制作發行:林偉哲音樂社/ 環球音樂
01.融雪之前 (rong xue zhi qian)
02.牧神搭上春色的火車 (mu shen da shang chun se de huo che)
03.日光 (ri guang)
04.在我們之間 (zai wo men zhi jian)
05.配樂 (曲:蘇打綠) (Music)
06.各站停靠 (ge zhan ting kao)
07.一千座噴泉 (yi qian zuo pen quan)
08.交響夢 (jiao xiang meng)
09.異次元的玫瑰 (yi ci yuan de mei gui)
10.配樂 (曲:蘇打綠) (Music)
11.嬉戲之後 (xi xi zhi hou)
12.早點回家 (zao dian hui jia)
Taiwan's pioneering pop rock band Sodagreen plans to put in motion an ambitious "Project Vivaldi" that involves four new albums and a Taipei Arena concert within two years beginning May 2009. Inspired by Vivaldi's famous violin concertos The Four Seasons, the band intends to release four albums based on four moods representing the four seasons experienced in four cities. Sodagreen has already planted the seed of such an idea in its 2007 album "Incomparable Beauty" in the track "Seasons Rhapsody". Now the dream is fast becoming reality, as the first album in this concept series (Sodagreen's fifth overall), titled "Daylight of Spring", greets listeners with the warm and fuzzy folk rock music with a distinctive Taitung, Taiwan flavor. For the next release, Sodagreen will go global with the Summer chapter to be recorded in London.
01. 融雪之前 (Before The Snow Melt)
02. 牧神搭上春色的火車 (Faun Take To Spring Train)
03. 日光 (Daylight)
04. 在我們之間 (Between Us)
05. 配樂(曲:蘇打綠) [Instrumental (Music : Sodagreen)]
06. 各站停靠 (Docking Station)
07. 一千座噴泉 (1000 Fountains)
08. 交響夢 (Symphonic Dreams)
09. 異次元的玫瑰 (Rose Of Inner Senses)
10. 配樂(曲:蘇打綠) [Instrumental (Music : Sodagreen)]
11. 嬉戲之後 (After The Play)
12. 早點回家 (Go Home Early)
讓歌迷們期待,第五張專輯《春.日光》乃蘇打綠「韋瓦第計畫」的第一波。韋瓦第為18世紀初古協奏曲之父,蘇打綠從《無與倫比的美麗》中「四季狂想」這首歌而萌芽了「韋瓦第計畫」,以春、夏、秋、冬四季為主題,2009年起預計在兩年內發行四張專輯,來呈現四個季節、四個城市、四種情緒和四張專輯,包括︰ 屬於臺東春天的溫暖民謠、臺東夏天的熱情搖滾、北京秋天的憂傷詩歌、冬天柏林的莊嚴古典,并將於5月中將展開一連串校園演唱和9月19日在小巨蛋辦演唱會,進行跨國性的突破音樂演出。