Label Hollywood
Release Date Jul 21, 2009

1. Here We Go Again
2. Solo
3. U Got Nothin’ On Me
4. Falling Over Me
5. Quiet
6. Catch Me
7. Every Time You Lie
8. Got Dynamite (Updated w/ Full)
9. Stop The World
10. World Of Chances
11. Remember December
12. Everything You’re Not
13. Gift Of A Friend
14. So Far So Great (From Original TV series “Sonny With A Chance”)

This is an Enhanced CD, which contains both regular audio tracks and multimedia computer files.

Demi Lovato released her debut album "Don't Forget" less then a year ago but it looks like she did not want to stop recording. Just a few months after the re-release she drops first single "Here We Go Again" which has peaked to #51 on the Billboard Hot 100, and #7 on the iTunes chart. As for the album it's clear Lovato has grown already. Keeping her pop/rock sound and making an album that could appeal to a older audience. As with the last album most of it was co-written with the Jonas Brothers. This time around Lovato looked to musical inspirations like John Mayer, William Beckett, and Jon McLaughlin. It's a solid effort and it seems like she will continue to grow from here. So check it out and BUY YOUR COPY JULY 21ST!!


首支單曲"Here We Go Again"晉升全美熱門單曲榜第15名
專輯由強納斯兄弟暢銷專輯的製作人John Field擔任製作

在迪士尼頻道電影「搖滾夏令營」中,Demi Lovato/黛咪洛瓦特飾演一個想成為歌手的女孩,如今,以不到一年的時間,這個來自德州奧斯汀的女孩在真實世界實現了她的夢想,她的首張專輯『Don't Forget』空降全美流行專輯榜亞軍,她的YouTube官方頻道瀏覽次數超過1440萬人次,不過,這樣似乎無法滿足她的夢想極限,她在2009年的夏季所發行的第2張專輯【Here We Go Again】更上一層樓,以首週10萬7000多張的銷售數量直接空降冠軍后座。

2009年起,黛咪一連接演了迪士尼原創影集「Sonny With A Chance/加油!桑妮」與迪士尼電視電影「Princess Protection Program/公主保衛戰」,黛咪在2009年春季的南美洲巡迴演唱會總計吸引超過20萬名粉絲。「紐約時報」盛讚:「洛瓦特的藝術天份引人注目,她的音樂品味與態度自然流露,她是迪士尼最令人振奮的音樂明星。」

黛咪形容自己是一個很有自覺性,渴望尋找改進空間的人,不過,她也有典型16歲女孩的個性,像是說話跟傳簡訊的速度都超快,喜歡嘗試多樣工作,對音樂、時尚、男生、電影與高校生活都很著迷,她把一些著迷的事情也順道寫進了第2張專輯【Here We Go Again】。此張專輯中有著誘人節奏,同時在歌詞上非常私密的標題曲"Here We Go Again"(數位單曲榜#19),也有熱情的流行重搖滾勁歌"Got Dynamite",黛咪除了與Jonas Brothers/強納斯兄弟中的尼克合寫了散發節奏藍調氣氛的"Stop The World"之外,也嘗試與多位歌手與詞曲創作搭檔合作,像是她與葛萊美獎歌手John Mayer攜手譜寫了"World Of Chances",還有與曾經以電影「夢幻女郎」主題曲"Listen"獲得奧斯卡提名的歌曲創作組合Anne Preven、Scott Cutler聯手打造的夢想小品"Solo",以及與電影「曼哈頓奇緣」插曲"So Close"的主唱歌手Jon McLaughlin一起合作的"Falling Over Me"、"Everytime You Lie"。
    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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