
1. Don't Wanna Dance
2. Like it Loud

3. Reset
4. Criminal
5. Do It Again
6. Nothing You Can Do
7. Differently
8. No More
9. Mess Of Mine
10. Do What I Do
11. Necessarily
12. Amazing
13. Hero
14. Differently (feat. Travis McCoy)

15. Do It Again (Denzal Park Remix)

美國前陣子有個超紅唱著“I kissed a Girl...”出山的性感俏妞Katy Perry,目前火遍地球的“雙性百變女王”叫Lady GaGa?澳洲驚現兩者的混合體---“野性搖滾女郎“Cassie Davis!!!1986年出生如今已有4支當紅單曲在手,首張專輯8月14日問世,澳洲註定又要卷起一股金發美女的熱潮。

Cassie Davis原名Cassie Maree Davis,12歲那年第一次用電腦錄歌,17歲獨身一人來美國闖蕩,直到2009年期盼已久的個人作品出爐,Cassie經歷了一段很深刻的自我磨練,可能有好多人會質問她的形像和歌路是否在效仿或者抄襲美國俏妞Katy Perry和Lady GaGa,的確我也有這樣的疑問,無論從化妝,發型,服裝,封面到嗓音都有強烈的相似之處,造型方面Cassie有翻拍Lady GaGa的嫌疑,大家可以看下Cassie熱門單曲"Do it Again"的封面,是否發現和Lady GaGa某單曲封面如出一轍?再看下發型是否是Lady GaGa的同款招牌?再來聽聽聲音,和Katy Perry幾乎無法區別,唯一可以分別出來的就是Cassie主打硬式搖滾風格,比Katy作風更加強烈更加符合野性派!無論如何Cassie趕上了時代的潮流,抄襲大牌明星的確是讓自己迅速成為媒體關注焦點的最好途徑!拋去閑言碎語,Cassie的嗓音絕對式上好的胚子,融合了Katy Perry與Kelly Clarkson的優質條件,風格獨立火爆,毫無嬌柔做作之嫌。推薦指數5星,最喜歡的還是”Do it Again“。

Since cassie first emerged on the australian scene, the country has embraced her hard-hitting rock-pop tunes. Like it loud' (hp #11) has surpassed gold status and garnered over 700,000 hits on video-sharing website youtube. 'differently' ... Full Description(single) (hp #29) was the #1 most added track to radio in its first week of release. 'do it again' was the #1 most added track to radio in its first week of release. The album features a bonus track: 'differently' (feat. Travis)

'Differently' is the debut release from fast-rising Australian singer/songwriter/producer Cassie Davis.This exceptional Perth-born talent has produced a knock outset of tracks which includes smash singles 'Like It Loud', 'Differently' feat. Travis McCoy and Prinze Board of Black Eyed Peas, and her latest cut 'Do It Again'. Her debut album ‘Differently’ is released on August 14 and features three of her hit singles which have had huge airplay in Australia – ‘Like It Loud’, ‘Differently’ (featuring Travis McCoy of Gym Class Heroes) and the latest single ‘Do It Again’ which was #1 most added to radio this week.

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