韓幣重貶..平均一張流行CD約11000~13500韓圜 折合台幣約280~320, 台灣的流行CD搞得一張快4百元? 有點癡線?
猶記得扁朝時代 終天世界欠粥報,最愛標榜南韓早早挺進中國!甚麼磚幾國...現在還不是一片倒!我還感覺咱們台灣還算蠻穩的..只是電視台那幾張臭嘴..依然很臭
ARTIST : Shin Hye Sung申彗星
ALBUM : Keep Leaves
DATE : Feb-17-2009
Company : Yedang Entertainment Company
申彗星的第三張專輯將會大玩不同的音樂風格,表現他對音樂的野心。3集會分成Side 1和Side 2兩張專輯。不同于“Side 1 - Live and Let Live”以pop和rock為中心,“Side 2 - Keep Leaves”則會回歸申彗星的招牌情歌風格。主打歌“Why Did You Call”(Track 3)由Ha Jung Ho作曲,描寫一對戀人在分手后依然無法忘掉對方。其他收入曲包括“即使說謊”(Track 2)、“愛病”(Track 5)、“在這個場所”(Track 9)等。
01 . Keep leaves..part1
02 . 거짓말이라도
03 . 왜 전화했어...
04 . 내가 죽어가
05 . 사랑병
06 . Keep leaves..part2
07 . Love letter
08 . Beautiful girl
09 . 그자리에서
10 . Still
Shin Hye Sung - SIDE 2: KEEP LEAVES

2007年8月發行個人第二張專輯「The Beginning, New Days」後,再度拿下第22屆Golden Disk賞唱片部門本賞的申彗星,再接再厲地相繼於2008年8月及2009年2月,發行了其個人第三張專輯的首部曲及二部曲,並破天荒地以兩種不同的味道呈現,前者是過去所不曾見過,展現出申彗星多才多藝的另一面的“3rd Side 1: Live And Let Live”;後者則是我們所熟悉,唯有申彗星才能夠詮釋出的情歌專輯“3rd Side 2: Keep Leaves”。
不同於收錄了British Rock、Swing、Big Band等許多曲風的“Side 1: Live And Let Live”,“Side 2: Keep Leaves”中所收錄的是這10年來歌迷們最為熟悉、也每每最能融化人心,「申彗星」最為獨到的悲傷抒情曲。專輯中所收錄的10首作品,彷彿用歌詞和旋律將一部悲傷的電影呈現出來,並藉由申彗星那哀淒的歌聲,深刻打動人心。
主打歌曲「為何打電話」(曲序3),是由“Side 1: Live And Let Live”中「戀愛的好日子」一曲的作者Ha Jeong Ho,再度為申彗星所量身打造,描述著分手之後還彼此思念的戀人心情,是一首將歌詞、旋律以及申彗星的哀淒歌聲搭配地淋漓盡致的悲傷情歌,輔以在日本札幌所拍攝的音樂錄影帶,深受歌迷們的喜愛。此外,此輯中也再度網羅了多位當紅的詞曲作者,包括了:曾為「神話」第九輯中的收錄曲「再一次」和“Side 1: Live And Let Live”中唯一的R&B歌曲「後遺症」作曲的「Wanted」團員Kim Jae Suk;現在已經是申彗星音樂搭檔的歌手兼作曲者「VINK(Lim Hyung Bin)」;曾經在網路上發表造成轟動,並深受喜愛的歌曲「Purple Rain」的作曲者,同時也是引領韓國歌壇的明星作曲者之一的「Kim Do Hun」;新人作曲者「Willgoh」..等等,為此輯十足增色不少!
編號 曲名 試聽
1. Keep leaves..part1
2. 거짓말이라도 就算是謊言
3. 왜 전화했어... 為何打電話
4. 내가 죽어가 漸漸死去
5. 사랑병 愛情病
6. Keep leaves..part2
7. Love letter
8. Beautiful girl
9. 그자리에서 在那個地方
10. Still
How Do Korean Entertainers Overcome the Economic Crisis
December 4, 2008 by coolsmurf
The Korean entertainment industry is not immune to the global economy downturn with entertainers using various methods to overcome this crisis.
1. Lowering paychecks
With investors far more unwilling to invest now, many actors/actresses have taken the drastic step of lowering their paychecks. Top stars like Choi Ji Woo, Song Seung Hun, Kim Rae Won, Kwon Sang Woo, etc are prime examples.
2. No more managers, cars (transport)
More and more entertainers choose to strike out on their own so that they need not share their earnings with their management agency. Some don’t even hire managers anymore to cut costs. Some management agencies have also taken the step to stop providing their entertainers with cars.
3. Earning from Overseas (currency)
With the Japanese yen holding strong against the Korean won, entertainers stand to profit more if they were paid in the earlier currency. For example, Shin Hye Sung went to Japan for his solo concert last month. His management pointed out, “Before he went to Japan, the ratio (currency rate) was 1:8. But the ratio now is 1:14, so the already profitable profits are now doubled.
4. Increasing workload
Being the main lead in a drama/movie isn’t the way out. Even if the paycheck is low, being part of a supporting cast in many dramas/movies will earn that person quite a substantial amount of money. The chance to appear in a long running daily drama (airs Monday - Friday) is highly profitable and attractive to many entertainers if they get the opportunity to appear in one.
5. Appearing in various events
There’s no differentiation between your “main job” (acting) or “secondary job” (others). Many entertainers who were reticent to filming dramas, appearing on variety have now turned their eyes to appearing on variety shows.
6. Staying United
Interpersonal relationships are of great importance when in times like this. In Family Outing, Lee Chun Hee was able to stay on the show as a permanent cast thanks to his strong teacher-student relationship with Kim Su Ro.
7. Baring It
The idea of attracting attention with provocative scenes has reared its head. Kim Min Sun had several provocative scenes in her movie Portrait of a Beauty including appearing nude and portrayals of homosexuality. It seem to have some effect at the box office, garnering 1 million views after just nine days. But her management refuted the saying, “This production of this movie started last year so we didn’t predict that the economy would be that bad now. But Kim Min Sun’s nudity did have some effect on the box office, that’s a fact.”