Tentatively named “Female Big Bang,” (and now confirmed as 21 - pronounced "twenty-one") the four-member female band has been preparing for its debut for the past four years. YG Entertainment, the management company for both male and female Big Bang, says the group will release its long-awaited single “Lollipop” on all online music sites on Friday and make the first TV appearance on a LG Cyon commercial due to air on Saturday. The final version of the “Lollipop” music video will be released some time between late March and early April. The group’s official debut is scheduled to take place in early May.
The four members of Female Big Bang are known to be exceptionally talented and appealing. Some have already made their appearances on TV, like Sandara Park, who rose to fame in the Philippines before coming to Korea, and Park Bom, who appeared on a commercial with super diva Lee Hyo-ri. Also included in the band are Kong Min-ji, a granddaughter of legendary Korean traditional dancer Kong Ok-jin, and C L, known to speak four languages and excel in rap, dance, and singing.
21的4名成員分別是孔敏智、CL、朴春、Sandara Park,她們的出道專輯將由Bigbang的隊長G-Dragon擔任監製。據悉21組合的4名成員在正式出道前就顯現出了不俗的實力,與Bigbang成員們一起拍攝了價值上億韓元的廣告,而她們在5月的正式出道也吸引了眾多歌迷們的關注。YG娛樂公司相關負責人表示:“21組合的4名成員都有著出眾的才華,而且她們為出道而做準備的時間也特別的長,相信等她們正式開始活動後,會給歌迷們帶來如同當年的Bigbang一樣的全新音樂體驗。”
Big Bang & 21 recently teamed up with LG CYON to release the new Lollipop mobile phones. The Lollipop CF introduces the girls of 21 to the public with the help of their friends Big Bang. Both groups sing and dance to the extremely addictive song named no other than Lollipop. Without hesitation our very own mash-up/remix artist, Aliks, got a hold of the track and worked his magic. As always allkpop is the first to deliver his newly made mash-up...check it out below.
Lollipop - 빅뱅 & 21 (Big Bang & 21)
Lollipop - Big Bang & 2NE1