Catalog No.: UICL-1088
Label/Distributor: Universal Music
Release Date: 2009/03/14
Long-awaited second album release from Utada, also known as Hikaru Utada in Japan. Advanced Japanese release.
Utada 1st single「Come Back To Me」を含む、約4年振り待望のセカンド・アルバム「This Is The One」発売決定!
01. On and On
02. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI
03. Apple And Cinnamon
04. Taking My Money Back
05. This One (Crying Like a Child)
06. Automatic Part II
07. Dirty Desire
08. Poppin'
09. Come Back to Me
Come Back To Me - Utada
The rain falls on my windows
And the coldness runs through my soul
When the rain falls, oh when the rain falls
I don't want to be alone
I wish that I could photoshop on
Our bad memories
Because the flashbacks, oh the flashbacks
Won't leave me alone
If you come back to me
I'll be all that you need
Baby, come back to me
Let me make up for what happened in the past
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
On the bayside of Manhattan
She goes shopping for new clothes
And she buys this
And she buys that
Just leave her alone
I wish that he would listen to her
Side of the story
It isn't that bad
It isn't that bad
And she's wiser for it now
I admit I cheated
Don't know why I did it
But I do regret it
Nothing I can do or say can change the past
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
You're one in a million
One in a million
Everything I ever did
Heaven knows I'm sorry but
I was too young to see
You were always there for me
And my curiosity got the better half of me
Baby take it easy on me
Anything from A to Z
Tell me what you want to be
I open my heart to be
You are more priority
Can't you see you punished me
More than enough already
Baby take it easy on me
Baby take it easy on me
Baby come back to me
Baby come back to me
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
You're one in a million
One in a million
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million
One in a million
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Come back
Baby come back to me
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million
One in a million
10. Me Muero
11. Come Back To Me (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel)
12. Come Back To Me (Quentin Harris)
"This Is The One" Video Press Kit - Utada
>>時代雜誌:「世界上一顆最耀眼的流行巨星」 日本唱片史上專輯銷售紀錄保持人>>蕾哈娜、碧昂絲、尼歐、瑪麗亞凱莉、布蘭妮、瑪丹娜御用製作人Stargate、Tricky聯手打造全新英文專輯>>>全球唯一與日本同步發行
當你已經站在流行樂壇的頂峰,被無數的榮耀、掌聲環繞,誰會願意到一個全新的領域,以新人的姿態從頭做起?她不是別人,她是「宇多田」。這位叱吒歌壇的流行天后,坐擁超過兩千五百萬的專輯銷售,超過三千萬次的付費數位下載,總計高達五千兩百萬的驚人銷售紀錄至今無人能敵,宇多田大可以留在她的世界繼續呼風喚雨,但是宇多田拒絕再打安全牌,因為她說:「恐懼才是黑暗中指引的明燈。」 正如宇多田全新英文大碟【This Is The One】的專輯名稱所宣告的,這張概念完整、全然表現自我的作品才是宇多田進軍國際歌壇的唯一答案。
宇多田籌備多時的英文專輯【This Is The One】,交由蕾哈娜、碧昂絲、尼歐暢銷作幕後操手-- Stargate,以及布蘭妮、瑪丹娜、瑪麗亞凱莉天后們最愛的Tricky Stewart共同製作。首發主打“Come Back To Me”,動聽的多部合聲堆疊包裹濃烈美式節奏藍調音階,引爆電台超高點播熱潮;灑入復古Funky-Soul的“Me Muero”,為乖乖女變身之散發成熟性感佳作;取樣日本新音樂教父坂本龍一用於大島渚電影【俘虜】鋼琴配樂的片段,撞擊出“Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence – FYI”東西合併之獨特迷人魅力;“Taking My Money Back”不安份的電子顆粒隨樂散射,有Tricky Stewart負責掌控;耐聽滿點的“This One (Crying Like A Child)”,絕對能夠滿足喜愛都會情歌的樂迷群;1999年讓宇多田揚名立萬的“Automatic”,十年後改編推出二部曲“Automatic Part II”,相當具有紀念性。
【曲目】內附中原文歌詞 1. Come Back To Me 回到我身邊 2. Me Muero 悶過頭 3. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI 耶誕快樂!勞倫斯先生(附註) 4. Apple And Cinnamon 肉桂加蘋果 5. Taking My Money Back 收回一切 6. This One (Crying Like A Child) 最後一次(為你流淚) 7. Automatic Part II Automatic二部曲 8. Dirty Desire 瘋狂幻想 9. Poppin' 搖擺 10. On And On 舞夜狂歡