Date :1971
Style :Rock、Prog-Rock、Art Rock

August 1986
Format: Original Recording Remastered
Label: A & M Reco (Universal)

1. Your Popps Don't Mind
2. Travelled
3. Rosie Had Everything Planned

Rosie Had Everything Planned - Supertramp
Acting upon information received
Rosie had everything planned
Stood in a garden with a shotgun in hand
What a woman

Whilst entertaining the headlines next day
Rosie would not be released
If it was found that her man was deceased
Silly woman

Oh but Rosie, a girl with a strange kind of humor
Stupidly took it a roomer
Making her think that she'd lost
Double-crossed by a man who still

Stood in the garden and shaking her head
Rosie could not understand
Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand
Sad, sad woman

Oh but Rosie, how could a few words have made her
Certain that he had betrayed her
Making her think that she'd lost
Double-crossed by a man who still very near to her

Row upon row of angel-hair
Rosie had everything planned
Sure that the people would not understand
Sad, sad woman

4. Remember
5. Forever
6. Potter
7. Coming Home To See You
8. Times Have Changed
9. Friend In Need
10. Aries


1969年由樂隊主唱兼鍵盤手Rick Davies的一個億萬富翁朋友出資建立。

由於不用考慮商業效益,前期他們基本都沉醉於過份的SOLO中,動輒8、9分鐘的作品比比皆是,完全不顧主流市場的作法及天馬行空的浪漫風格儘管擁有了部分鐵杆FANS,但更多的是受到主流音樂評論家的刻薄批評,在74年的《Crime of the Century》的發行後更是達到登峰造極的地步。儘管這張專輯在今天看來是多麼的唯美。

後來億萬富翁撤出了支持使得樂隊不得不為自己的生存問題考慮起來不得不趨向於主流,並在1979年發行了他們最成功的一張專輯《Breakfast in America 》,這張全球賣出1800萬的唱片不僅使Supertramp名聲大震,裡面的'take the Long Way Home', 'the Logical Song' 和 'Goodbye Stranger'都曾挺進過Single 10內,但也用光了他們所有的靈感,在這張專輯後他們也曾經嘗試不同風格比如R&B、Blues等,但都未達到79年的高度,在進行了幾場巡演後,樂隊於84年解散。

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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