

What Do The Chinese People Really Want? (01/31/2009)
First of all, you can forget about getting the answer to the question from the western media. This does not mean to say that the western media are biased as such. Rather, the western media are writing for a western audience and must therefore cater to their tastes, values, attitudes, beliefs and lifestyles. Thus, we have articles about Hip Hop in China which is virtually unknown over there. Meanwhile, the "real" China is silently and invisibly (as far as western media reports go) moving on ahead.

Here is a couple of photos (via NetEase) that will show you what the Chinese people really want. This is an impressive sight. Reportedly more than 600,000 Chinese people were out there (source: Changjiang Daily). More than 3,000 police officers were out there to maintain public order.

If this was a mass incident or a demonstration, the western media would be there instantaneously. As it stands, here is the only report that I can find in Google News:

(AP via SFGate) Burning stuff brings good luck:
A man carrying flaming incense sticks prays to the god of fortune, Cai Shen, at the Guiyuan Temple in Wuhan, China. On the fifth day of the lunar new year, devotees traditionally welcome Cai Shen back to earth with fire and pyrotechnics. (AP)

60萬香客雲集歸元寺創紀錄 警方多項措施保安全

(長江日報)(記者李銳 李亦中 通訊員黃進明 夏洪波)初四夜至初五下午5時,60萬市民陸續到漢陽歸元寺“拜財神”祈福敬香,創歷年人流之最。市公安局按照既定方案,組織2000余人投入安保工作,敬香活動現場及周邊地區未發生因人員擁擠造成的群死群傷和建築物坍塌等重大安全事故,未發生重大火災及交通事故。






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