(12/29/2008) (Zaobao)
Dragon TV pprogram host Yuan Yue wrote in his personal blog on December 24 that the arrival of the pandas Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan in Taiwan has once again reminded people that the panda is an important symbol of the Chinese people. Therefore, he proposed: "We should seriously consider the possibility that the panda be made the state symbol of contemporary China."
Yuan Yue's argument is based upon the fact the panda is gentle and lovely. Thus it will not invoke negative connotations. By contrast, the traditional Chinese symbol of the dragon is imperial and domineering, being the special symbol for the emperor. While the dragon can represent traditional China and its culture, it is not especially suited for more open and free contemporary China.
Yuan Yue wrote: The Hollywood animated film
Yuan Yue's blog post was featured on Sina.com and it drew many comments. Very few of those comments were supportive. Instead, there were plenty of condemnations. Whereas the current saying is that the Chinese people are the "descendants of the dragon," will they become the "descendants of the panda" in the future?
Many netizens believe that the dragon symbol represented several thousands years of cultural tradition, which the image of the panda cannot possibly convey. Using the panda as the national symbol has no historical basis. It will only destroy Chinese culture, making it vulgar and commercialized. Other netizens accused Yuan Yue of speaking irresponsibly and "drinking too much Sanlu milk."
Some commentators agreed that the panda has softened the image of mainland China for Taiwan, but some netizens liked the dragaon symbol precisely on account of its powerful strength and hegemonic dominance. By comparison, the simple and honest panda with two black eyes looks like a sissy. Worse yet, the panda is a vegetarian.
This is not the first time that the dragon has been controversial as a symbol of China. In 2007, a scholar recommended that the English translation of the term be changed from "dragon" to "long" or "loong." The reason was that the "dragon" is an aggressive demon in western culture and westerners may draw the wrong associations if China adopts the dragon as its symbol.
Peking University Department of Sociology and China Folklore Association secretary-general Gao Bingzhong said that the various discussions about the dragon symbol are expressions of the anxiety over the image of China as a nation.
This anxiety arose because of the sense of defeat in international politics in contemporary history. China had once been a much admired eastern civilization and then it became a figure of contempt. There are internal causes as well as external causes why that happened. He believes that the negative image comes from international forces which cannot be changed simply by switching a national symbol. It is not a matter of self-proclamation, because the outside world has to change its attitude. He does not believe that the "dragon" can be replaced by the "panda" and all these discussions won't change anything. However, they can lead to a re-thinking of the image of China and it also expresses the good intentions of the Chinese people.
He said: "When someone suggests that the national symbol should be replaced by the panda, it shows that we want our image to be more likeable and we want to change ourselves to adjust to the rest of the world. The nation should also be willing to make certain changes in order to fit into the international community."
Kung Fu Fighting - Rain Jung Ji Hoon
媒體人提議更改中國圖騰 “熊貓取代龍”引爭議