FR:Filles Sourires
In addition to this post, I found two songs using a sample of Je t'aime moi non plus. We all know Guitar Song by Texas (video), but Brit actress Misty Oldland used it too for her very (塞吉.甘斯布)Gainsbourgian titled 1994 single A Fair Affair (video). Dutch singer Jes covered that single for her 1999 debut Seven Days. I can't find any info on Jes, apart from this. Guess that her album and single fell on deaf ears.
Jes - A fair affair
Misty Oldland - A fair affair
A Fair Affair - Misty Oldland
Tracklisting / Additional Info:
1. A Fair Affair (Je T' Aime) - 7"
2. A Fair Affair (Je T' Aime) - Misty's Magic Mix
3. A Fair Affair (Je T' Aime) - Misty's Biznizz Mix
4. Caroline - Live Acoustic Session
Year of Release: 1993 - 16 years old
Format: 5" CD SINGLE
A fair affair - Jes
Ik ook niet
FR:Filles Sourires
This year, Serge & Jane's eponymous duet Je t'aime...moi non plus celebrates it's 40th birthday. It's also forty years since L'Année Érotique - 1969 is also the year I was born. No coincidence, ofcourse. This momentum will be celebrated on this blog a couple of times - starting with a few Dutch parodies, and some outrageaous versions (thanks Franss) I recently received.
I thought Jo Leemans & Jo Cassiers version of Je t'aime, called 10001 ste nacht (the 10001st night, from 1970), was an original. Turns out this is a translation of a German version, featuring an old couple who go to bed, and have no sex whatsoever. One of the more obscure versions that Franss found, feature a couple talking about footbal (Goal!). There's also the oldest parody (1969) by Nol and Marie (Dutch lyrics by Pierre 'Smurf' Kartner), featuring a husband and wife. She keeps nagging about the trash and the alarm clock - this is Je t'aime, 25 years later.
More recent is the duet between Ome Henk and Dutch sex-bomb Kim Holland (nsfw). Just added: the surreal version by Dingetje, called Warme Brie & Natte sokken. Most parody versions are quite terrible and unfunny. For good measure I've added the great instrumental fanfare-version by Blauhuster Dakkapel. If you do not speak Dutch, this is the one to download.
By far the filthiest version I know, is by Spain's Fecal Coproboys. Yes, this sounds exactly as you expect, with such a name. Above is the video for the Czech version by Ilona Csakova, I didn't know there was a video for that.
Jo Leemans & Jo Cassiers - De 10001ste Nacht
Wolfgang Gruner & Edeltraud Elsner - Die 10001ste nacht
Specials - Ik heb 'm
Luidkeels - Goal
Ome Henk & Kim Holland - Sju tem
Dingetje - Je t'aime (Warme brie en natte sokken)
Blauhuster Dakkapel - Je t'aime
Nol en Marie - Je t'aime over 25 jaar
Fecal Coproboys - Je t'aime