American Idol - Top 13 (Studio Recordings)
Just like last year, every week I will be updating on Season 8 of American Idol. This years talent doesn't match up to past seasons but we definitely have some great contestants. This year we start off with a Top 13 and Tuesday night the contestants had to sing songs by Micheal Jackson. There were some good and bad performances, and now we have the Studio Recordings. (Spolier) Eliminated this week was Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nunez. Tune in every week Tuesday 8/7c & Wednesday 9/8c, Enjoy!!
1. Adam Lambert - Black or White
2. Alexis Grace - Dirty Diana
3. Allison Irhata- Give In To Me
4. Anoop Desai - Beat It
5. Danny Gokey - Pretty Young Thing
6. Jasmine Murray - I'll Be There
7. Jorge Nunez - Never Gonna Say Goodbye
8. Kris Allen - Remember The Time
9. Lil Rounds - The Way You Make Me Feel
10. Matt Giraud - Human Nature
11. Megan Corkery - Rockin' Robin
12. Michael Sarver - You Are Not Alone
13. Scott Mcinytre- Keep The Faith