Label Hollywood
Release Date Aug 11, 2009

Coming across like SCHOOL OF ROCK hitting those awkward HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL years, BANDSLAM's soundtrack covers not just the battle of the bands that drives the film's plot, but songs that inspire the film's characters, as well. Though the movie ... Full Descriptionstars teen pop singer/actress Aly Michalka of Aly & AJ and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL's Vanessa Hudgens, its music leans more towards the rock side of the spectrum -- classic rock, in fact: BANDSLAM kicks off with David Bowie's "Rebel Rebel," and later touches on Nick Drake's yearning with "Road," and the Velvet Underground's cool with "Femme Fatale" (marking the first and probably only time that Nico and Vanessa Hudgens will be referenced in the same project). BANDSLAM tries to be and do a lot of things, and while it doesn't always succeed, it works well enough that fans of the movie (and their parents) won't be disappointed by the soundtrack.

Recording information: Studio Wishbone.

1. Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
2. Amphetamine - Aly Michalka/I Can't Go On, I'll Go On
3. 24 Hours - Shack
4. Where Are You Now - Honor Society
5. Lunar One - Seventeen Evergreen
6. Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground/Peter Bjorn and John
7. Twice is too Much - Exist
8. Road - I Can't Go On, I'll Go On/Nick Drake
9. Someone to Fall Back On - Aly Michalka
10. I Want You to Want Me - Aly Michalka/Scott Porter and the Glory Dogs
11. Pretend - The Burning Hotels
12. Stuck in the Middle - The Daze/The Burning Hotels
13. Blizzard Woman Blues - I Can't Go On, I'll Go On - (featuring Vanessa Hudgens)
14. Everything I Own - Wilco
15. What Light

★薇妮性感重唱Bread樂團抒情金曲"Everything I Own"★
★精挑The Velvet Underground & Nico、David Bowie、Wilco等標榜不妥協精神的搖滾樂團與歌手代表作★

【電影入座】由2003年日舞影展競賽片「青春百老匯/Camp」的導演Todd Graff所執導,「歌舞青春」女主角薇妮,影集「六人行」艾美獎得獎女星麗莎庫卓,雙人組合78 Violet樂團中的Alyson Michalka,「濃情巧克力」配角Gaelan Connel,「駭速快手」男配角Scott Porter聯合主演的音樂喜劇片【搖滾未來】,劇情描述懷抱音樂夢想的高中轉校生威爾,雖然與新同學之間格格不入,但他與同樣特立獨行的搖滾女孩珊(凡妮莎哈金絲 飾)卻相當合拍,而他們組團演唱的夢想,也因為全校男生最哈的性感女神夏綠蒂(艾莉森蜜琪卡 飾)的加入,而受到矚目;面對即將來臨的搖滾樂團大賽「Bandslam」,這一群為音樂熱血沸騰的搖滾少男&少女,是否能在強敵環伺下一鳴驚人呢?

【音樂開始】電影原聲帶在揮灑當代青春搖滾活力之餘,也匯集了最具不妥協性格的經典藝人與樂團的招牌作。在「歌舞青春」中初試啼聲,隨後連續以「V」、「Identified」兩張專輯打進全美流行專輯榜TOP40的薇妮(Vanessa Hudgens),以片中所飾演的樂團女主唱身份重新詮釋Bread樂團迷情之歌"Everything I Own";在強納斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)2009年世界巡迴演唱會中擔任暖場的新進樂團Honor Society帶來清新迷人的流行搖滾曲"Where Are You Now";與妹妹Amanda組成雙人樂團Aly & AJ,隨後又在2009年更改團名為78 Violet的創作才女Aly Michalka,分別以歌手本尊或是影片中所扮演的樂團主唱身份演唱流行搖滾名團Cheap Trick的1979年TOP10代表作"I Want You To Want Me"等多首歌曲;在不妥協性格的經典藝人與樂團的歌曲部份則是有實驗搖滾標竿樂團The Velvet Underground & Nico的1967年名作"Femme Fatale";還有搖滾變色龍David Bowie 1974年告別視覺搖滾風格的里程碑之作"Rebel Rebel"。

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