楊乃文英文歌《Fake Plastic Trees》收錄在楊乃文最新的全英文專輯《Self-Selected我自選》中。英文歌是楊乃文的音樂源頭,百川匯流,楊乃文特別從她最喜歡的音樂精選了10首,加上德國獨立樂手 Maximilian Hecker為乃文寫的”Miss Underwater”,自選了這張最能窺見她個性的專輯。
從時間的波光中,Radiohead、Coldplay、Blur、U2、The Verve; Leonard Cohen(或後來翻唱他的”Hallelujah”的Jeff Buckley)、Andy Warhol(The Velvet Underground) 、Lou Reed; 007電影【金剛鑽】主題曲(Diamonds Are Forever) 、2007奧斯卡最佳電影主題曲”Once”【曾經,愛是唯一】的”Falling Slowly” 、T Rex被日本經典動漫《20世紀少年》感召寫成的”20th Century Boy”:一一浮現了楊乃文以至我們一代人最愛的樂團、傳奇的人物、Cult Movies(被膜拜的電影),我們共同的文化符號,我們共通的情感,態度鮮明,不是一般的老歌翻唱。
Her green plastic wateringcan for her fake chineserubberplant
in the fake plastic earth.
that she bought from a rubber man in a town full of rubber Plans
to get rid of itself,- it wears her out.
She lives with a broken man,
a cracked polystyreneman who just
crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but gravity always
wins and it wears him out.
She Looks like the real thing.
She tastes like the real thing,
my fake plastic love.
But I Can't Help The Feeling.
I Could Blow Through The Ceiling.
If I Just Turn And run.
and it wears me out.
If i could be who you wanted all the time..