Genre: Indie, Alternative

PJ Harvey has announced details of her forthcoming album with John Parish, A Woman A Man Walked By.

The album is pencilled in for a release on 30th of March and this is the first time Harvey and Parish have teamed up since the album Dance Hall At Louse Point way back in 1996.

1. Black Hearted Love
2. Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen

02.Sixteen,Fifteen,Fourteen - Pj Harvey & John Parish

3. Leaving California
4. The Chair
5. April
6. A Woman A Man Walked By / The Crow Knows Where All The Little Children Go
7. The Soldier
8. Pig Will Not
9. Passionless, Pointless
10. Cracks In The Canvas

2009 collaboration from Alt-Rock favorite PJ Harvey and producer/composer John Parish. The album was recorded in Bristol and Dorset, and mixed by Flood. A Woman A Man Walked By has been described by journalist John Harris as 'mischievous, deadly serious, elegant and poetic, and possessed of a brutal power: it is doubtful that you will hear a record as brimming with creative brio and musical invention this year'. A Woman A Man Walked By is the follow up to Harvey and Parish's previous collaboration Dance Hall At Louse Point. An accomplished producer and composer, John has recorded numerous soundtracks and has worked with artists including Eels and Giant Sand as well as Harvey. 10 tracks.

藝人/樂團:PJ Harvey & John Parish PJ哈維與約翰派瑞許
專輯名稱:A Woman A Man Walked By 女男二步曲
◎編號:270 069-9
◎條碼:6025 270 069-94
◎德國進口 ◎有側標

Q雜誌讀者評選史上最佳搖滾女歌手第一位-PJ Harvey,相隔13年再度與John Parish攜手交出新作v
英籍炙手可熱高手Flood(U2、Oasis、The Killers)擔綱混音,獲取AMG四星+滾石雜誌三星半推薦v

回歸『To Bring You My Love』時期的快感和悸動,是PJ音樂生涯中又一張里程碑經典傑作v

關於《PJ Harvey》:

百變的創意女伶,總能釋放出震懾人心的聲音表情及張力,Q雜誌讀者評選為史上最佳搖滾女歌手第一位,2001年水星音樂獎得主,滾石雜誌和The Village Voice大力推崇為「最佳新進女歌手」與「最佳詞曲創作藝人」。以首張專輯『Dry』敲開英美搖滾市場,1995年『To Bring You My Love』承襲Patti Smith龐克精神,勾勒出慾望情感等烙痕,獲葛萊美獎提名,各大音樂獎及媒體雜誌「最佳藝人」、「最佳專輯」等殊榮。2000年贏得滾石雜誌讚譽:「P J Harvey出道以來最棒的作品」之『Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea』,其中和電台司令主唱Thom Yorke合鳴的“This Mess We're In”大獲好評。

關於《John Parish》:

來自英國的製作音樂人,曾受邀Eels、Tracy Chapman、Goldfrapp等藝人專輯中助陣操盤,姊姊是傑出的電視演員,也參與過「The Holiday/戀愛沒有假期」等大螢幕演出。成為PJ Harvey專輯和巡迴演出的固定班底,1996年齊力拱出『Dance Hall At Louse Point』大碟,贏得Entertainment Weekly高度評價:「在各方面都具有深度的一張優質專輯」。

關於《A Woman A Man Walked By》:

相隔13年之久,P J Harvey和John Parish兩人再度攜手交出【A Woman A Man Walked By】大碟,同時加入英籍炙手可熱的高手Flood(U2、Oasis、The Killers)擔綱混音,獲取AMG四星+滾石雜誌三星半推薦。開場在鼓譟吉他交錯之“Black Hearted Love”拉起序幕,PJ暫時收起狂野演繹風格,改走稍微溫馴卻透著韌性嗓音入替,好咀嚼的討好每位樂迷雙耳;到了“Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen”,PJ馬上就轉換另一種情緒,神經質的囈語和高潮起伏聲調,過癮十足的成為整曲焦點;利用假音作前引的“Leaving California”,搭建迷離音網盤旋游移;詮釋“April”的狀態如同走入Björk的場景中,壓縮著令人喘不過氣的氛圍;“A Woman A Man Walked By / The Crow Knows Where All the Little Children Go”如鬼魅般的尖聲頻率飄盪於噪音激流中,不斷刺激你的聆聽感應;毀壞性強烈的“Pig Will Not”,散發Punky浪潮,回到“To Bring You My Love”時期的快感,真的,過癮到令人鼓掌叫好,絕對是PJ音樂生涯中再一張里程碑的經典傑作!

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