Release Date: 2009/4/9
Genre: Pop
01 . 火星男子 金星女子 화성남자 금성여자 - SS501김형준 (feat. 미소)
Mars Men, Venus Women) - SS501 Kim HyungJoon (Feat. MiSo from Gavy Queens) - Kim Hyun Joon
02 . 秘密金鱼 비밀 금붕어 – 미루
03 . Tonight – Two B
Kim Hyung Joon of SS501 leads the project single album Men from Mars, Women from Venus! SS501's youngest member charmed fans last year with his cute solo number I Am from the mini album U R Man, but now he's all grown up for his new solo "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" (Track 1). Composed by Minuka who has written hits for artists like Eru, UN, Jang Nara, and Paran, the title song revolves around the issues and misunderstandings faced by men and women in relationships and features K-pop rookie Miso. Other than Kim Hyung Joon's solo, this maxi-single features two more songs from other promising artists: Miru's electronica number "Secret Goldfish" (Track 2) and newcomer Two B's retro Euro-pop dance track Tonight.
人氣偶像SS501的老么金亨俊,暫別隊友單飛。金亨俊在2008年SS501的特別專輯《U R Man》的獨唱曲「I AM」,以可愛的歌聲大獲好評。首張個人單曲在人氣音樂人Minuki的打造下,展現出與「I AM」不同的成熟男人魅力。「Men from Mars, Women from Venus」(Track 1)與實力派女新人Miso合唱,歌詞講述雖然是戀人,卻仍然不能理解對方。第二歌「秘密的金魚」及第三首歌的舞曲「Tonight」分別由Miru及Two B主唱,金亨俊擔任合音。
據韓國媒體報道,男子組合SS501的老幺金亨俊擔任SBS電台Power FM(107.7Mhz)《SS501的Music High》節目的單獨DJ,展示主持才能。
為迎接13日春季改版的SBS Power FM,每天早上2時開始放送的《Music High》節目的新DJ話筒由金亨俊接過。這也是繼最近與組合成員許英生,金奎宗一起以三人小組形式活動後金亨俊的第一次個别活動。