Release date: 2009/7/31
SM Entertainment
Dong Bang Shin Ki spent the first half of 2009 touring around Asia for their 3rd Asia Tour - Mirotic, which kicked off in Seoul in February and brought them to Thailand, China, Taiwan, and Japan. This 2-CD live album is recorded from the group's concerts at the Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium on February 20 to 22. Naturally, the guys performed many of the songs off their Mirotic album including HEY! (Don't bring me down), CRAZY LOVE, and Wrong Number, but they also made room for older dance hits like Rising Sun and Purple Line and remix versions of perennial favorites Hug and Balloons, adding up to a whopping 34 live tracks!
All five members also presented solo stages. Micky sang and played the piano himself for his self-composed creation Love Bye Love. Xiah Jun Su thrilled audiences by unveiling his self-penned namesake dance number Xiahtic featuring rap by SHINee's Key. U-Know Yun Ho not only wrote his solo Checkmate, he also choreographed the dance! Hero Jae Joong charmed all with his beautiful vocals again with the rock ballad "It's My World", and magnae Max Chang Min changed things up with his English solo Upon This Rock.
東方神起2009年的亞洲巡迴「The 3rd Asia Tour Concert "Mirotic"」,于2月20日在首爾起跑,之後前地北京、上海、臺北、曼谷和日本等地開唱。首爾公演由2月20日至22日在奧林匹克公司體操競技場舉行,全部3萬6千張門票在15分鐘內售罄。雙CD收入首爾公演的實況。演唱會以4集《Mirotic》為中心,他們熱唱了「HEY! (Don't bring me down)」、「Are you A Good girl?]、「CRAZY LOVE」、「Wrong Number」、「RAINBOW」、「PARADISE」、「MIROTIC」等歌曲之後外,也有演繹「Rising Sun」、「Purple Line」、「Hug」、「Balloons」等多首人氣舊作。
此外,五子的Solo部份也是歌迷的注目焦點,Mickey以鋼琴演繹自作曲「Love Bye Love」、俊秀創作的舞曲「xiahtic」找來了SHINee的Key客串、允浩的「Checkmate」由他包辦創作和編舞、在中的「It's My World」為rock ballad,而昌珉則大唱英文歌「Upon This Rock」。
1. Ride Into The Earth
2. Hey! (Don'T Bring Me Down)
3. Jukebox In AD2055
4. 악녀 (Are You A Good Girl?) 恶女(Are You A Good Girl?)
5. Rising Sun (순수) 6. 낙원 (Paradise)
6. 낙원 (Paradise)
7. 무지개 (Rainbow)
8. Opening Ment
9. Hug (포옹) (Remix)
10. 사랑 안녕 사랑 (Love Bye Love) - Micky
11. 그것만이 내세상 - Hero
12. Upon This Rock - Max
13. Shape Of Darkside
14. Wrong Number
15. Purple Line
16. Balloon Flies With Memories
18. 반달
19. Love In The Ice
20. Don'T Say Goodbye
21. 인사
22. Xiahtic - Xiah
23. 체크메이트 (Checkmate) - U-Know
24. Spellbound Of Tvxq
25. 주문-Mirotic
26. The Way U Are (Remix)
27. Somebody To Love
28. Crazy Love
29. 하하하쏭
30. Sky
31. Closing Ment
32. Song For You
東方神起 - The 3rd Asia Tour Concert Mirotic in SEOUL