「關懷愛滋」紅絲帶天使大行動已正式舉行,今年更特別邀請HIP HOP男子組合廿四味(24 HERBS),為其作品「照做」重新混音及填上與安全性行為有關的歌詞,除了希望以最潮的方式喚起市民大眾對安全性行為及艾滋病的關注,亦支持「關懷愛滋」紅絲帶天使大行動,而「照做」更加成為是次活動的主題曲。
縱然現實殘酷 惟有向著上天禱告
步步為營 拋開懦弱 要學懂堅強
眼前既事物 無一樣會係地久天長
點解俾人睇死 點樣俾人睇起
堅持自己態度 踏著每一步
淨係知道呢一刻 我地要企出黎做
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度
係邊度跌底 就係邊一度爬番起身
唔甘心 唔可以再等黃金機會來臨果陣一定要將佢好好捉緊
失敗唔會使我氣餒 就算前路茫茫亳無頭緒
克服恐懼 勇敢去面對 成功要靠你地雙手自己爭取
就好似軍人 危險任務正在執行
遇到敵人 死梗一樣要奮不顧身
你知道你可以 我知道我可以
照做一定冇事 照做一定冇事
只要你勇於嘗試 只有勇於嘗試
有心一定唔怕遲 所以我地大家一齊照做
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度
Keep your way, keep your say
Keep your motor running don’t delay
Feel the burn, feel the heat
Running on empty just feel the beat
Pedal to the medal and here we go
N02 ready and feel the flow
Eyes are burning, mouth so dry
Fumes are empty, still making it fly
I want to be there at the finishing line
Making it so will blow my mind
Jiu Jo is the way to go
Jiu Jo is the only road
Ghost Style:
Glued to TV screens all day
Got dreams but no say on the shapes they take
Destiny foreseen for a kid so clean
Who’s high on green but still so mean
Streets is watching, fans be clocking
The watches on they wrist be tick-a-tocking
Like a bomb with an unlit fuse
I’m ready to blow-up and get on that cruise
80 days around the world
See I’m dreaming again
Even though I get up in the AM
But it’s the PM that pays me
One tour will get you some luxuries
It’s not the time u spend, it’s the paper and pen
The words to describe the struggle you’ve been in
I’m sinning
But only God will judge me
When I’m winning, I’m grinning ’cause of the girls who love me
You see, in reality, it’s hard trusting anyone
Say they have a plan then they quick to run
You know the ones claiming they wanna be
But when it’s said and done, it’s the benefit they reap
Keep ya mind on the goal you stealing time
Don’t stop it rolling rolling till you put in that time.
If you sit back, relax and enjoy the ride
Then, the only thing gained is a lazy mind
You gotta step up yo skills in what you know
You got to do it day by day, everyday JIU JO
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度
照做 我有我地自己既路
照做 我有我地自己態度