校對員反感記者諂媚 “舔屁溝 我很激動”赫然進黨報 校對太牛了!

Arse-Licking Reporter (02/21/2009)
(Business Forum)
A newly hired reporter for the Shenzhen bureau of Southern Metropolis Daily wrote a report about a city leader making dumplings with a group of migrant laborers. The writing was very traditional and mainstream in the manner of a party newspaper. In the final paragraph, the reporter wrote: "Since they have never dined with such a senior-level leader before, all the migrant workers were all very excited to see such a great leader." The article was typeset. During the proof-reading stage, the proof-reader was disgusted by the phrase "Since they have never dined with such a senior-level leader before, every migrant worker was all very excited to see such a great leader" and so he circled it and made the annotation: "Such arse-licking!" in order to express his anger. Unfortunately, the type-setter did not realize what it meant and directly put down "Such arse licking really makes me excited." The article was then published (see MSN link). Here is the photo of the print edition.



“深圳是你們第二個家” 市有關領導與外來工一起包餃子

  本報訊 (記者呂婷)大家一起包餃子嘍!不一會,熱氣騰騰的餃子便新鮮出爐了!昨晚6時15分,深圳市委常委、市委教育工委書記李意珍,市委常委、常務副市長許勤,市人大常委會副主任李華楠,市政協副主席姜忠等市領導來到長城開發科技園區,與300多名來深建設者共同包餃子、吃餃子。市領導還現場給大家派發了新年禮物, 與在場的300多名外來工一起載歌載舞,共賀新春。

  熱騰騰的餃子將所有人的祝福連在了一起。聯歡會上,李意珍代表市委、市政府向廣大來深建設者拜年。他說,深圳是一座年輕的城市,許多外來青年員工在這裡表現得非常好,見證了這座城市的發展。這些外來工共有兩個家,深圳是他們的第二個家, 深圳也會像他們的父母、親人一樣關心他們。大家參加了深圳的建設,以後不論是否留在深圳,或是回到家鄉,深圳都不會忘記大家。



另外這個領導 就是當年強迫全市中小學生去看她女兒和陳冠希拍的一部爛戲時差7小時的那位

Netizen comment:

I cannot believe that the term "arse-licking" could possibly appear in a report about the city leader. I thought that my eyes must be tricking me because I have been visiting too many pornographic websites! I cleared my eyes and looked again. Those words were there in black and white!

How can this be? I was very worked up! How can this be? How can such vulgar language appear in a report on the city leader? Isn't this a public insult to our city leader! I was not only worked up. I was angered! This is an insult to a Shenzhen leader, as well as the people of Shenzhen! I cannot believe such vulgar words can be used!

It is one thing to say that this was a typographic mistake. That would be a technical error. But no Chinese character input system could lead to a combination such as "arse licking" by accident. Even if the reporter had mistyped, then the proof-reader and the editor are guilty of negligence. So there remains only one possibility -- someone did this deliberately to insult our Shenzhen leaders.

I went to the Southern Metropolis Daily website and this sentence has been deleted. But it can still be found in the Google cache. At the oeeee.com website, all comments related to this article are banned or deleted, so clearly they are aware of their mistake but they do not have the courage to talk about it!

Southern Metropolis Daily reporter (anonymous):

Yuan must have had too much to drink. When he saw the article had the phrase "She felt very excited to meet such a high-level leader," he circled it and commented: "Such arse-licking!"

The editor Sun brought it to the typesetter and instructed her to delete the sentence about the high-level leader. The typesetter saw the comment from the proof-reader and asked the editor whether that should be kept. She did not get a clear answer. So she put it in and gave the page back to the editor for the second round of proof-reader. Neither the editor nor the proof-reader detected it. So this was how this magnificent phrase was signed off and published.

"I am very excited" immediately became the most popular phrase at the newspaper. Yuan read it carefully before he received the penalty notice. He did not seem to mind and he just went and got water to make tea. He was unaware that I was looking at him from behind with admiration.

To be fair, there is only one truthful phrase in this entire article.

A certain Shenzhen netizen felt that this was an insult of the people of Shenzhen. I am not sure if this was sarcasm. I personally think that it is an insult to the city of Shenzhen and its people to have no real news-reporting newspaper in this city other than Southern Metropolis Daily.

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