willies, then playing the lead role in a new movie by Hong Kong arthouse director Wong Kar-Wai.
Jones's third album, NOT TOO LATE, is perhaps not as extreme as any of those other moves away from her initial comfort zone, but it's a departure nonetheless. Recorded by Jones and longtime collaborator Lee Alexander in their home studio and featuring only self-penned material, NOT TOO LATE is far less polished than Jones's previous records, with many songs featuring little more than the singer's familiar croon, a Floyd Cramer-influenced piano, and Alexander's subtle bass. Not quite jazz, country, or pop, NOT TOO LATE fuses all of Jones's influences into an immediately identifiable whole. It's easily her most mature and personal album to date.
This limited-edition DVD/CD set includes music videos, live performances footage, interviews, 13 audio tracks, and more.
Personnel include: Norah Jones (vocals, piano, Wurlitzer piano); Daru Oda (vocals, whistle); Jesse Harris (acoustic guitar); Adam Levy (electric guitar); Kevin Breit (mandolin); Julia Kent, Jeffrey Zeigler (cello); Larry Goldings (Hammond b-3 organ); Lee Alexander (bass instrument); Andrew Borger (drums).
Recording information: The Coop, New York, NY.
Rolling Stone (p.66) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "[S]he's quirkier lyrically than any of her helpmates. And she remains pop's nicest superstar..."
Entertainment Weekly (p.122) - "NOT TOO LATE has a slightly, rougher, home-studio sound....[With] slow, gorgeous dream-pop ballads..." -- Grade: B-
Q (p.98) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "[An] understated blend of country, folk, jazz and soul....Simple songs, lovingly crafted and sweetly sung."
Uncut (p.75) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "[S]omething altogether fresh....Just like that, Jones transforms herself into the gentlest of cutting-edge artists."
Down Beat (p.58) - "Jones still favors gentle love songs, tunes streaked with a mix of nostalgia and hope, and her elegant amalgam of acoustic pop, soft focus country and polished blues still goes down like a spoonful of sugar."
No Depression (p.108) - "NOT TOO LATE operates from an intimate stance.....Acoustic textures and bone-dry vocals draw the focus to the tune..."
Mojo (Publisher) (p.104) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "Jones has reclaimed her music on her own terms, establishing a new level of artistry with a fascinating line in subversion of the politest kind."