Universal Republic
Release Date Aug 25, 2009
Additional Info With DVD; Deluxe Edition
Colbie Caillat released her debut "CoCo" about 2 years ago and since has made a spot for herself in the music industry. Her first single "Bubbly" topped the Adult Contemporary charts and peaked to #5 on the Billboard Hot 100. The album was certified double Platinum and her follow-up single "Realize" was a Top 20 hit. She is now showing that she may be able to repeat the same success with new single "Fallin' For You" already peaking to #12 on the Hot 100. As for the album Caillat brings more of what we enjoyed last time. The production sounds better and the team of writers she worked with make for many great tracks. It's very easy listening and It's a great change of pace. So check it out and BUY YOUR COPY AUGUST 25TH!!
1. I Wont
2. Begin Again
3. You Got Me
4. Fallin For You
5. Rainbow
6. Droplets (Feat. Jason Reeves)
7. I Never Told You
8. Fearless
9. Runnin Around
10. Break Through
11. It Stops Today
12. Breakin at The Cracks
13. Lucky (W/ Jason Mraz) *Bonus
Colbie Caillat - Breakthrough (Deluxe) [Bonus Tracks]
Already mentioned this week Colbie Caillat will be releasing sophomore album "Breakthrough" on August 25th!! Single "Fallin For You" has managed to do well already peaking to #12 on the Billboard Hot 100.
The album has already made it's way to the web and usually what comes after that are the bonus tracks. Here we have the 5 bonus tracks that you will receive if you buy the Deluxe Edition of the album. They are classic Caillat tracks and go very well with the flow of the rest of the album. Check them out, Enjoy!!
13. Out of my Mind
14. What I Wanted to Say
15. Don't Hold Me Down
16. Never Let You Go
17. Stay With Me
收錄美國電台熱播曲"Fallin' For You",傑森瑪耶茲合唱迷人小品"Lucky",【創作特典】特別加收5首動人佳作
相較於首張專輯無心插柳的創作心情,蔻比凱蕾盡情地享受第2張專輯的錄製時光,還在夏威夷設立了一個歌曲創作營,邀請首張專輯的熟悉面孔Jason Reeves、Mikal Blue,還有新朋友-「美國偶像」的評審兼詞曲創作家Kara DioGuardia加入。製作大將包括了葛萊美獎肯定的John Shanks(艾拉妮絲莫莉塞特、邦喬飛、雪瑞兒可洛)、以及曾製作過Fleetwood Mac樂團70年代經典專輯「Rumors」的製作人老爸Ken Caillat,她同時邀請製作高手Rick Nowels(妮莉費塔朵、珠兒)參與創作,而蔻比也首度在錄製過程中提出想法。對蔻比而言,【Breakthrough】是一張更好、更親密的作品。
蔻比在新專輯中更顯蛻變後的成熟,深入剖析情感關係中的快樂、悲傷、分手與不知所措的心情。首支單曲"Fallin' For You"洋溢著夏日風情,裝滿她墜入情網的喜悅,發行首週晉升全美熱門單曲榜Top12,寫下她出道以來最棒的首週排行成績。蔻比喜歡從男生的觀點揣摩愛戀心情,像"Fearless"就以男友角度描述他不會因心碎戀情而對未來的戀情產生重傷害。蔻比也從聽聞的人生故事中尋找創作題材,像"Breakin’ At The Cracks"來自她父母熟識的一位好友,同一時間遭遇喪母、愛犬死亡、父親與老公相繼過世的打擊,蔻比在巡迴演唱期間得知不禁潸然淚下,拿起吉他便寫下這首描述跳脫絕望、重啟人生的感人之作。標題曲"Breakthrough"是關於她的好友亟欲突破父女關係的心情,蔻比也藉此勉勵自己與所有樂迷要勇於突破人生關卡。蔻比與葛萊美獎提名創作才子Jason Mraz攜手合寫、合唱的全美抒情榜Top10單曲"Lucky",是讓人越聽越入迷的可愛小品。【Breakthrough-創作特典】特別加收"What I Wanted To Say"、"Stay With Me"等5首歌曲。
1.I Won't不再 2.Begin Again重新愛過 3.You Got Me你懂我 4.Fallin’ For You愛上你了 5.Rainbow彩虹 6.Droplets (feat. Jason Reeves)小雨滴 (蔻比凱蕾與傑森李維) 7.I Never Told You不曾說出口 8.Fearless愛無懼 9.Runnin’ Around尋覓 10.Break Through掙脫 11.It Stops Today到此為止 12.Breakin’ At The Cracks碎裂 13.What I Wanted To Say我的心裡話 14.Out Of My Mind你在我心上 15.Don't Hold Me Down別阻擋我 16.Never Let You Go絕不放手 17.Stay With Me陪伴我 18.Lucky (with Jason Mraz)幸運兒 (蔻比凱蕾與傑森瑪耶茲)