Shibuya-kei 『澀谷系小貓咪』Kahimi Karieカヒミ.カリィ聽說是個討厭日本的女孩,長期旅居巴黎,不僅是時尚的代言人,也是個日英法三聲帶創作女伶
Due to a well-informed FS reader (see comments here), we now know that Japanese uber-poupée Kahimi Karie married tap-dancer Kazunori Kumagai two months ago. Congratulations, Kahimi! For more info, also see the web journal of Kahimi collaborator Momus, and don't forget to check out the funny and quite outspoken discussion at the bottom of the page.
Kahimi Karie - Ma langue au chat
Sonoko - Wedding with God (à Nijinski)
Kahimi Karie

Some people might have lost track of her, but you - well, I, see here - can't praise Kahimi Karie highly enough. Serge wasn't around anymore to take advantage of her, so Cornelius/ Keigo Oyamada and Nick Currie/ Momus took over to produce the most sincere, deceptive, tender, over-the-top and still unsurpassed bébé pop, an amalgam of Birkin-esque whispers, Claudine style, Vanessa tongue-play, and a fairy-tale fetish innocence that's gone in a split second - grab it while you're there.
Kahimi Karie - Dis-Moi Quelque Chose Avant De Dormir
The Best Of Trattoria Years Plus More(Shm)(Ltd.)
22 avril 2009
1. Good Morning World
2. Candyman
3. Elastic Girl
4. Mike Alway's Diary
5. Roi Soleil
6. Take It Easy My Brother Charlie
7. Zoom Up!
8. Sérieux Comme le Plaisir
9. Lolitapop Dollhouse
10. Dis-Moi Quelque Chose Avant de Dormir
11. When You Close Your Eyes
30 mars 2007
Date de sortie d'origine: 26 octobre 2006
Label: Japan (Megaphon Importservice)
1997 - Larme de crocodile (Crue-L KYTHMAK-031DA)
July 15, 1998 - K.K.K.K.K. (Polydor POCP-7296)
May 24, 2000 - Tilt (Polydor POCH-1949)
November 21, 2001 - My Suitor (Polydor)
February 21, 2003 - Trapeziste (Victor VICL-61070)
May 21, 2004 - Montage (Victor VICL-61374)
October 25, 2006 - NUNKI (Victor VICL-62135)
Kahimi Karie結婚現場照曝光 新娘唱歌新郎跳舞
據“東京圖表”網站轉引日本媒體消息:有“涉谷系女王”之稱的日本女藝人Kahimi Karie(41歲)傳出結婚的消息,男方是享譽國際的踢踏舞表演家熊谷和德(32歲)。6月27日他們在東京舉行了一場低調的婚禮。
日本媒體曝光了Kahimi Karie結婚的現場照,Kahimi Karie的老朋友Kenji Takimi(Crue-L Records的老闆)在博客上張貼了這些照片。
Kahimi Karie披婚紗唱歌
涉谷系簡介:日本樂團“系”的始祖。當初只有在涉穀的HMV及Tower才買得到這一類音樂的專輯,此類音樂的專輯只在涉谷店頭的銷售排行榜高居榜首,因此得名。涉谷系混合了酸性爵士,六十年代迷幻搖滾,摩城(Motown)之聲,七十年代的lounge music,八十年代的新浪漫風格,簡單說就是大雜燴。代表藝人是小山田圭吾,他也是Kahimi Karie的前男友。
涉谷系女王Kahimi Karie