While the excitement of the new single "RULE/Sparkle" release is yet to reach its peak, Ayu's official site overwhelmed us with her upcoming full-length album scheduled to hit stores 25th March!

Seemingly a hasty release this time around, Ayu's 10th album will be entitled "Next Level" and comes in 4 versions -Jacket A, B, C and the surprisingly USB memory form version-. The USB version is supposedly Japan's first album to take such form. More details as follows:

Natasha,Phile-Web,IT-Media,Impress Watch

Next Level
粉紅彩盒仕樣 Jacket A (2CD+DVD): AVCD-23856~7/B
天藍色彩盒仕樣 Jacket B (CD+DVD): AVCD-23858
綠色彩盒仕樣 Jacket C (CD only): AVCD-23859

Release Date: 2009/3/25

Price: ¥4,500 for Jacket A, ¥3,990 for Jacket B, ¥3,150 for Jacket C

Track listing:

[Disc 1]
• 13-track album

[Disc 2] (Jacket A only)

• Will
• End of the World
• Heartplace
• Over
• Hana
• too late
• everywhere nowhere
• Days
• For My Dear...

[DVD] (Jacket A and B only)
• Includes 6 PVs and their Making-Of counter part.

Special Limited USB version
Limited release of album "Next Level" also ships in the form of USB drive sporting familiar Ayumi's winged-"A" logo. Full album is stored on a non-eraseable partition leaving approx. 1.3GB of free user space.

Memorial tenth album release from Ayumi Hamasaki in USB memory stick! This USB stick contains her 13 new songs, six music videos, and lyrics data of the album on non-erasable area (details subject to change) and the USB Memory stick comes in a shape of Ayu's logo. Also includes a chain that enables you to wear the stick as a pendant. Rest of the capacity of the memory enables to use as a normal USB memory (1.3GB approx.).


日本女歌手濱崎步,為配合下個月25號出的大碟《NEXT LEVEL》,以其10周年標誌整USB記憶卡,內裡收錄步姐13首新歌、歌詞同六隻全新MV,成為日本第一個出USB大碟的歌手。步姐在今個月25號先出新細碟《Rule/Sparkle》,佢仲穿著鮮艷服裝拗腰拉腿來谷碟。

浜崎あゆみのニューアルバム『NEXT LEVEL』のUSBメモリー

Ayumi Hamasaki "Rules"! Revealed recently on her official site was the groovy covers of her new single dated to hit stores 02.25.09! The initial CD release will have an "Ayu Goku" image printed on it and expectedly the artist behind the sketch is none other than the Dragonball manga creator Akira Toriyama. Interestingly, Toriyama said, "Hamasaki-san has so many fans and I hope they don't get angry that the image doesn't resemble her!". Full article as below:

Popular manga-ka Toriyama Akira has been commissioned to draw an illustration of J-pop queen Hamasaki Ayumi (30, profile) for her latest single. The connection of course is that "Rule" is the theme song for the global release of "Dragonball," the Hollywood adaptation of Toriyama's mega-popular manga. The first pressing of the single will be printed with the image of Hamasaki as the character Goku on both the CD and an accompanying DVD. It is the first time for Toriyama to create an original illustration for a recording artist. He said, "Actually I'm really not good at caricatures, and for a while I regretted taking on this job.
Hamasaki-san has so many fans and I hope they don't get angry that the image doesn't resemble her!" Called "Dragonball Evolution" for its Japan release, the movie opens here on March 13. The double-A side single "Rule/Sparkle" goes on sale February 25. ~Japan Zone

流行天后滨崎步再创奇招!她在3月即将推出的专辑《NEXT LEVEL》,除发行CD、DVD之外,竟还用随身碟形式,发行日本主流歌手第一支USB专辑,售价6800日元。不论相对CD形式而言,USB专辑价格偏高,但想必仍会引起一股购买风潮。

步姊在下个月即将发行的专辑《NEXT LEVEL》,大家除了平常习惯的CD、DVD专辑可以买外,她还出了第三种“USB”专辑。外观充满水钻、拥有步姊风格的精美金属外壳2G随身碟,里头存有歌曲、歌词、专辑的电子封面插画、影像等,全都收录在内。



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