Posted by Līsā
Album:Nine Heavens
Label:Six Degrees
Genre:Electronica / Acoustic / Folk
Disc One:
1-1 Beni Beni
1-2 Tamana
1-3 Feraghi - Song of Exile
1-4 Ishq - Love and the Veil
1-5 Allah Mazare
1-6 Iman
1-7 Molk-E-Divan
1-8 Hejran
1-9 Sadrang
Disc Two:
2-1 Allah Mazare (Acoustic)
Allah Mazare [Acoustic] - Niyaz
2-2 Beni Beni (Acoustic)
2-3 Sadrang (Acoustic)
2-4 Tamana (Acoustic)
2-5 Feraghi - Song of Exile (Acoustic)
2-6 Hejran (Acoustic)
2-7 Ishq - Love and the Veil (Acoustic)
2-8 Molk-E-Divan (Acoustic)
About the Artist:
By any measure, Niyaz has come very far, very fast. The trio's 2005 debut featured a convincing blend of Sufi mysticism and trance electronica, and quickly established them as a standout ensemble in a very crowded world music field. A worldwide tour followed. Now, Niyaz returns with Nine Heavens, which doesn't just cross cultural and stylistic boundaries, but the centuries as well. Drawing on medieval Persian poetry and 300-year old Persian folk songs, Niyaz has created a 21st century global trance tradition.
This may seem like a tall order for a band that's barely three years old - until you realize who these musicians are. Vocalist Azam Ali co-founded the best-selling world music duo Vas in 1996; her unmistakable voice has graced numerous recordings and major film scores. Loga Ramin Torkian is a multi-instrumentalist whose group Axiom of Choice brought the ancient sounds of Persian classical music to Western listeners in the 1990s. And producer Carmen Rizzo, a multiple Grammy nominee, has worked with Coldplay, Seal, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and many others. Small wonder then that the trio hit the ground running with its self-titled debut. Now, with Nine Heavens, Niyaz breaks new ground in a two-disc format: the first is an adventurous, spiritual exploration of the ties that bind Persian, Indian, Turkish, and Western dance music. The second disc showcases 8 out of the 9 songs in a purely acoustic setting.
Nine Heavens begins with the irresistible "Beni Beni," which marries an 18th century Turkish Sufi poem to a traditional Turkish folk song and some beautifully integrated electronics and programming. "It's a modern kind of Sufi music," Azam explains. "Both Loga and I are influenced by Turkish music, and there are many connections between Turkey and Iran." The steady, trance rhythms support layers of Turkish and Persian lutes, all topped by a new instrument known as the kamman, a larger, lower-pitched version of the traditional Persian fiddle.
Niyaz是一個由Carmen Rizzo、Azam Ali與 Loga Ramin Torkian三位元音樂人組成的伊朗樂隊,他們的作品新舊混合,以前衛的音樂表現永恆的聲音。其歌詞也大都來自Sufi mystics與波斯詩人Rumi等經典詩詞,所以Niyaz的歌聲展現了一種古代的美感,極容易讓人產生一種迷幻的嚮往。
Azam Ali 出生在伊朗,四歲後到了印度,在那裡她接受了11年的印度音樂與文化的薰陶,1985年,她隨其母親移居洛山基,很快,便開始學習彈奏santour琴。她跟隨santour琴大師Manoocher Sadeghi學習了五年,之後開始歌唱生涯。同時她還是著名的兩人團Vas的vocal,並曾在Angels of Venice的專輯裡獻聲。
Azam一直對早期音樂有著濃厚興趣,尤其是Hildegard Von Bingen。“記得當我第一次聽到Hildegard Von Bingen的聖歌時,真的因敬畏而感到顫慄“,她回憶當時的情景,”那聲音如鐘鈴般穿行,撞擊著我的心弦,卻象我的靈魂一樣熟悉。這讓我感到儘管不同的文化孕育著不一樣的聲音,但人們對音樂本質的渴求,對上帝的歌頌,卻能喚起同樣的情緒。“她的歌聲受到印度與波斯的歌唱家Laxmi Shankar,Asha Bhosle, and Sima Bina, 黎巴嫩歌唱家Marie Keyrouz以及早期音樂的歌者Emily Van Evera的影響。同時,由於成長環境的潛移默化,她詞曲風格接近波斯民謠與印度禱歌。
到這裡,也許人們會真的意識到Azam的與眾不同,在眾多走民族融合路線的女歌手中,早期的Ofrah Haza與她比較接近。她的聲音宛如樂器,不帶塵世的味道,深具感召力,散佈到世界的每個角落,她將伊斯蘭教,基督教,猶太教,阿拉伯宗教音樂完美地融合在一起,帶入同一個天國中,那裡沒有紛爭,沒有誘惑,只有永恆的聲音高貴優雅的吟誦不知名的歌謠與啟示。 再不要說民族融合就只有Sheila Chandra, Natacha Atlas而已,沒什麼味道,這裡只是起點,還有更長的路要走。也許我可以說,在人們未到達目的地之前,路旁永遠會有誘人的風景,只看你是否為此就停住了腳步不前。