Label : Rounder Records
Genre : Rock
Rls date : 2007/9/11

1. Rich Woman 4:05
2. Killing The Blues 4:17
3. Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us 3:25
4. Polly Come Home 5:39
5. Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On) 3:33
6. Through The Morning, Through The Night 4:02
7. Please Read The Letter 5:55
8. Trampled Rose 5:33
9. Fortune Teller 4:31
10. Stick With Me Baby 2:51
11. Nothin' 5:34
12. Let Your Loss Be Your Lesson 4:01
13. Your Long Journey 3:54

Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - Raising Sand (2007)

收錄Everly Brothers、Gene Clark、Tom Waits、Townes Van Zandt、Mel Tillis等民謠、鄉村巨匠之經典歌曲新詮。

一個是創造搖滾歷史的傳奇人物;一個是當代鄉村天后、Bluegrass的標竿人物,兩個跨世代的超級音樂人,展開一場不可思議的合作!Robert Plant,Led Zeppelin的主唱,在搖滾史上被視為如神一般的人物,其高亢神妙、收放自如的嗓音,早已成為跨世代的經典,雖然已近耳順之年,聲音的狀態與唱功卻仍保持顛峰,有進而無退!Alison Krauss則是史上最暢銷的Bluegrass藝人,並且是20度的葛萊美獎得主,此紀錄應該是前無古人,後無來者,Krauss在13歲時即與Rounder唱片簽約,可說是這個美國鄉村民謠大廠的鎮山之寶。早在七年前,Robert就曾專程致電給Krauss,表達希望有合作的機會,但一直到幾年前,兩人在搖滾名人堂向藍調巨擘LeadBelly致敬的音樂會上,首度合唱,才讓這個合作計畫露出曙光。

兩位重量級的人物合作專輯,製作人自然也不能是泛泛之輩,特別請來甫以「為你鍾情」原聲帶拿下葛萊美獎的T Bone Burnett掌舵,此君也是當代的傳奇製作人,製作過的藝人從Roy Orbison到Elvis Costello、Counting Crows;K.D. Lang、Sixpence None the Richer等也都翻唱過他的作品,近年來投入電影音樂的創作,「霹靂高手」、「冷山」的插曲,分別為他獲得葛萊美與奧斯卡入圍的殊榮。「Raising Sand」這張專輯中,T Bone Burnett獨樹一幟、略帶迷幻的聲響為歌曲及Robert Plant與Alison Krauss合唱,做了最好的氛圍鋪陳。開場曲〈Rich Woman〉,兩人就展現極佳的默契與堪稱完美的和聲,喜好Gene Clark(The Byrds之靈魂人物)作品的Robert,在專輯中選了〈Polly Come Home〉、〈Through The Morning, Through The Night兩首Gene的作品,前者由他主唱,後者則由Krauss主唱,皆展現出鄉村情歌令人心醉的獨特韻味。〈Gone Gone Gone (Done, Moved On)〉是專輯中少數的快歌,兩人恣意暢快的唱和,帶出復古瑰寶的迷人音韻!Tom Waits原唱的〈Trampled Rose〉,在Krauss的詮釋下,更添蒼涼的氣勢。Krauss更在〈Please Read The Letter〉、〈Nothin'〉以小提琴加入樂團伴奏,為專輯增添豐富的聆賞性。兩人神乎其技的合作,可說為當代鄉村、民謠寫下了新的里程碑!

Release Notes:

The musical collaboration of the decade, Raising Sand is the sound of two iconic figures stepping out of their respective comfort zones and letting their instincts lead them across a brave new sonic landscape. Despite hailing from distinctly different backgrounds, Alison Krauss and Robert Plant share a maverick spirit and willingness to extend the boundaries of their respective genres. This spirit, expertly honed by producer T Bone Burnett, has resulted in an album pitched three steps beyond some cosmic collision of early urban blues, spacious West Texas country, and the untapped potential of the folk-rock revolution. Supported by the unparalleled musicianship of Marc Ribot, Dennis Crouch, Mike Seeger, Jay Bellerose, Norman Blake, Greg Leisz, Patrick Warren, and Riley Baugus, Plant and Krauss - as both solo and harmony vocalists - tackle an intriguing selection of songs from such tunesmiths as Tom Waits, Gene Clark, Sam Phillips, Townes Van Zandt, The Everly Brothers, and Mel Tillis. Raising Sand finds Robert Plant and Alison Krauss exploring popular music's elemental roots while still sounding effortlessly, breath-takingly contemporary.

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