曲:Paul Simon
編:Richard Yuen

滔滔千里 淹天地
痛惜蒼生不幸 筋竭力疲

家不再家 生不可再生 留低只有傷悲
滔滔裡 假使一個是我 問我怎麼過?
滔滔裡 假使一個是你 你怎去渡過?

伸出手相救 盼相助
用你熱誠心窩 趕走痛苦折磨

一起去幫 一起去助 同聲高唱這歌
滔滔裡 一起跨過步過 願有你跟我!
滔滔裡 一起跨過步過 痛苦會渡過!

滔滔裡 一起跨過步過 願有你跟我!
暴潮裡 願同步一起跨過 伸出手去拖!

88水災後,各電視台賑災晚會接力賽,兩岸三地近300位藝人昨(8月17日)晚在香 港亞洲博覽館舉行的「88水災關愛行動」募款晚會,以行動證明愛的力量無限大。

曾志偉、張艾嘉、吳小莉、哈林、陳百祥主持,四大天王全到齊,台灣由藍心湄連線。晚會 募得台幣2億多,香港TVB行政主席邵逸夫以個人名義捐出1億元台幣,晚會費用全數由 成龍負責。

香港「88水災關愛活動」打破藝人間「門戶之見」,強調兩岸三地大團結。尤其是TVB 總動員,熱心暖流不斷,感人至深,劉德華、郭富城、張學友、黎明四大天王到齊,張國立 從大陸趕來。募款晚會昨晚7點30分在香港舉行,並透過台灣TVBS歡樂台在台灣播出 ,總計全球兩億人同時收看。

張學友和庾澄慶難得合唱,久違的胡慧中也亮相,高唱「橄欖樹」,她紅著眼說要為故鄉台 灣做點事。大牌幾乎全到齊,晚會傳遞的溫暖,讓陶喆有感而發:「看到這麼多香港藝人團 結在這裡,讓我感到很驕傲。」

當晚邵逸夫捐出1億元台幣為最大款項,讓台灣受款的「TVBS關懷文教基金會」終身志 工李濤感動得直說:「你們把台灣的苦難,當成自己的悲哀,我們會兢兢業業把所有捐款用 在刀口上。」

譚詠麟則帶來第一座金馬獎獎座和收藏的如意玉觀音義賣捐出。還有四川震災中的災民,帶 著當初接受台灣幫助時的感動,特地從大陸前往香港捐款,讓現場主持人都相當感動。

其他藝人還包括周慧敏、陳奕迅、吳彥祖、房祖名、任賢齊、蔡琴、吳君如、鄭伊健、草蜢 和「溫拿五虎」等上百人也都輪番上場呼籲募款。台灣部分大小S、黃國倫、飛輪海等人齊 心賑災。

"HK Artistes 88 Fund Raising Campaign" strict dress code; Eric Tsang pardons Justin Lo's hat

Southern Taiwan experienced serious damages and flooding from the recent typhoon. Tonight Hong Kong Artists gather for the disaster relief. Last night, more than a hundred artists recorded a theme song for the Disaster Relief for promotional purposes. In order to respect the event, the organizer Eric Tsang created a strict dress code for the artists. Justin Lo put the dress code in the "test", but the kind-hearted Eric generously let him go for that.

"Artistes 88 Fund Raising Campaign" (8.8水災關愛行動) is held tonight (Monday 8/17/09). The other night nearly 150 local HK artists prepared for this event, as they arrived together in TVB City to record for the campaign's theme song "Rippling Thousand Mile Heart" (滔滔千里心). Artists who attended includes: Alan Tam, Eric Tsang, Chilam Cheung, Yumiko Cheng, and a bunch of TVB/ATV artists. Even Joey Yung who just finished with the "Summer Pop Live in HK" concert last night came on time at 12pm to record the song.

However, none of the Gold Label artistes came! Gold Label's spokesperson explained that because TVB notified them too late, the singers had to perform "Summer" and was unable to prepare in time. But tonight, they sent out 8 artistes to perform including Justin Lo. As the organizers prohibits artistes to wear hats, the spokesperson said that they will need to get a better understanding from TVB.

To respect the disaster relief event, as one of the organizers Eric Tsang expressed on stage that he hoped that all of the Artistes could dress the same, which poses an image of unity. But only Justin who did not follow the same style, yesterday Eric responded to this in another view and pardoned Justin. He said: "This is his personal signature style. I will respect that, I wouldn't want him to wear a wig to the event."

Michael Tse black face

Last night before recording, Eric explained the dress code to the participating Artistes: "If you did not have a white shirt, you can request one from the department. If you have a low-cut shirt on, you must change it. I hope everyone takes off their sunglasses, don't wear hats or roll up your sleeves. Especially on Monday, blue jeans are preferred. We will give out white T-shirts, I hope you all do not break the rules." Because time was tight, many Artistes violated the dress code. Michael Tse who had a jacket on was told by Eric to take it off immediately, his face turned black as he flings off his jacket. Alan Tam arrived late and wore the wrong shirt, he wore a black outfit.

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