
曾經參與Granada樂隊(這支最初由Jonas Ohlson、Petter Lorentzon、Christoffer Gunrup等人領軍的斯德哥爾摩樂隊2003年解散)專輯錄音的口琴演奏家Anna Järvinen,而今拾起吉他轉戰清新民謠路線,搖身成為一名女性唱作人

2007年10月 Anna Järvinen 發行了她的首張專輯“Jag fick feeling”(我的感覺),在瑞典本土倍受關注獲得巨大成功,Anna Järvinen 不但憑藉專輯 Jag fick feeling 獲得了斯德哥爾摩市音樂獎,當年還得到了瑞典格萊美和P3金獎的提名

2009年的這張 Man Var Bland Molnen (這是在雲端)更是瑞典網友和媒體倍受關注的一張新專輯......

Anna Järvinen's debut album "Jag fick feeling" ("I Got Feeling") received a substantial amount of attention when it was released in October 2007. The follow-up "Man var bland molnen" ("One Was Among the Clouds") is produced and recorded by Gustav Ejstes (from the band Dungen), who also plays a variety of instruments on the album. Other musicians are Reine Fiske, Fredik Swahn, Johan Holmegard, Leo Svensson, Mattias Bergqvist and Anders Nygårds.

The collaboration with Dungen was initiated already on Anna’s first record where they participated on the main part of the album. Concerning the choice of Ejstes as producer, Anna says in Sonic Magazine (Sweden) that ”nobody has like Gustav, silently and immediately, understood my music. I wanted to try and leave the songs with him so he could put his mark on and in them.”

Seldom have we seen such a break-through for an artist on a small label in Sweden, as with the release of “Jag fick feeling”. Anna was nominated for the Swedish Grammy and P3 Guld prize, won the paper Stockholm City’s music prize, and was interviewed in virtually every Swedish paper. The record also got a lot of attention in Finland and Anna toured in both countries during fall 2007 and spring/summer 2008.

The first single from “Man var bland molnen” is the track “Äppelöga”, (“Apple-Eye”).

01. Låt Det Dö
02. Äppelöga

03. Sosial Kompetens
04. Boulevarden
05. Här Är Du Ett Hån
06. Är Det Det Här Det Hela Handlar Om
07. Ruth
08. Tänker Inte Säga Mer
09. Såhär
10. Nattmusik

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