Label(s) A&M/Octone

Flyleaf: Lacey Mosley (vocals); Sameer Bhattacharya, Jared Hartmann (guitar); Pat Seals (bass instrument); James Culpepper (drums).

Rock band Flyleaf released their self-tilted debut album back in 05' and now are getting ready to release their next effort "Memento Mori" on October 20th!! It took some time for their debut to take impact but they've gained themselves a fan base and it's been certified Platinum. Here we have first single "Again" which is set to impact radio August 25th!Check it out, Enjoy!!

Again - Flyleaf


 來自德州的Flyleaf,起初由女主唱Lacey Mosley與鼓手James Culpepper兩人開始搞音樂,就在四處招兵買馬邀得雙吉他手Jared Hartmann、Sameer Bhattacharya與貝斯手Pat Seals等三名團員後,陸續推出三張EP,更馬不停蹄累積超過一百場演出經驗,其中多場表演受到新生代搖滾女將Amy Lee賞識,成為「伊凡塞斯」巡演的開場嘉賓,當時他們仍是以Passerby為團名。2004年受到Octone Records青睞簽入旗下,正式與Maroon 5結為同門,這時團名也改為Flyleaf。


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