Label: soundzfromnowhere/noble(jp)
Cat: CXCA-1235
Released: 20 October, 2008

The intricate fusion of the piano, strings, and electronics created a structural beauty reminiscent of chamber music in her first album “LushRush.” The album founded upon her musical sophistication foretold a new generation of music and was best illustrated by listeners as “post classical.” Almost two years since then, noble is happy to once again release an album by midori hirano in her 2nd album, “klo;yuri”.

After graduating from university with a major in classic piano, midori hirano started creating music with the help of her computer. Her participation in compilations by overseas labels and EP releases led to the release of her first album from noble record in September 2006. Her musical activities spread its wings throughout the world through remix and collaboration with fellow artists and creating music for European and Asian movies. This February, midori hirano became the only Japanese to be invited in the composer category of the “Berlinale Talent Campus”, a program for aspiring young film makers hosted by the Berlin International Film Festival.

Her latest album has removed many of the live instruments seen in her first album and is replaced by electronic sounds, improvisations and field recordings. midori’s murmuring vocal heard only in a few of the songs in her previous album are back again in almost half of the tracks with a slightly stronger voice in comparison to the last. The artist worked alone on almost everything from the composition to remix in her previous album. This time, Hiromits Shoji of soundworm has taken on the mix and mastering to bring tenfolds of depth and strength to the album with his unique musical structuring.

The tingling excitement of improvisation and the spiritual melody like sacred music…the fragile but thoughtful voice and suggestive lyrics like an ancient European…midori hirano’s new album is a woven fabric of originality that proves the artistic maturation of the artist and her sounds with its deep stoicism and uncompromised beauty is awaiting for you to enter its labyrinth of sound.

Midori Hirano,這位27歲的京都女音樂人,雖然在4年前才開始進行音樂創作,可是她遠在5歲時已經開始學習鋼琴,在大學裏也是主修古典鋼琴,所以其音樂底子是不容置疑的。大學畢業後,Hirano輾轉來到了東京,開始了其音樂創作旅程。以古典音樂理念爲根基,再加上前衛的電腦音樂元素的調節和融入,Hirano的音樂風格很快就受到青睞。

她於2004年在西歐獨立廠牌soundzfromnowhere旗下,發了她的首張EP【Poet at the Piano】,而後也爲她帶來了到歐洲演出的機會。接下來的兩年裏,除了著手籌備及創作她的首張full-length專輯之外,她也爲Shogun Tokumaru和三藩市音樂人RF的兩張remix合輯各貢獻了一曲,美國的our small label也在他們發行的合輯裏收錄了她的作品,而巴黎音樂人O.lamm(法國著名獨立廠牌Active Suspension旗下藝人)更邀請了Hirano在他的新專輯裏合作一曲。除此之外,Hirano其實也是8人組合〈鍵盤四季調〉(Harp On Mouth Sextet,一個以日本傳統樂器搭配laptop音樂爲風格的組合) 的其中一員。

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