9 Mar 2009
Label : Mercury/Universal
6025 179 762-90
Release Notes:
Here is the UK Retail with a couple of bonus tracks!
1. Fearless 無懼的愛(告示牌單曲榜No.9) 04:03
2. Fifteen 十五歲(本屆葛萊美頒獎典禮與麥莉共同表演曲目) 04:55
3. Love Story 愛的故事(首支告示牌冠軍主打) 03:55
Love Story - Taylor Swift
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo
You were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while
Oh, oh, oh
'Cause you were Romeo,
I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh
We were both young when I first saw you
4. Hey Stephen 給史蒂芬 04:16
5. White Horse 白馬王子(告示牌單曲榜No.13) 03:55
White Horse - Taylor Swift
6. You Belong With Me 你是我的(告示牌單曲榜No.12) 03:52
7. Breathe featuring Colbie Caillat 呼吸(部落格女孩蔻比凱蕾跨刀合唱) 04:25
8. Tell Me Why 告訴我 為什麼 03:22
9. You're Not Sorry 道歉已於事無補(告示牌單曲榜No.11) 04:23
10. The Way I Loved You 愛你的方式 04:05
11. Forever & Always 直到永遠(取材自個人真實戀情) 03:46
12. The Best Day 完美的一天 13. Change 改變(告示牌單曲榜No.10) 04:06
13. Change 改變(告示牌單曲榜No.10) 04:40
14. Our Song 我們的歌(獨家首張專輯排行冠軍金曲) 03:21
Our Song - Taylor Swift -
15. Teardrops On My Guitar 淚灑吉他(獨家首張專輯排行亞軍金曲) 03:15
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
16. Should've Said No 早該拒絕(獨家首張專輯排行冠軍金曲) 04:06
Label Big Machine
Release Date Mar 31, 2009
CD Description
At just 19 years of age Taylor Swift has united millions of admirers and bridged the gaps between musical genres, becoming a multi-platinum teenage sensation in the process. The album Fearless has been hugely successful in the USA, and she’s now preparing to unveil it in the UK. “It’s really cool to come over to Europe and have a fresh start and introduce myself for the first time”, she says. “I’m really excited about it. And I hope that my music knows no boundaries, borderlines or genres”. The album provides an irresistible introduction to Taylor’s exquisite songwriting prowess, featuring title track "Fearless", "You Belong With Me" and "You’re Not Sorry", as well as "White Horse" (recently featured on hit US TV show Grey’s Anatomy) and her latest smash and debut UK single "Love Story". The UK version of Fearless also features earlier hits "Our Song", "Teardrops On My Guitar" and "Should’ve Said No", all taken from her first album Taylor Swift.
700萬張專輯銷量 1300萬次下載 1億7600萬人次瀏覽
重寫歷史 排行童話
19歲國民小公主 泰勒絲
她讓全世界知道三件事情 ~ 第一:她在13歲簽約成為最年輕的詞曲創作人
是誰說唱片市場不斷萎縮、音樂已經是夕陽產業,再也沒有人能夠在流行樂界創造奇蹟了?這些話,對泰勒絲Taylor Swift並不適用。就像是愛麗絲走入了夢遊仙境,泰勒絲,一腳踏入音樂世界,從此像是著了魔一般無法自拔。6歲的她、買了生平第一張LeAnn Rimes的專輯,10歲的她,吵著父母幫她報名兒童劇場,培養表演才藝,鎮上任何的卡拉OK歌唱大賽,音樂祭或是歌唱比賽,她都會報名參加。11歲時,她就開始錄製試唱帶,從賓州遠赴音樂重鎮Nashville的每一家唱片公司毛遂自薦;13歲的時候,她與Sony/ATV Music版權公司簽下創作合約,成為這家版權公司有史以來最年輕的簽約創作者。14歲,她讓一個滿懷理想的音樂行銷人員,為了她成立了一家唱片公司Big Machine,成為這家小公司唯一也是第一個歌手,從此展開屬於泰勒絲的音樂童話故事。
這個童話故事,可以說是泰勒絲自己“寫”出來的。從13歲成為簽約詞曲創作人第一天起,她就不斷的跟比她年紀大上兩三輪的人競爭詞曲創作,這些創作心血,讓當今樂壇/樂評視她為樂壇珍寶,常常忽略她公主般的完美外貌,一昧驚豔於她擅長說故事的詞曲創作,不斷盛讚她為「青少年世界唯一詩人」、「戴安華倫Diane Warren的最大威脅」。
泰勒絲在2006年發行了首張同名專輯「Taylor Swift」,連續推出5首暢銷單曲,每一首單曲都登上iTunes單曲榜上的冠軍,其中兩首順勢坐上Billboard單曲榜冠軍,並讓她獲得葛萊美獎最佳新進藝人的提名。2008年11月,泰勒絲以專輯【Fearless】在全美經濟大蕭條的時局中開出紅盤,專輯至今已累積Billboard流行專輯榜10週冠軍,成為進入21世紀以來,也是近10年來在該榜蟬聯週數最久的女歌手,這張完全由她親手譜曲填詞的專輯,如今在全美的累積銷售已經突破300萬張,同時還獲得「滾石雜誌」、「紐約時報」、「美聯社」圈選為年度最佳專輯之一。專輯在美國發行的首週,專輯中的"Change"[#10]、"Love Story"[#4]、"Fearless"[#9]、"You're Not Sorry"[#11]、"You Belong With Me"[#12]、"White Horse"[#13]等6首單曲在同一週同時佔據全美熱門單曲榜的空前紀錄。Taylor Swift選擇以更成熟的角度來看待隱藏在男女之間的情感關係,像"Love Story"就是一首以羅密歐與茱麗葉的愛情故事為基礎,然後再賦予現代愛情觀的佳作;至於被選為影集「實習醫生」第5季首集主題曲的"White Horse",以及"You're Not Sorry"、"Tell Me Why"等歌曲就是要點醒全天下戀人,昭告大家幸福快樂的日子不會從天而降,是要自己去爭取的;此外,泰勒絲也與部落格女孩Colbie Caillat合唱了美麗動人的"Breathe"。專輯同時收錄了首張同名專輯中的"Teardrops On My Guitar"、"Should've Said No"、"Our Song"等3首暢銷曲。
當你見到泰勒絲Taylor Swift本人時,你會發現她在舉止之間洋溢著一股使人信服的力量,讓人完全忽略了她的年紀 – 不久前,當世界進入90年代時,她也才不過3週大而已,但現在,她的耀眼成就顯然比年紀這件事重要得多了。