這小妮子2/22的JSG勁歌金曲有和哈林飆唱...這集還有實力派靜婷..這個節目我不清楚是不是真唱現場?Live Band感覺很厲害!不是孔鏘電子琴那種, 倒是3/1 小豬那集 舞是相當精采啦 VOCAL就不及哈林了.

鄧紫棋自小熱愛音樂,10歲起便不斷參加不同的歌唱比賽,更曾試過一年內嬴得五個比賽冠軍。今年只有十七歲的她,在2008年10月16日推出個人首張EP《G.E.M.》。這可說是今個月裡最喜歡的一張唱片!新碟中的一首歌《睡公主》由G.E.M.自己作曲、填詞,英文版叫《Sleeping Beauty》,是G.E.M.曾在一些學界歌唱比賽用作參賽的歌曲。這首歌是全碟自己最喜歡的一首歌,無論旋律、歌詞和演譯都能互相配合。這首歌抒發自己不能與愛人成為一對的孤寂,甚至想變成睡公主,一百年沉溺在夢裡,不怕寂寞。旋律起伏很大,正像主角的情緒波動,一開始只在回味「夢內傾心一吻」和「一刻的接觸」,但發展到歌曲中段,發現「沒法再相見 一醒了完全逆轉 就似夢裡面熾熱愛海變冰川」,就寧可變成睡公主,在夢中與愛人永遠在一起,不用被寂寞所折磨。歌詞後段抒發「蘇甦的我 一百年淒楚」和「一直空等」的悲哀,感情表達就更強烈,歌曲同時發展到最激昂的部分。歌曲整體十分完滿,每一部分都能相輔相承,令歌曲別具感染力。


Dream, the only way that I can see you
Dream, the only place for me to find you
At night, the stars are shining bright
I start closing my eyes, you then appear
Though you can't imagine how much I want you
and you won't pay attention on my love for you
but now, I'm searching deep inside
And I realise that I only get you in my mind
I am so lonely..My heart is empty
But I still try my best to remember you toughly
Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes
When I wake up from my dream then you'll say goodbye
I'm the Sleeping Beauty and slept for hundred years
I'm the Sleeping Beauty waiting you right here
I love you, can't you hear? I can't explain so clear
Losing you is all I fear
Words can never help to tell I miss you
Words can never let you know I'm so blue
Yes I can never tell you why
I'll just think of you and I.. I then smile
I am so lonely..My heart is empty
But I still try my best to remember you toughly
Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes
When I wake up from my dream then you'll say goodbye
There's only your love can wash my tears
And I wish I can always stay by thee
You're the one I'm longing for.. You lie within my core
Can I dream of you once more
I just wanna hold you close when you lose your soul
I gonna tell you now..gonna tell.. how my love just seems to grow with time
I'm the Sleeping Beauty and slept for hundred years
I'm the Sleeping Beauty waiting you right here
I love you, can't you hear? I can't explain so clear
Losing you is all I fear
There's only your love can wash my tears
And I wish I can always stay by thee
You're the one I'm longing for.. You lie within my core
Can I dream of you once more

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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