2009.03.16 – 2009.03.18 [v]首播
小鳥與蜜蜂The Bird And The Bee 〈給日本的情書Love Letter To Japan〉
2009.03.16 – 2009.03.22 iRadio
iRadio浪漫美聲 小鳥與蜜蜂The Bird And The Bee《雷射槍好好玩Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future》介紹
2009.03.23 – 2009.03.27 HitFM
小鳥與蜜蜂The Bird And The Bee《雷射槍好好玩Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future》介紹
By bandweblogs on Feb 26, 2009
the bird and the bee MySpace
the bird and the bee Official Website
the Bird & the Bee LOVE LETTER TO JAPAN
From the west to the east, I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close, to be here with you
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet
My beloved, oh my sweet, all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace, cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours for as long, for as long as you will have me
Dearest one, I had a dream, I mouthed the words
The sound came out, I spoke to you in Japanese
Oh my love, I cannot see, I heard your name
I know at once there was no place I'd rather be
All at once there was no place that I would rather be
From the west to the east, I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close, to be here with you
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet
My beloved, oh my sweet, all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace, cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours, for as long, for as long as you will have me
I packed my bag, I'm on my way
I am prepared for any season, I am prepared to stay
Here is my heart, my beating heart
Oh, how I'm longing for this love affair to start
How I'm longing for this love affair to finally start
From the west to the east, I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close, to be here with you
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet
My beloved, oh my sweet, all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace, cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours for as long, for as long as you will have me
From the west to the east, I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close, to be here with you
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet
My beloved, oh my sweet, all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace, cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours for as long, for as long as you will have me
West to the east, all this way to be close, all my heart
My beloved, oh my sweet, peace
I am yours, I am yours
After standout performances on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the bird and the bee will be performing the album’s lead single “Love Letter to Japan” February 26, 2009 on The Ellen Degeneres Show.
the bird and the bee on amazon.com
the bird and the bee on amazon.co.uk
The band’s current tour will conclude with an East Coast run that culminates March 7 in a performance at Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall in New York as part of the WFUV Live at Zankel series.
‘Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future’ has also been generating considerable online buzz. BrooklynVegan posted about the band calling their music “tuneful and charming,” and adding that “live the bird and the bee really come alive…Inara George is a funny, charismatic presence…a bit of a revelation.” PerezHilton raved that “this is not dumbed-down bubblegum. It’s sweet, atmospheric and sublime…complicated and beautiful pop landscapes that never distract or overpower the vocals and melody.” “Love Letter to Japan” is also currently an Editor’s Pick Featured Video on MSN Music.
the bird and the bee Feb/March 2009 tour dates:
(Dates and information subject to change.)
Feb 26 - The Ellen Degeneres Show
Feb 26 - Santa Ana, CA - Yost Theater
Mar 3 - Fairfield, CT - Stage One
Mar 4 - Vienna, VA - The Barns at Wolf Trap
Mar 5 - Philadelphia, PA - Tin Angel
Mar 7 - New York, NY - Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall
◎ 凱莉、小甜甜、莉莉艾倫…天后最愛!全美當今音樂鬼才Greg Kurstin與美麗新女聲Inara George共譜,揉和60年代迷幻與淡淡電子節拍「聽得見陽光」的浪漫歌聲
◎ 收錄趣味十足的首支單曲〈Love Letter To Japan〉、顛覆刻板嘻哈〈Polite Dance Song〉到簡單浪漫情歌〈Birthday〉...等14首絕妙復古Retro之作
◎ 台灣樂迷獨享!加收包括電影【慾望城市】選用翻唱曲〈How Deep Is Your Love〉與勇奪全美舞曲冠軍的〈F-cking Boyfriend〉混音版… 等四首單曲
2007年,當伊娜拉Inara George與全美當今音樂鬼才葛瑞格Greg Kurstin攜手以「小鳥與蜜蜂The Bird and The Bee」為團名,正式推出首張同名專輯《The Bird and The Bee》時,誰也沒料到,他們以揉和60年代迷幻流行音樂與淡淡的電子節拍,竟創下包括〈Again & Again〉、〈F*cking Boyfriend〉、〈La La La〉等多首話題單曲。娛樂週刊Entertainment Weekly盛讚該專輯:「巧妙融合Bossa Nova的慵懶與Beach Boys式的動人風情」。滾石雜誌Rolling Stone則形容:「讓人聞之起舞的流行音樂,猶如聽得見的陽光!」。他們的音樂不但接連被【實習醫生Grey's Anatomy】選用為影集配樂,〈F*cking Boyfriend〉的混音版本更勇奪告示牌Billboard「熱門舞池點播Hot Dance Club Play Chart」冠軍!
有著一雙圓杏大眼的伊娜拉(小鳥The Bird)與葛瑞格(蜜蜂The Bee)相遇於2005年,當時的葛瑞格是名爵士鋼琴樂手,並為其它音樂人跨刀演奏。當兩人決定共組「小鳥與蜜蜂」後,伊娜拉主要擔綱樂團作品填詞、旋律與主唱,而葛瑞格則是一手包辦樂器演奏與專輯製作,兩人共通的音樂理念,激盪出「小鳥與蜜蜂」的調皮風格!此外,這三年來,葛瑞格本人更獲邀跨刀、擔綱製作包括凱莉Kylie Minogue、莉莉艾倫Lily Allen、聖女合唱團All Saints、布蘭妮Britney Spears、妮莉費塔朵Nelly Furtado、蘇菲Sophie Ellis-Bextor、貝克Beck、烈火紅唇合唱團Flaming Lips、希雅Sia...等一線巨星在內的最新作品。
這張小鳥與蜜蜂的最新專輯《雷射槍好好玩Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future》,不但保有他們前張專輯迷人的輕盈曲式與源自巴西Tropicalia文化的迷幻氣息,更增添復古的跳舞元素!首支單曲〈Love Letter to Japan〉展現他們對日本的濡慕之情,並以跳舞機為主題、翻轉出玩味十足的音樂錄影帶;深受嘻哈音樂啟發的〈Polite Dance Song〉,女主唱卻顛覆硬派繞舌、改以以甜美方式哼唱;歌頌金屬名團范海倫Van Halen主唱David Lee Roth的歌曲〈Diamond Dave〉,除了有絃樂幫襯,還加上俏皮口白串場;輕快活潑並帶有早期爵士樂風韻的〈You're a Cad〉,則不禁讓人想起芝麻街布偶公仔The Muppets的瘋癲傻氣;然而,專輯內也不乏探討愛情不同風貌的作品,例如描述孩童時期友情的〈Baby〉、純粹簡單的浪漫情歌〈Birthday〉...等。至於與專輯同名的作品〈Ray Gun〉,女主唱伊娜拉則解釋:「這首作品談到未來。對於我們這樣從不以嚴肅心態看待事情的樂團,這大概是我們最正經的一次吧!」
此外,在這張獨佔全球的《Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future》【加料特別版Special Edition】中,則是爆料加收四首小鳥與蜜蜂先前的好評作品!包括重新翻玩比吉斯合唱團Bee Gees經典歌曲、並成為電影【慾望城市Sex And The City: The Movie】選用插曲的〈How Deep Is Your Love〉;先前僅以數位EP發表的兩首絕妙作品〈Come As You Were〉與〈Again & Again〉慵懶混音版,並在輯末話題加收他們勇奪全美舞曲冠軍的〈F-cking Boyfriend〉動感混音版。