Release Date: July 28, 2009
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Island
1. Somebody
2. Future Love
3. Speak Up
4. Goodbye
5. Sabotage
6. Dies In Your Eyes
7. Powerless
8. Cried Me A River
9. Doesn't Everybody Want To Fall In Love
10. Its Gotta Be Love
11. Disconnect
Newcomer Kristinia DeBarge is only 19 years old and has much to be thankful for. She is about to release her debut album and her first single "Goodbye" was able to become a Top 20 single on the Billboard Hot 100. She is now out to prove that she is just not a one hit wonder. She will be releasing album tracks "Sabotage" & "Future Love" as her second and third singles as a double A-side. As for the rest of the album DeBarge provides us with a album filled with Pop/R&B tracks. Many of the tracks provide the theme of love and heartbreak. It's a easy listen and there are some nice tracks on the album. It's good to hear that the girl does actually have a voice and for the most part she knows how to use it. Deff check it out and BUY YOUR COPY JULY 28TH!!
Goodbye (DJ Paulo Radio Edit) - Kristinia DeBarge

Kristinia DeBarge - Goodbye(徐懷鈺也翻唱過!)
贏得AMG(3.5/5)+滾石雜誌(3/5)+時人雜誌(3/4)+LA Times(3.5/4)給予高分推崇的首張專輯,直奔美國告示牌流行榜TOP 23
首波主打“Goodbye”取樣Steam樂團1969年經典“Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye”,攻陷美國和加拿大TOP 15之林
身為80年代青春洋溢、征服全球少男少女心的偶像家族檔DeBarge第三代接班人Kristinia DeBarge,承襲家族的堅強演唱實力,秀出拿手的節奏藍調曲式,能歌善舞更會創作,力拼E世代全方位新偶像地位!
來自加州的Kristinia DeBarge,擁有非洲、法國、義大利、愛爾蘭等血統,從小就在音樂環境下成長,自3歲稚齡即開口唱歌,12歲陪著明星老爸James DeBarge到錄音室,Kristinia趁這機會表態想朝歌唱之路發展,並於當晚錄下父女對唱的處女秀。13歲時參加American Idol歌唱比賽節目的青少年版American Juniors,雖然不幸落敗,卻也證明Kristinia不容小覷的優異歌喉。受到王牌製作人Babyface的青睞,自14歲開始便跟隨他身旁磨練長達五年之久,就在19歲生日的前夕,Babyface送上一紙唱片合約當作賀禮,不靠父母的關說引薦,憑藉自己的努力學習,終於一圓辛苦多年的明星夢!
贏得People時人雜誌讚譽:「這是一張迷人的專輯,充滿新鮮感與陽光氣息」,更與小天后Rihanna相提並論的首張大碟【Exposed】,直奔美國告示牌流行榜第23名。Kristinia善加利用厚實嗓音與充沛戰鬥力拱出開場曲“Somebody”,串聯Electro-Pop和R&B音場,直接提供一支歡樂派對的主打歌;流行味十足的中板曲目“Future Love”,翻唱五人男孩團體Varsity Fanclub出道之作,交付當紅炸子雞Ryan Tedder(里歐娜、碧昂絲)撰寫,讓電台湧入超高點播率;第一波主打“Goodbye”,取樣曇花一現的樂團Steam之1969年經典“Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye”,琅琅上口的熟悉詞句,加重更為起舞的律動,攻陷美國和加拿大Top15之林;接續展開掠奪排行攻勢的“Sabotage”,覆蓋飆速的電子線條猛烈撞擊,過癮的要你起身搖擺;Kristinia和恩師Babyface聯手寫下的“Cried Me A River”,迴盪柔美鋼琴輔佐,搭配躍動到底的線條,直至洋溢幸福氛圍的“Doesn't Everybody Want To Fall In Love”,皆令人愛不釋手,難怪各媒體AMG(3.5/5)+滾石雜誌(3/5)+時人雜誌(3/4)+LA Times(3.5/4)均給予高分推崇!