The boys have been keeping busy recording their fourth studio album due out early next year! They took some time to record the single for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen out in theaters June 24th! The song is titled "New Divide" which they worked with successful film composer Hans Zimmer. The song was just released to iTunes as well. Check it out, Enjoy!
期盼已久的傳說中的 Linkin Park 新單曲《New Divide》隆重登場,該單曲將作為《Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen》(變形金剛2:捲土重來)的主題曲。《Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen》將于6月24日全球上映,同時,該片的原聲大碟將于6月23日發行。