Remi Nicole - Cupid Shoot Me

Label Island Uk
Release Date Sep 08, 2009
Soul/Twee pop

1. Cupid Shoot Me
2. In My Dreams
3. Nice Boy
4. Loveless
5. Another Day
6. Broke Hearted People
7. Standing Tears Apart
8. Come Find Me
9. Going It Alone
10. I'll Be Waiting
11. Love Me So

2009 sophomore album from the talented British singer/songwriter. Cupid Shoot Me is a brilliant vision of '50s Doo Wop and '60s Girl Group, re-imagined by North London's sharpest young artist. Evoking the sounds of the Shirelles, the Supremes ... Full Descriptionand Carol King's teenage songwriting tenure at the Brill Building, this is both a celebration of a classic, often overlooked era of vintage pure Pop songwriting and a modern channeling of a classic sound back through a lo-fi, high concept album of Saturday night drive-in Pop. Cupid Shoot Me is a triumph that works as both introspective autobiography and as sheer, entertaining pop music. The album comprises 11 songs, all delivering a varsity-jacketed girl-gang, diner-hanging, 'will you still love me tomorrow' mix of bubblegum and heartbreak, sing-along melody and pain that re-routes the prom-night mores of Mad Men-era middle America for 21st century Britain. Island.

一位黑人父親在女兒十八歲生日那天帶她來到一個珠寶店,並告訴她可以隨便挑一件作為生日禮物。女孩環顧四周,發現自己心儀的物件都在四萬五千英鎊左右。為了不使父親感到尷尬,她轉而在那堆只賣幾百鎊的首飾裡尋找。正在此時,一個人從窗口昂首闊步的經過,這個人就是大名鼎鼎的Noel Gallagher-Oasis那對著名“流氓兄弟”中的哥哥。時間立刻凝固,女孩呆呆的望著吉他英雄Noel漸行漸遠的身影,潛意識告訴她:“這裡沒有我想要的,我要一把吉他。”也就是從那時起,女孩的命運注定不會平平凡凡,雖然過了若干年才初現端倪。這個有著音樂多動症的女孩之前已經接觸過鋼琴、小號、鼓和小提琴,這之後,她又像其他無數青少年一樣操練起那把擦的锃亮的生日吉他。同時,她還給自己定下了掌握西班牙語的目標。但是目前看來,西班牙語仍在起步階段,吉他技術卻大有長進。

這個現年23歲的女孩確實不簡單,不僅僅因為她身上的奧地利、特立尼達、英國和猶太血統,更因為在 R'n'B和Hip Hop大行其道的黑人音樂界,勇敢的選擇了曾經只屬於白人的英國吉他搖滾風格。除了小時候在特立尼達待過6個月,Remi一直生活在陽光充足的泰晤士河畔,是一位徹頭徹尾的北倫敦女孩。3歲時,家人給她穿上最漂亮的衣服,讓其在幾百個度假者面前演唱童謠,這是她的第一次表演。後來,她就讀於伯明翰語言和戲劇學校,專攻表演,同時還兼職一份辦公室工作。但是,她很快意識到周旋在等待試演和保住飯碗之間只會讓夢想破滅,就算能成為一個成功的演員也不是她像要的。“我在一個叫傳染病控制中心的地方供職,那個機構負責統計醫院的MRSA(超級病菌)。而我就夾雜在找表演機會和處理這些推脫不掉的瑣事之間。”直到一個夏天,Remi到一個朋友家看他錄歌,發現制作人幾乎同時就做好了混音。後來她回憶到:“我在想,難道錄歌就這麼簡單?然後我就告訴自己也要寫首歌。於是,就在第二天,我寫好了《Go Mr Sunshine》。”一個陽光燦爛的下午,Remi在野餐時當著一個朋友的面彈唱了這首歌。朋友驚嘆於她無拘無束的潛力,介紹她認識了一個在音樂界工作的熟人。此後,通過接觸其他制作人和志同道合的音樂愛好者,Remi逐漸意識到她的未來和音樂有關。借助Myspace, 她又聯絡上了George Michael的制作人Johnny Douglas和The Fratellis、Kooks和The Thrills的制作人Tony Hoffer。2007年1月,在與Island唱片公司毫不猶豫的簽約後,Remi迅速進棚,開始錄制第一張專輯。

這是Remi Nicole繼2007年其處女專輯《My Conscience And I》之後的第二張專輯。聽到她的嗓音和歌詞內容馬上讓我想到了前段時間大紅大紫的Lily Allen,歌詞內容大都是小女生和其小男友的一些七七八八的可愛小事,難道,這就是非主流?不過相比Lily Allen那種精靈古怪的酷感,她的音樂更加有一種鄰家女孩的親切感,雖說是搖滾但是無論是歌詞還是曲子都是治愈系的,之所以這麼說是因為她的曲子有悠閑活潑的感覺,然後歌詞中透露出一種非常健康積極的感覺。我個人比較喜歡其中的Loveless,Brokenhearted pelple,Come Find Me,I'll be waiting。不得不說的是,我很少聽這類風格的歌曲,Lily Allen的歌放在mp3裡面聽了一個禮拜不到就被我換掉了,一開始是很High但是聽得時間長了難免覺得頭昏眼花,不過這個小妮子的歌還是給我一種眼前一亮的感覺,至少,在聽那首I'll be waiting的時候我被打動了。這女孩真的非常有才,詞曲給人一種收放自如的感覺,有一種BORN TO BE的感覺……

Remi Nicole is a talented young artist from the UK who’s second album ‘Cupid Shoot Me’ is a brilliant vision of 50s doo wop and 60s girl group, re-imagined by North London’s sharpest young singer songwriter. Evoking the sounds of the Shirelles, the Supremes and Carol King’s teenage songwriting tenure at the Brill Building, this is both a celebration of a classic, often overlooked era of vintage pure pop songwriting and a modern channeling of a classic sound back through a lo-fi, high concept album of Saturday night drive-in pop.

“Most people who have heard the album think it’s a really fun and uplifting album when really it’s quite dark,” says Remi. A self-taught multi-instrumentalist, musician, singer and songwriter who plays the guitars, keyboards and drum parts on the album, Remi is so proud of ‘Cupid Shoot Me’ that she now considers it her first album proper, after the tentative, underrated start that was her 2007 debut set, ‘My Conscience & I’. “I feel like that was an album of demos,” she says. “This is my real debut. I didn’t know myself when I was 23. It was a challenging time. Now I feel like I know who I am and I know what I want, and that’s making the whole process of being a musician, and everything it involves, a lot easier.””

The album comprises 11 songs, all delivering a varsity-jacketed girl-gang, diner-hanging, ‘will you still love me tomorrow’ mix of bubblegum and heartbreak, singalong melody and pain that re-routes the prom-night mores of Mad Men-era middle America for 21st century Britain.


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