Concord Music Group

01. Breathless
02. Hello Like Before

03. Loving You
04. Just Friends

05. The Real Thing
06. Lazy Afternoon
07. Close To You
08. I Fell In
09. October Sky (Feat. Javier Colon)
10. Come On Strong
11. If There Were No Song

這位散發優雅氣質的黑美人,將自己由裡到外的優點全都毫不加以掩飾的表現出來,姣好的外表讓她獲選為美國第一位非裔黑人摘下美國小姐後冠;勻稱的身材比例讓她成為模特兒界炙手可熱的封面、走秀人物;動人的嗓音讓她贏取唱片公司的賞賜推出張張賣座的專輯;精湛的演技讓她獲得電影公司、舞台劇的青睞,找她獨挑大梁上映出一部部優質戲碼;也曾訪台留下親切隨和的好印像,Vanessa William這位天生的藝人,更是不可多得的全方位才女!

雖然曾因為裸照風波,而被摘下後冠,也經歷了一段低潮期,但在親密愛人的感化下,Vanessa她跨出了自己的黑暗面,1988年發行首張個人作品「The Right Stuff」,可快可慢的舞曲、節奏藍調之音階掌握,讓Vanessa在歌唱界拾獲另一片天。1991年的「The Comfort Zone」,更為性感成熟的完美表現,讓她嘗到冠軍的滋味,一曲傳遍大街小巷的 Save The Best For Last ,為Vanessa的歌唱旅途立下相當重要之裡程碑;接連再發行「Sweetest Days」、「Star Bright」、「Next」等作品、替迪士尼動畫【風中奇緣】所獻唱的 The Colour Of The Wind ,都刻劃在樂迷心中最美麗的聲音收藏!接著忙碌奔波於百老彙、電影等舞台劇、戲劇演出,充分表露Vanessa不凡的全方位實力!

這張專輯是來自於Vanessa 2009年的新專輯,曲風柔美,多種風格交融,將於6月2日發行。

Vanessa Williams busy with 'Betty,' new album

Vanessa Williams sambas back into music as she releases The Real Thing on June 2.

By Steve Jones, USA TODAY
Vanessa Williams takes a break from playing Wilhelmina Slater on ABC's Ugly Betty and gets back to making music. She releases The Real Thing, on Concord Records, June 2.
Her first album in four years has touches of jazz, samba, salsa, pop and R&B.

"I had been wanting to do a Latin-flavored album since I played a ballroom dancer in the (salsa) movie Dance With Me," Williams says.

She called on old friends, including Keith Thomas, who did such hits as Save the Best for Last and Colors of the Wind, and Rob Mathes, who worked on Williams' Christmas albums. She also sings Babyface songs Loving You and Just Friends.

She says Ugly Betty's schedule will keep her from touring extensively, though she plans to introduce new music at shows in Atlantic City in May.

"I won't be going city to city," she says. "I've got a regular gig on TV, and I'm happy to have a job."

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